Translation from Rus into Eng. Condensed list of publications 2011-2016. Author, co-author: S. A. Ostroumov

Translation from Rus into Eng. Condensed list of publications 2011-2016. Author, co-author: S. A. Ostroumov.

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The information on this list is taken from database Istina, on the web-site of Moscow State University.
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Condensed list of publications 2011-2016. Author, co-author: Sergei A. Ostroumov

2016 The content of chemical elements, glutathione and metallothionein in Canadian elodea (Elodea canadensis) in relation to environmental monitoring
OSTROUMOV SA, Danilov VN Khushvakhtova SD, Ermakov VV, Tyutikov SF IV Tropin, Kotelevtsev SV
in the journal Environmental Chemistry, publishing Teza (SPb.), Volume 25, number 4, pp. 197-204.

2016 Testing the toxicity of chemicals without using animals
in the journal Environmental Chemistry, publishing Teza (SPb.), Volume 25, number 1, pp. 5-15
2016 Environmental significance of the size structure of phytoplankton and its impact on the productivity of reservoirs
Sadchikov AP Kotelevtsev SV, SA OSTROUMOV
in the journal Fisheries, publishing Federal State Institution "Central Office for the examination of fisheries and regulations on preservation, reproduction of water biological resources and acclimatization" (Moscow), number 1, pp. 14-17
2016 Ecological and biochemical aspects of the plankton community: the new role of plankton in the self-purification of water
Kotelevtsev SV, SA OSTROUMOV, Sadchikov AP
in the journal BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH, volume 29, number 3, pp. 55-61
2015 A new lecture course: biochemical and molecular ecology (in English)
Ostroumov S.A., Kotelevtsev S.V.
in the journal Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Volume 20, p. 85-87.
Ostroumov S.A.
in the magazine The Caucasus, volume 7, number 1, pp. 38-41.
2015 Assessing environmental hazards of chemicals: the efficient method with higher plants
Ostroumov S.A., Kotelevtsev S.V.
Article citation information received from external systems
2015 Biosorption of copper by biomass of extremophilic algae
Ostroumov S.A., Shestakova T.V., Tropin I.V.
in the journal Russian Journal of General Chemistry, publishing Maik Nauka / Interperiodica Publishing (Russian Federation), is 85, number 13, pp. 2961-2964.
Article citation information received from external systems
2015 Nature conservation and biodiversity protection in aquatic habitats: developing a new system of principles
Ostroumov S.A.
2015 Program of the lecture course. Environmental safety (the lectures in English)
Ostroumov S.A.
in the journal Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Volume 20, p. 88-92.
2015 Program of the lecture course. Modern approach to environmental monitoring (the lectures in English)
Ostroumov S.A.
in the journal Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Volume 20, p. 92-95 /
2015 Using stripping voltammetry to analyse the interactions of metals with the biomass of acidophilic algae
Shestakova T.V., Tropin I.V., Ostroumov S.A.
in the Journal of Achievements in the Life Sciences, Volume 9, number 1, pp. 61-64 DOI.
2015 Alternative (non-animal) methods of bioassay ecotoxicants
in the journal Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Volume 20, p. 165-173.
2015 copper biosorption algae biomass extremophilic
OSTROUMOV SA, Shestakova TV, Tropin IV
in the journal Environmental Chemistry, publishing Teza (SPb.), Volume 24, number 3, pp. 148-152.
Available full article
2015 biosorption of metals eukaryotic organisms - analysis by ICP-MS
Pukhov VV Lubkov TN, Shestakova TV, Tropin IV, Kotelevtsev SV, SA OSTROUMOV
in the journal BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH, Volume 21, number 3, pp. 10-15.
Available full article
2015 Detailed concept of Vernadsky role of living matter in the biosphere biogeochemistry
in the journal Biogeochemistry technogenesis and modern problems of geochemical ecology, Volume 1, p. 30-32 DOI.
Available full article
2015 study of the interaction of some chemical elements with algae: to test the ability to biosorption
Lubkov TN, Pukhov VV, Shestakova TV, Tropin IV, Kotelevtsev SV, SA OSTROUMOV
in the journal Samara onions: problems of regional and global environment, volume 24, number 4, pp. 25-31.
Available full article
2015 study of the interaction of toxic metals from the biomass of unicellular algae by ICP-MS
Lubkov TN, Pukhov VV, Shestakova TV, Tropin IV, Kotelevtsev SV, SA OSTROUMOV
in the journal Toxicological Gazette, publishing [BI] (M), number 6, p. 41-45.
Immobilization 2015 scandium and other elements in the system with the aqueous macrophyte
OSTROUMOV SA, Johnson ME, Tyson JF Shin B.
in the journal Environmental Chemistry, publishing Teza (SPb.), Volume 24, number 2, pp. 93-97.
2015 Internet Tools in research. Methodical development of a new series of lectures program
in the journal Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Volume 20, p. 173-174.
Available full article
By 2015 the development of biotechnology c water purification using acidophilic algae: analysis by ICP-MS
Pukhov VV Lubkov TN, Shestakova TV, Tropin IV, Kotelevtsev SV, SA OSTROUMOV
in the journal Ecology of industrial production, number 3, pp. 28-32 /
2015 Courses "Protection of Nature", "Biodiversity Conservation". Methodical development
in the journal Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Volume 20, p. 174-179 /
Available full article
2015 New facts about the biotic self-purification of water and the regulation of toxicants stress on water systems
in the journal Biogeochemistry technogenesis and modern problems of geochemical ecology, Volume 2, p. 8-10 DOI.
Available full article
2015 New experimental data on the interaction of chemical elements with samples of biosolids
in the journal Biogeochemistry technogenesis and modern problems of geochemical ecology, Volume 1, p. 124-126.
2015 The achievements in the life and environmental sciences.
in the journal Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Volume 20, p. 214-216.
About 2015 new fundamental work in the life and environmental sciences.
Kotelevtsev SV, SA OSTROUMOV
in the journal Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Volume 20, p. 211-214.
2015 Development of the biosphere sciences and geochemical environment: the fourth biogeochemical principle.
in the journal Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Volume 20, p. 161-165.
2015 thermophilic aquatic plants: interaction with metal as a factor affecting the geochemical environment.
Tropin IV, Shestakova TV, OSTROUMOV SA
in the journal BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH, Volume 20, number 2, pp. 27-30.

2015 Fitotest phytotoxicity and synthetic detergent.
OSTROUMOV SA, Lomochenkova KI
in the journal BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH, volume 22, number 4, pp. 51-58.
2015 The evolution of the concept of Vernadsky (biogenic migration of atoms) and new facts.
in the journal Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Volume 20, p. 155-161.
2015 Environmental and safety of Technosphere: new directions in the development of scientific bases. Educational and methodical development.
OSTROUMOV SA, Zimnyukov VA, MI Zborovskaya
in the journal Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Volume 20, p. 179-183.
2015 Ecological theory of water purification and detoxification. Scientific bases of innovative technologies to improve and restore water quality.
in the Journal of Applied Toxicology, Volume 6, № 1 (12), p. 24-43.
Article citation information received from external systems
2014 Toxicity of Gold Nanoparticles for Plants in Experimental Aquatic System
Ostroumov S.A., Poklonov V.A., Kotelevtsev S.V., Orlov S.N.
in the Journal of Moscow University biological sciences bulletin, publishing Allerton Press (New York, N.Y., United States), Volume 69, number 3, pp. 108-112 DOI.
2014 Water quality: new criteria.
Ostroumov S.A.
in the journal Science in Russia, № 5, p. 37-43.
2014 Water quality: the new criteria.
in the journal Science in Russia, number 5, pp. 37-43.
2014 New in environmental education, including the problem of improving the environmental education of the population
Krupina MV, SV Kotelevtsev, Korzh VD Tropin IV, Shestakova TV, Sheleykovsky VL, Bogatyrev LG, Goncharova MV, OSTROUMOV C .A.
in the journal Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, publishing Federal State Institution of Science Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Samara), Volume 16, number 5 (5), p. 1859-1861.
Available full article
2014 EST permissible loads of pollutants on macrophytes in an aqueous medium using the method of recurrent additions
Water management in the journal Russia: problems, technology, management, number 2, pp. 88-101.
2014 The development of ecological theory and the study of aquatic ecosystems.
Kotelevtsev SV Sadchikov AP OSTROUMOV SA
in the journal "Advances in the life sciences." , № 9, p. 107-110.
Article citation information received from external systems
2014 Toxicity of gold nanoparticles in the experimental plant water system.
OSTROUMOV SA, bowed VA Kotelevtsev SV, Orlov SN
in the journal Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 16: The Biology, publishing Univ. University (MA), number 3, pp. 19-23 DOI.
2013 A comment from the organizing committee of the conference.
Ostroumov S.A.
in the journal Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Volume 18, p. 1-6.
Available full article
Ostroumov S.A.
in the journal Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Volume 19, p. 29-30.
2013 Mutagenic and carcinogenic chemicals in environmental samples of some agricultural areas in Africa
Kotelevtsev S.V., Poklonov V.A., Sergeev V.A., Traore B., Glaser V.M., Ostroumov S.A.
in the journal Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Volume 18, p. 53-53.
2013 Results of interdisciplinary studies: ecology, environmental studies, hydrobiology: 17 elements of innovation.
Ostroumov S.A.
in the journal Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Volume 18, p. 81-83.

2013 Toxicity of nanoparticles of copper oxide and iron oxide: bioassay on the human cell cultures of the HeLa cells.
Ostroumov S.A., Podchernyaeva R.Ya, Suetina I.A., Lopatina O.A.
ECOLOGICA in Journal, Volume 20, № 72, p. 759-762.

2013 New in the modern development of some ideas of Vernadsky and environmental aspects of the use of natural resources.
in the journal Vestnik Samara State University of Economics, № 3, p. 65-74.

2013 Detection phytotoxicity gold nanoparticles when exposed to water macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum.
OSTROUMOV SA, bowed VA Kotelevtsev SV, Orlov SN
in the Journal of Water: chemistry and ecology, publishing Publishing. house "Water: chemistry and ecology" (Moscow), number 6, p. 63-66.

Available full article
2013 Modern development of some ideas of VI Vernadsky.
in the journal Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, publishing Federal State Institution of Science Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Samara), Volume 15, number 3, pp. 17-22.
2013 Sredouluchshayuschie phytotechnology: Micranthemum umbrosum and other aquatic macrophytes as a factor in reducing the content of heavy metals in the water.
OSTROUMOV SA, bowed VA Kotelevtsev SV, Shestakova TV, Demina LL Sheleykovsky VL
in the magazine Living Systems Technologies, publishing Radio Engineering (M), Volume 10, number 1, pp. 53-57.
Phytotoxicity 2013 detergents containing surfactants, with bioassay of plant seedlings.
Bowed VA Kotelevtsev SV, SA OSTROUMOV
in the journal "Advances in the life sciences." , Number 6, p. 71-78.

2013 FOURTH AND FIFTH biogeochemical principles.
in the journal Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Volume 19, p. 92-94.
2012 Effects of three types of metal oxide nanoparticles (TiO2, CuO, Al2O3) on the seedlings of the higher plant Lens culinaris.
Ostroumov S.A., Xing B.
ECOLOGICA in Journal, Volume 19, № 65, p. 10-14.
2012 Interaction of water pollutants macrophytes: a method of determining the permissible loads.
OSTROUMOV SA, Solomonova E.
in the Journal of Water: chemistry and ecology, publishing Publishing. house "Water: chemistry and ecology" (Moscow), number 10, pp. 53-60.
2012 Interaction of heavy metals (copper and cadmium) with biomass of bryophytes-cyanobacterial community: towards phytotechnology water purification.
Water management in the journal Russia: problems, technology, management, number 1, pp. 103-108.
2012 Effects of detergent on plants.
OSTROUMOV SA, Solomonova E.
in the journal "Advances in the life sciences." , Number 4, pp. 82-87.
2012 Detergent Liquid Crystal Concentrate (LCC): impact on macrophytes Elodea canadensis.
OSTROUMOV SA, Solomonova E.
in the journal Toxicological Gazette, publishing [BI] (M), number 5, pp. 58-59.
Available full article
2012 Study of issues of chemical-biotic interactions in the biosphere.
in the journal Samara onions: problems of regional and global environment, Volume 21, number 4, pp. 5-19.
2012 Study of phytoremediation potential Lilaeopsis brasiliensis and Utricularia gibba aquatic plants.
Bowed VA Kotelevtsev SA, Shestakova TV, Sheleykovsky VL OSTROUMOV SA
in the Journal of Water: chemistry and ecology, publishing Publishing. house "Water: chemistry and ecology" (Moscow), number 5, pp. 66-69.
By 2012 the development of scientific bases of phytoremediation and phyto-purification of water: a new method of determining the polluting substances permissible loads on the system with macrophytes.
OSTROUMOV SA, Solomonova E.
in the journal Problems of Biogeochemistry and Geochemical Ecology, publishing [BI] (), number 1 (18), p. 27-36.
2012 Method for determination of allowable load of pollutants on higher aquatic plants and prospects of its application.
OSTROUMOV SA, Solomonova E.
in the Journal of Industrial Production Ecology, Volume 2, p. 54-60.
2012 About the impact of detergents on Vigna radiata and Lens culinaris in a bioassay
Bowed VA Kotelevtsev SV, SA OSTROUMOV
in the journal Toxicological Gazette, publishing [BI] (M), number 5, pp. 49-53.
2012 About the ecology and biogeochemistry of detoxification of harmful substances in the biosphere
in the journal "Advances in the life sciences." , Number 4, pp. 14-28.
2012 Neutralization of toxic elements in the biosphere and the improvement of environmental monitoring.
in the journal Ecology of industrial production, number 1, pp. 26-32.
Available full article
2012 Sredouluchshayuschie phytotechnology: Micranthemum umbrosum and other aquatic macrophytes as a factor in reducing the content of heavy metals in the water.
OSTROUMOV SA, bowed VA Kotelevtsev SV, Shestakova TV, Demina LL Sheleykovsky VL
in the magazine Living Systems Technologies, publishing Radio Engineering (M).
2012 Phyto-cyanobacterial system: phytoremediation potential aquatic environment
in the Journal of Water: chemistry and ecology, publishing Publishing. house "Water: chemistry and ecology" (Moscow), number 1, pp. 61-64.
2012 Environmental monitoring of heavy metals Cd, Pb, Cr and others in macroalgae.
in the Journal of Ecology of industrial production, volume 5, p. 88-88.
2011 On the biogeochemistry and geochemical ecology of nanotechnology products: interactions of metal oxide nanoparticles with macrophytes and plant-derived materials // Problems of Biogeochemistry and Geochemical Ecology
Johnson M.E., Ostroumov S.A., Tyson J.F., Xing B.
in the journal Problems of Biogeochemistry and Geochemical Ecology, publishing [BI] (), volume 3, number 17, pp. 136-148
Information about citing articles obtained from external sistemDostupen full article
2011 Study of the interactions between Elodea canadensis and CuO nanoparticles
Johnson M.E., Ostroumov S.A., Tyson J.F., Xing B.
in the journal Russian Journal of General Chemistry, publishing Maik Nauka / Interperiodica Publishing (Russian Federation), Volume 81, number 13, pp. 2688-2693. DOI.
2011 Studying the fate of pollutants in the environment: binding and immobilization of nanoparticles and chemical elements.
Ostroumov S.A.
ECOLOGICA in Journal, Volume 18, № 62, p. 129-132.
2011 Toxicology of nanomaterials and environment.
Ostroumov S.A., Kotelevtsev S.V.
ECOLOGICA in Journal, Volume 18, № 61, p. 3-10.
2011 Biotic regulation of migration of chemical elements: identifying principles.
in the journal Environmental Chemistry, publishing Teza (SPb.), Volume 20, number 1, pp. 43-50.
2011 Interaction Ceratophyllum demersum Au nanoparticles.
in the journal Toxicological Gazette, publishing [BI] (M), number 3, pp. 17-21.
2011 Interactions of cadmium and other heavy metals from the water macrophytes Ludwigia repens, Micranthemum micranthemoides and Micranthemum umbrosum.
Sheleykovsky VL, VA bowed, Kotelevtsev SV, Shestakova TV, OSTROUMOV SA
in the journal Problems of Biogeochemistry and Geochemical Ecology, publishing [BI] (), volume 3, number 17, pp. 166-170.
2011 Study of interactions Elodea Canadensis and CuO nanoparticles.
M. Johnson, OSTROUMOV SA, Tyson JF Shin B.
in the journal Environmental Chemistry, publishing Teza (SPb.), Volume 20, number 4, pp. 189-194.
2011 Study of interactions of inorganic pollutants with plants under water microcosms.
Bowed VA Kotelevtsev SV, Demina LL, Shestakova TV, Sheleykovsky VL OSTROUMOV SA
in the journal "Advances in the life sciences." , Number 3, pp. 121-123.
2011 The concept and program of the training course on the problems of chemical pollution, ecotoxicology and environmental safety.
OSTROUMOV SA, Kotelevtsev SV, Kozlov Yu
in the journal Environmental Chemistry, publishing Teza (SPb.), Volume 20, number 2, pp. 126-128.
2011 About the interactions of inorganic and organic pollutants with plants.
Bowed VA Kotelevtsev SV OSTROUMOV SA, Shestakova TV, Solomonova E.
in the journal "Advances in the life sciences." , Number 3, pp. 124-127.
Available full article
2011 About the typology of the basic kinds of matter in the biosphere.
in the journal Environmental Chemistry, publishing Teza (SPb.), Volume 20, number 3, pp. 179-188.
2011 Reduction of heavy metal concentrations in the aqueous solutions in cooperation with macrophytes.
Bowed VA Kotelevtsev SA, Shestakova TV, OSTROUMOV SA
in the journal Environmental Chemistry, publishing Teza (SPb.), Volume 20, number 4, pp. 200-203.
2011 Improving the criteria for environmental hazards of chemicals.
in the Journal of Applied Toxicology, Vol 2, number 2, pp. 18-27.
2011 Fundamental questions of environmental decontamination of toxic elements in the biosphere and improve environmental monitoring. Part 2.
in the journal Ecology and Industry of Russia, publishing Kalvis (M), number 12, pp. 45-49.
2011 Fundamental questions of environmental decontamination of toxic elements in the biosphere and improve environmental monitoringa.Chast1.
in the journal Ecology and Industry of Russia, publishing Kalvis (M), number 11, pp. 24-27.

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