Flying... a kite with Wyatt after school last Friday. He was elated. Overjoyed. It was the most precious thing I've ever seen. Logan also got to fly it while we played at the park during the birthday party only Jack was invited to.
Planting... a succulent for my windowsill. I put it in a Fiesta ware cream pitcher my mom gifted me. Its on my 100 small things list and I'm so happy to cross it off! I love it!
Contemplating... putting the twins together for fourth grade because Jack's awesome teacher is moving up. There are definite pros and cons, and I am open to any opinions or insight.
Hearing... that Logan's MRI showed some disturbing news. Blogged about that here.
Waiting... for a plumber to show up after our garbage disposal died on Easter leaving us without a kitchen sink for four days. Thank God for paper plates and amazing neighbors!
Laughing... to myself as Carly pooped in the bath tub with Wyatt. I scooped it out before he saw and ran him a shower once I got her out. Luckily he didn't ask me why I made him shower after a bath.
Working... all last weekend to get our backyard looking how we want for spring. The boys were so helpful and we got rocks moved all along the house so no brush is up against it. Josh also removed three stumps and two trees and I weeded the grass so he can plant fresh.
My three lilac plants from my Aunt Barbara survived the winter, and I can't wait for them to have blooms!
Cringing... as Jack and Logan wrestled and broke Logan's glasses. Boys. (shaking my head...) Sigh. Luckily we have a spare pair for each boy under the bathroom sink, so Logan got his out. Fast forward to yesterday evening when he asked me to ask his teacher if he could sit in the front of the class. So we played around with his spare pair and his other pair he broke and he couldn't read a word with his spare pair. Then (lightbulb!) I realized that Logan and Jack had the same glasses, and Logan had been wearing Jack's spares all week.
Crying... as I read the last few chapters of Wonder to the twins. This has been such a wonderful, gut-wrenching, conversation-starting book... I can't recommend it enough.
Reading... Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst. I finished it yesterday afternoon, and oh boy, did it speak to my heart. So many good quotes & ideas:
"Even if something doesn't feel good, God can still work good from it."
"Bitterness, resentment and anger have no place in a heart as beautiful as yours."
And lastly,
"I've got to spend time getting quiet so I can be prepared to hear new things from the Lord. Isn't it a lovely thought that God might be waiting for there to be silence in your life in order to share some of His best secrets with you?"
I am also reading these books currently: The Gift of an Ordinary Day; The Lies We Believe; 1000 Gifts; Seizures & Epilepsy in Childhood: A Guide for Parents. Then I'll be reading Freakanomics, Brain Rules and The Forgetting Time. I also really want to read The Stars are Fire by Anita Shreve. She's my hands-down, all-time favorite author. The book came out two days ago, and I'm dying to buy it for my collection, but we're on a budget, so I'm waiting. My other favorites of hers are Sea Glass, Fortune's Rocks & Body Surfing.
Looking forward... to a gathering at a local church to hear a simucast of some Christian authors I adore tonight and all day tomorrow. Ann Voskamp, Shawna Niequist & Lysa TerKeurst. Squeal!
Thankful... that Josh knows my bucket needs to be filled and is willing to have all four kids for basically two days so I can attend this event. I am so excited to see what God has in store for me!
Praise This Week:
Sunshine everyday so we could walk to school
Logan's lack of medication side effects
Carly's sleep returning after a week of teething
My amazing neighbors
Our plumbing issues being resolved.
Prayer Requests:
Clarity in deciding whether we want the twins in class together next year or not.
"Carry on.
Things will work out.
If you keep trying and praying and working,
things will work out.
They always do."
-Gordon B. Hinckley