"Behold The Mighty Pawn!" - One Who Knows - 2.14.17

Entry Submitted by One Who Knows at 12:36 PM EST on February 14, 2017

Behold The Mighty Pawn!

I Love It When a puzzle comes together, when things begin to make sense! This is one of those times thanks to Jeremp! His Post explains a lot about our place in this crazy ride. Make no mistake, we are important, VERY IMPORTANT in the big plan. His post is a MUST READ for Dinarland, so if you haven't read it yet, or you just want to refresh your mind on it, here is the Link:

"Promotion - The Nuclear Option" by Jeremp - 2.13.17

I had also proposed that we were being used by the Good Guys to entrap and corner the CABAL, and to help evolve the exchange plan as well. Here is the Post I wrote on the subject:

"The Internet Group" - One Who Knows - 2.6.17

Audio Version:
By One Who Knows "The Internet Group" - Feb 6, 2017

The Pieces Are Now Coming Together

So according to Jeremp, we have been used as threat to the Cabal, that at any moment we could become uber-wealthy making us uncontrollable and unstoppable. He said that each time, the Cabal gave in to the threat and lost ground, again and again. This clearly explains all the times we were told it was a go, just to find out it did not go. But, progress was made that we didn't even know about. This was progress that had to happen if we ever wanted to exchange.

So after reading Jeremp's post "Promotion - The Nuclear Option," I recalled a recent post from Yosef that added validity to Jeremp's post. However, before I reveal what Yosef said, I want to remind you about last Thanksgiving when we were told that the RV was live and we could call HSBC and any other bank in the morning to set up our exchange appointments. Remember how upset everyone was that it did not happen? Here are some posts about people calling HSBC for appointments back then:

Guest Posts Regarding Calling HSBC 11-29-16

Now, let me reveal Yosef's recent statement. This is a quote from his post:

"White Knights" - Intel SITREP - 02:00 EST - Monday - February 13, 2017

Quote From Yosef:

"We've been told BiBi Netanyahu gave into surrender pressure last year around Thanksgiving when he thought the RV was imminent. Poroshenko in Kiev too."

The Pieces Fit!

So first we have Jeremp proposing that we were used as the "Nuclear Option" as he calls it, to threaten the Cabal. Then Yosef and Tank, tell us to Call HSBC, around Thanksgiving time, last year, to set Exchange Appointments, and then it turns out that BiBi Netanyahu gave into surrender pressure, around the same time, when he thought the RV was imminent and Poroshenko in Kiev too.

Congratulations Internet Group!

Clearly, the Cabal wasn't buying that threat of our imminent RV. So they had us call in and PROVE that we were ready to get down to business. So, we helped to take down 2 VERY BIG CABAL FISH, making them give in and surrender. Well Done!

We ARE The Power Play & Major Threat

We probably will never know all the important ways we helped bring about World Peace, but, it is nice to see a few. We are the Check Mate move in this Game and the New Powers That Be have used our mighty numbers, and huge pending wealth as a threat to back the Cabal into a corner. Clearly we have helped in important ways and we will be paid very well for it.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that there are so many things that we don't know. From what we can see, it looks like things have been going wrong, when in fact, they couldn't be better. That just goes to show you that this is way bigger than we know, and way more complex than we can see. Whether we are talking about who is or will be President, or why the GCR hasn't gone yet, or why we have been told again and again that it is go time, and it didn't go, it is ALL part of the bigger plan. It is a GOOD PLAN.

All we need to know is that all is as it should be. No matter how crazy it seems from our limited point of view, in the bigger picture, it all makes sense. But that is above our pay grade and we have to accept that. All have their parts to play in this huge World Change. Lucky for us, we don't have the Fighting and dying part, that the white knights have, nor do we have the political parts that the Republic has. Our part can be summarized as the "BIG THREAT" which in the end, makes us not only uber-wealthy, but positions us as Great Humanitarians and Agents of Change. All in All, we have a great and important part to play. It might even be the BEST part in the game. Soon we will move from being the "BIG THREAT" to being the BIG CHANGE. It will be known as the "Time of The Great Humanitarians." That's us by the way.

May We All Live Up To Our Charge, And Be The Change We Want To See In The World

Signed: One Who Knows

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