Allegany County Sheriff slams county legislator

April 5, 2017
To the Editor:
I have just finished reading “On my mind” by Legislator Karl Graves in the latest edition of the Cuba Patriot and Free Press. Once again in his attempt to discredit me and/or the Sheriff’s Office, Legislator Graves has “jumped the gun” and reported facts that are untrue. The grant he is speaking of is the Division of Criminal Justice Services Police Protective Grant which I clearly stated in my Memorandum of Explanation presented to the Public Safety Committee on October 24, 2016.
I had been approached by a local police chief who was interested in applying for this grant, but the grant specifically stated that it had to be applied for through the County Administrator on behalf of interested departments in the county. The maximum total grant was $25,000.00 and was to be split among the departments who joined in the application. A total of eight departments participated in the grant application. The Sheriff’s Office and the Alfred, Wellsville, Cuba, Friendship, Angelica, Andover and Independence police departments. In January our application was approved and we were awarded a total of $24,979.00 with the Sheriff’s Office receiving $7,207.00. The other awards were: Cuba PD $4,437.00; Wellsville PD $4,321.00; Alfred PD $4,006.00; Angelica PD $1,831.00; Andover PD $1,393.00; Friendship PD $1,111.00; and Independence PD $673.00. This grant also listed specific equipment that could be purchased; rifles, ballistic helmets, ballistic carriers and plates. The equipment that the Sheriff’s Office is purchasing will be available to any local police agency to use if needed in an emergency.
Today’s memorandum of explanation that I presented to the public safety committee was to accept and budget the money awarded in the grant, as is required by county rules, not to apply for the grant. Legislator Graves also reported that the Resolution I mentioned in the MOE (255-16) was incorrect and pertained to OFA and Total Senior Care, and he had reported “my mistake” to the County Administrator and Public Safety Chair. I have attached a copy of resolution number 255-16 to this letter and as you can clearly see it states “Authorizing the County Administrator to apply for funding from New York State under the Police Protective Equipment Program.
Legislator Graves also states in his letter “these cases are so obvious that anyone caring enough would find the truth”, well; the truth is, once again, you were wrong.
 Ricky L. Whitney
Allegany County Sheriff

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