Insurgency and terror boots[1] ---- Kamis, February 23 at 12:00 CET, villagers Tikong,
Yellow Batang Padang, Todoli, and please, subdistrict Lede, Taliabu Island, North Maluku,
re-conduct demonstrations at the Port of Transports PT. Tough superpower located in the
coastal village of Help. The action was followed by the mass range from 50-person present,
was held as a form of protest over the presence of PT. Tough Adidaya the iron ore mining
activities by clearing forests and their productive land. ---- These actions were taken in
the port area, because the area camp enterprises can not be accessed by the people who are
protesting. Entrance gate camp company and the mining area guarded by security guards and
Brimob. To get into the area, residents have pocketed a certificate from the districts and
villages. Everyone who passed through the gates inspected and required to not carry
machetes, knives, sickles, spears and other sharp objects. Yet 32 families in the hamlet
Fango, Desa Please, have a chocolate garden around the mining area.
"If the garden does not take a machete want pity for what?," said one resident of Dusun Fango.
Finally, people who have gardens around the area of PT. Tough superpower is no longer to
the garden during the last five years. PT. Tough superpower does not have branch
offices-either at the mine site and in Bobong, Capital taliabu. There is only the head
office located in Jakarta, so residents who are protesting do not know where to go to
where, in addition to taking direct action to blockade the concession area.
Around 15:00 CEST, Brimob troops were in charge of securing the company repelling mass
action to the residential area of the village residents, please. When the mass running go
into the village, the capital's security forces increasingly vicious attack and hit
everyone who encountered using rifle butts and whatever is in their hands. Following an
attack on the village officials would like to have, go down 25 people suffered serious
injuries and mild, six of them women, and 15 people were arrested, one of them a woman,
and brought to Sanana speedboat Polairud. One of the victims, Sayyaf (40 th), suffered
serious injuries. After the beatings, the victim then passed out until the next day until
finally rushed to the Hospital Bobong.
Earlier, on Thursday, February 9, residents also had to take action at the mines PT. Tough
superpower that is very close to the village of Desa please. This incident also forced to
disband by Brimob troops armed to the teeth. Mass action disarmed by rubber bullets. Four
people were affected, three get gunshot wounds and stab again exposed a machete under her arm.
In December 2016, residents of the circumference of the mining concession consists of
several villages, including the village Please, Rod Yellow, Tikong, Todoli, Padang, Lede,
Nunca, Water Moon, and Ufung, consolidating from 23 to 26 December, then held a
declaration Recognition Right to Manage People and Rejection Region Citizens Against
Mining Activities on the following day, December 27. Prior to and at the time the action
was held, an assistant resident of WALHI North Maluku also experienced intimidation in the
form of beatings and deprivation of a cell phone. The attack was carried out by three
unidentified men believed to be agents of the company.
According to information gathered from the citizens, since the company began operations,
hundreds of Brimob and soldiers were sent to the village. Even today, a police unit of the
Police Taliabu also placed there. The presence of security forces in uniform, boots, and
carrying weapons has become a terror to the villagers, especially the handling of problems
between the citizens and companies that always brings these security forces. Residents of
villages far from media and telecom access is also becoming intimidated. In meetings, when
negotiations take place, the company continues to use armed force to suppress the citizens
of the state.
State lands, mines and sorrow of death
PT. Superpower Tangguh is a subsidiary or sub-contractor of the Salim Group. The company
started doing land clearing in the forest and arable land residents of several villages in
the subdistrict Lede, Taliabu Island, North Maluku since 2009, by pocketing the Decree of
the Government of North Maluku Province No. 01-04 / IUP-OP / DEPKS / 2009.
Since the beginning of the arrival of the company to the village, the majority of
villagers around the circumference of the concession has been refused and repeatedly
protested the result of the activity of companies that displace their garden. However, the
company, accompanied by the village and district government and security forces during a
meeting with the citizens of this quibble, that region evicted bulldozer company is 'state
land' and communities have the right to plant on it. Though based on the recognition of
the residents, the area is the traditional territory that has been controlled and managed
by local residents long ago, even before the Homeland there.
According to WALHI North Maluku, the mining activity. Tough superpower has been
overhauling the order of the tropical forest ecosystems and North Taliabu Lede without
public consultation, as appropriate. The company also closed the citizens' access to their
land and displacing productive gardens which is a primary sector and economic support of
citizens. PT. Superpower Tough rated been conducting land clearing before finalizing the
boundary region. The company's activities also affected the water catchment area of the
functions that result in Samada River overflow. Overflowing river water is then flooded
and residents mainstay commodity crop damage.[2]
Development of road infrastructure from ports to enterprise locations of ± 12 km 2 , is
done by clear-cutting a hill topped with plantation residents. The aim of this development
as a route truck carrying mining companies from the port to the location of the company.
Not quite up there. On March 25, 2016, Ivan (9 th) and Jhidan (3 years) died by falling
rubble water tank owned by PT. Tough Adidaya ruptured. The two boys brothers were playing
in the water pipeline is plugged into the tub. The company refused responsible for these
Taliabu mining activities on the island, North Maluku.
The screams were muted: Bulldozers ejecting, media noiseless
Deprivation of living space; appropriation of indigenous forest and arable land;
intimidation and violence repeatedly by guards apparatus of capital; the death of the two
boys; ecological damage, and much more melancholy story that must be faced by the Village
Help and other villages located in the region of the circumference of the PT. Tough
Companies quibble act on the correct legal basis. Local governments issue permits said
"That the State Land!". The mass media are usually nosy preach about electoral politics,
the debate broke down the elite, celebrity holiday, suddenly silent.
The growing citizen screams, but continued muted barrage by the roar of bulldozers, thump
gun, the dream of progress, and silence the media. They are still fighting, despite
continued repelled. They still speak, although always silenced. The news of the villagers
have negligible resistance from the news media. Local media also nationally too busy
chasing profit, by displaying figures of regional head candidate as headline them. The
resistance that they can not preach to the outside world, because the telecommunications
network that is not long enough to reach this coastal village.
If the mainstream media refuse to preach about the struggles of the villagers defend their
land and living space, then let the solidarity, extending this news. The news of the
villagers of Help and villages circumference Superpower Tough, hot ears to make the power
[1]Interview with Idham Panigfat, Staff WALHI North Maluku and Assistant Residents in Area
Mining PT. Tough superpower.
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