The Rest Of The World Can't Afford TrumpFuckistan

First, trouble in paradise. After the close, the second biggest crude oil inventory build in U.S. history. Analyst estimates were only off by 500%...

To summarize Forrest-Trump-o-Nomics, so far:
Subsidize increased oil and gas production (see above)
Deregulate Wall Street, to pave the way for another financial crisis
Raise taxes on consumers and wipe out what's left of retail
Lower the value of the dollar, increasing import costs
Start a global trade war on Twitter
Lower America's global reputation to the level of a banana republic
Make the entire rest of the world pay for it all

Unfortunately for that FULL RETARD fantasy, the Rest of the World stock index peaked in 2007. The cost of this U.S.-only party goes up every day...

The hot money S&P 

S&P 500 in Japanese Yen

Risk is coming off

Russell / Dow:

Selling in progress


Oil "analysts" were only off by 500%. I've decided I'm going to be an oil analyst in my next life...

We are within 2 million barrels of the record in U.S. gasoline stocks that we saw last February,

The Gasoline / Oil price ratio (red):

What could account for such a difference in pricing?

Crude futures net spec longs:

"It was a bad time to be a total fucking moron"

Today's ETF close


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