Calling all amazing moms and dads

Dear friends,
LGBTI people in Europe are under attack.
Opponents of equality are flooding European communities with lies and hatred. They claim there is only one "real" kind of family – and that LGBTI people and their allies are out to destroy it.
We've got a plan to counter these attacks and lies, but it will only work if we hear from people like you!
The first step: finding amazing parents of LGBTI people from all over Europe who are willing to share their stories and tell the world that love is what makes a real family.
Parents of LGBTI people: we need you! Click to sign up.
Who are we looking for? Simple: moms and dads who love and support their LGBTI children.
Gay, straight, bi, lesbian, trans, or intersex, young or old: everyone deserves a loving and caring family.
We know that love will shine through in these stories. We know that they will melt even the coldest heart and move us one step closer to making sure all families in Europe are given the same rights and recognition.
With love,
Matt, Yuri, Leandro, Pamela, and the rest of the All Out team.
P.S. We're also looking for volunteer videographers and translators around Europe to help us with this project. Want to help? Know someone? Click here and let us know.

Want to support All Out's ongoing work? Our tiny team stretches every dollar to make it count.


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