Hartsville Town Board Controversy Continues - WLEA

This is from WLEA radio in Hornell:
HARTSVILLE, NY – At a Wednesday night special Hartsville meeting, there was much discussion about the budget and the Hartsville Town Highway department. Specifically, the topics of MEO’s (motor equipment operators, they work at the town highway department), and the civil service office. Also, there was much debate about who has the right to hire and fire town highway department employees. Town Board member Jim Perry argued that the adopted 2017 budget could provide for one full time highway employee who would get benefits. Hartsville Supervisor John Bowles maintained that there should be more employees on the highway department. Bowles and Perry, as has been seen at all meetings since January of this year, are on the opposite sides of almost every argument.
Eventually, after much discussion and debate about the budget and the highway department, a resolution was introduced by Hartsville Town Board member Jim Perry, to cut back on the number of highway employees, down to just one employee. The resolution passed, but not until after heated arguments from town supervisor John Bowles, and some Hartsville residents who were present in the audience, many of whom were against Perry’s resolution about the highway department. You can watch video clips of the meeting from WLEA HERE.

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