Ardent Solutions - Living Healthy With Chronic Conditions

Ardent Solutions invites community members to participate in an upcoming evidence-based program developed by Stanford Patient Education Research Center, Living Healthy With Chronic Conditions.
The Living Healthy workshop is a six-session, health education program that helps participants become more confident about managing their own chronic condition or that of a loved-one. The workshops are taught by two leaders and are for individuals living with one or more chronic condition; such as arthritis, heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes; family members, friends and caregivers can also participate. The program provides information and teaches practical skills on managing chronic health problems.  
There are two upcoming Living Healthy Life With Chronic Conditions workshop series.  The Wellsville class is scheduled for Tuesday mornings beginning May 2 – June 6, 2017; 9:30 a.m. - noon at The Counseling Center, 4220 NYS Route 417, Wellsville, NY.  The Angelica class is scheduled for Tuesday evenings beginning May 16 – June 20, 2017; 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at the Angelica Methodist Church, 25 Park Circle, Angelica, NY.  Both classes are open to the public. 
Participants should plan to attend all six sessions as each class continues to build upon the previous class.  Please note, there is a ten dollar registration fee to enroll in the program.  Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a $30 gift card for participating in this workshop.    
To learn more about Living Healthy With Chronic Conditions, or to register for an upcoming workshop, please visit us on the web at or call Ardent Solutions at 585-593-1738.  Pre-Registration for the Wellsville class is required by April 28th while pre-registration for the Angelica class is required by May 9th.  Space is limited. Register today. 

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