February, Feb. 2017. last 100 posts, since Feb 15 till end of Feb. Environmental sci.

February, Feb. 2017.
last 100 posts,
since Feb 15 till end of Feb.
Environmental science, ecology, water.


Innocent Unami Ndaba followed this publication: 20...
Available online free, links, biology, Sergei Ostr...
Most recently added publications, to ResearchGate....
Bibliography on detritus, in English, in Russian, ...
New Citation of book: "Biological effects of surfa...
RG score of this Moscow University researcher toda...
Who is the most read author from Moscow State Univ...
Цитирование. Citation: STUDYING EFFECTS OF SOME SU...
Simple frmt. 652 reads of publications of this res...
652 reads of publications of this researcher, last...
repost. 2016, Ukraine, new citation of book, Biolo...
repost 2. Citation of results of Moscow University...
repost. Citation of publications of Dr. Sergei A. ...
106 публикаций. Публикации 2016-2017, котор. цитир...
Universities, institutions, research organizations...
Notification from Academia.edu. Interest, attenti...
most viewed, most read posts, now, last day, last ...
5 publications that were read most often by 25.02....
KEYWORDS in 12 languages, publications of award-wi...
China. New citation of publications of Dr. Sergei ...
by 25.02.2017, 19 publications that were read mos...
By 25.02.2017, Who read what in Italy, Russia, Bel...
1928 ученых цитировали д.б.н. Сергея Остроумова (М...
Кто цитировал публикации доктора биол. н. Сергея А...
Availability of useful book on conservation, in Sp...
2015 citation of 2 papers of S.A.Ostroumov in Spri...
Translation from Rus into Eng. Condensed list of p...
Condensed list of publications 2011-2016. Author, ...
by 23.02.2017, Top read research, environmental ...
349 научных журналов, которые цитировали С.А.Остро...
313Организаций, в которых работают авторы цитирующ...
8 Recently added links and publications, ResearchG...
Recommendations, Approval, Endorsement from Resear...
Today, which countries read publications of Sergei...
Today, the most popular posts, attracted much atte...
Repost. Updtd. 300+ institutions worldwide cited p...
1006 articles that cited the papers of S.A.Ostroum...
Web of Science, Scopus. Остроумов С.А. Источник: e...
Russian Science Citation Index. Ostroumov Sergei; ...
updtd. Citation. Цитирование: БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ МЕХАНИ...
Paper: Поиск подходов к решению проблемы глобальны...
Нов. цитирования 3 публикаций о воздействии ПАВ (а...
ResearchGate, 19 Top read articles, 20.02.2017, en...
Attracted attention now, 10 most read posts, recen...
Researchers who read the ecology publications, Feb...
ResearchGate, 2017. 9 publications, files, posts w...
10 posts that were most viewed, last 23 hours. Lan...
Condensed information, keywords (English, French, ...
top read research for week ending February 19 2017...
Chinese, English keywords. In the book titled: 'Bi...
keywords for the book. Ostroumov S.A. Biological E...
В 2016, публикации МГУ по биотестированию ПАВ и де...
New citations of research of a Moscow University ...
Netherlands. Citation of research results of Mosco...
Well-cited publications of Moscow University, envi...
Netherlands, et al. Citation of publications of Mo...
Citation in Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, Neth...
rating of scholars / researchers: Whose publicatio...
Stuart H. M. Butchart, 5 top publications (conserv...
In Hungarian. Röviden, 300 cím a vonatkozó publiká...
In Korean. 즉, 링크가있는 관련 서적의 300 권입니다. 이것은 목록의 시작이며,...
in short, 300 Titles of relevant publications with...
repost 2. Citation, Цитирование, 33-page list: Pos...
Соломонова Е.А., Остроумов С.А. Воздействие додеци...
300+ Titles of relevant publications with links. ...
Repost. Simple format (improved): 300+ Publicatio...
Novelty in publications of a Moscow University res...
Repost. WorldCat (WorldCatalog) reviews of a seri...
5 most read publications, Top read research for ...
France. 2017 Citation. French scientists cited pub...
Water quality publications with links, at the end,...
Water quality. Recommended publications (selected)...
Biology, ecology, improved format, Recently added ...
Recently added on ResearchGate; gorgeous videos o...
1000 contributions on research results, environmen...
Belgium: citation of Dr. Sergei Ostroumov publicat...
Chinese web-page, Beijing, recommended: Publicatio...
100 recent posts, environmental science. http://...
in Spanish, with video: Lea la investigación antes...
in Chinese, simplified, with video,: 热门阅读研究17.02。 ...
in Chinese (traditional): 熱門閱讀研究17.02. 2017,環境科學,水...
In German: Top Leseforschung vom 17.02. 2017, Umwe...
in Swedish: Top läsa forskning 17.02. 2017, miljöv...
in Dutch: Top gelezen onderzoek van 17.02. 2017, m...
in Polish. Najlepiej przeczytać badań przez 17.02....
Top read research by 17.02. 2017, environmental sc...
Interesting question on aquatic ecology and biogeo...
Activity of users online on ResearchGate, environm...
Остроумов С.А. Гидробионты в самоочищении вод и би...
Top read research, by16.02.2017, environmental sci...
Additional publications (List 2) on detritus inclu...
Additional useful publications and data on detritu...
Детрит. Публикации по темам, связанным с ключевыми...
Uwaga, odsetki: 66880 czyta publikacji z tej serii...
Attention, interest: 66,880 reads, publications, t...
Recently, attention to these papers: Researchers w...
Recommended tweets, environmental science results...


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