Miami Herald: Venezuela has a bread shortage. The government has decided bakers are the problem.
BOGOTA, COLOMBIA: Facing a bread shortage that is spawning massive lines and souring the national mood, the Venezuelan government is responding this week by detaining bakers and seizing establishments.
In a press release, the National Superintendent for the Defense of Socioeconomic Rights said it had charged four people and temporarily seized two bakeries as the socialist administration accused bakers of being part of a broad “economic war” aimed at destabilizing the country.
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More News On Venezuela's Crack Down On Its Bakeries
Venezuelan bakers arrested for making brownies instead of bread -- BBC
Venezuela arrests brownie and croissant bakers in 'bread war' -- Reuters
Venezuelan Bakers in Government Cross-Hairs as Bread Lines Grow -- Bloomberg
'Bread war': Venezuela arrests brownie and croissant bakers in effort to tackle food shortages -- The Telegraph
Under Venezuela's Economic Crisis, Bakeries Banned from Baking Sweets -- Newsweek
No Flour so No Bread - What Does Venezuela Do? Arrest the Bakers -- Latin American Herald Tribune
Congratulations To Bolivarian Socialism - Brownies Are Now Illegal In Venezuela -- Tim Worstall, Tim Worstall