These are all the pictures in our computer that are numbered 988. I was searching for a recent #988 and typed it into the search engine and was instantly overwhelmed by all these sweet, sweet memories.
Josh and baby Wyatt on his tablet in our living room in Alaska
Wyatt, the ring bearer, and cousin Gisele, the flower girl, practicing for a wedding summer 2015
Viking Wyatt in our kitchen in Marshall, Alaska, plus a blanket cape of course!
The twins with me, summer 2013, at the water park in Moses Lake.
View from the air in Alaska
Fresh baby Carly
Our girl!
Josh & Wyatt in the hotel on one of our many trips to central Washington while house hunting last year. Love those two buddies.
Josh, holding a sleeping Wyatt, with two of his coworkers from Marshall Alaska, Isaac & Peter. I loved those guys, and I love that Wyatt passed out in a gym full of people & noise.
The twins enjoying the annual Thanksgiving luncheon at the school in Marshall Alaska, wearing their traditional kuspuks.
Josh's coworker and good friend Joe, as well as Wyatt, on one of the caravan planes from Marshall to Bethel, Alaska.
This little wayback playback of old memories was so much fun.