Wellsville Police Blotter

Date: Wednesday March 1, 2017
Wellsville Police, acting on a Bench Warrant issued by the Wellsville Village Court, arrested Rodney L. Nelson III, age 36 of Wellsville, charging him with failure to appear in Court and/or pay fine on a previous Issuing a Bad Check charge.  Nelson was processed and arraigned before Associate Wellsville Village Judge Walsh.  Nelson made a payment on his fine and was released.  Nelson is due back in Wellsville Village Court at a later date.

Wellsville Police arrested Jason C. Middaugh, age 32 of Wellsville, charging him with Petit Larceny.  The charge stems from an incident that took place at Tops in Wellsville.  Middaugh was processed and arraigned before Associate Wellsville Village Judge Walsh.  Middaugh was committed to the Allegany County Jail on $1,000.00 cash bail.  Middaugh is due back in Wellsville Village Court on March 21st at 4:30 p.m.

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