Open Access Magazine: Hebdomada Aenigmatum: magazine of crosswords, quizzes and other games in Latin language

[First posted in AWOL 10 November 2013, updated 1 March 2017]

Hebdomada Aenigmatum
Hebdomada Aenigmatum is the first monthly magazine of crosswords and puzzles in Latin. Launched in June 2014 by the Italian Cultural Association Leonardo, it is available free of charge in printable pdf format upon registration on our website.

The magazine features several crosswords and word puzzles in Latin, a section with global news, a comic strip of Incredibilis Snupius (Snoopy) and a section on miscellaneous subjects (movies, recipes, sport, etc.). The magazine also features a variation of Sudoku with Latin numbers. Not everybody knows that the Sudoku is a modern version of the “Latin square”. Hebdomada Aenigmatum has therefore recovered the Latin origins of one of the most popular games in the world.

The editor-in-chief is Luca Desiata alias "Lucas Cupidus", an executive at the Italian energy company Enel and a Professor at the Luiss Business School in Rome.

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