Hegemonics 101: "Tell Me About The Rabbits"

Implausible deniability is the opiate of the profoundly stoned masses...

No one knows why stocks go up more during the (U.S.) day, than during the overnight.

"The WSJ has no more insight into this recurring phenomenon than even Wall Street's most seasoned professionals"

Shocker. Industry-owned media whores who don't have a clue what's going on in the real world. Wall Street too preoccupied with their mark-to-millisecond P&L to see the deflationary freight train coming down the tracks.  

The U.S. buys the rest of the world's deflationary risk and then pretends that it's not 2008 all over again. While the rest of the world waits for the U.S. to wake up from Hegemonic-sponsored alternative reality, alt-news, alt-right, alt-denialism, alt-Kardashian, alt-my-heads-up-my-ass, alt-everything except the truth...

Here we see overnight risk quantified in terms of S&P opening downside gaps with USDJPY:

Suffice to say if the dollar reversal of fortune continues next week, and we have every reason to believe it will, since we've seen this movie before, where the end of year rate hike caused ChinaPlosion, OilPlosion, EMPlosion etc... causing the next rate hike to be "postponed" a year...


...Then everyone in the world will be on the same page as to why not every dip should get bought...

Since USDJPY gets weaker with each rate hike, contrary to popular delusion...

At which point, being a serial dunce won't be as profitable as it has been all this time...

"Tell me about the rabbits"

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