I dont have to hide behind anonymous ,you are monitoring this site anyway so you know what we do, who we are.Will you put your money to someone you know nothing about at exchange centre and give him position in noble club which you created?What if I would be cabal?
My name is Peter Kasaj and I dare to say Im truth seeker.
My intention was to challenge you for this response and you did,howewer you didnt answered if cabal have hands in this global change.You instead answered translating ''how dare you say or ask such things'
I received atleast answer about Jesus lineage which is fascinating and new to me.I think I will explore this stuff more deeply.
I apologize for my unconventional methods how to pull informations from someone otherwise you would never respond.
We in dinarland are played like testing mouses atleast I catch you now?
Thats the problem when we see deeper into rabbit hole,where truth resides,its like addiction to me.
I think is better look for truth and ask unconvenient questions than sitting in the couch and watching lies.
Wau, Jesus lineage is preserved thats great and I have respect for that.
I have another question.Is Urantia book truthfull?
I know to writte such things on public forum does more hurt than good but you decide if its appropriate.
