Israel vote to legalise wildcat settler homes dubbed 'an aggression against the Palestinian people'
Abbas: 'What we want is peace.... but what Israel does is to work towards one state based on apartheid'
Bethan McKernan

Israeli MKs narrowly voted to legalise settlements built on Palestinian land AFP/Getty Images
Mahmoud Abbas has condemned as an aggression against the Palestinian people a vote in Israel’s Knesset to legalise thousands of “wildcat” settlement homes built on private land in the West Bank.
After more than a week of parliamentary discussion members of the Israeli parliament voted on the controversial legislation, retroactively recognising 4,000 Jewish homes in 54 “outpost” settlements late on Monday night.
Speaking after a meeting with the French President Francois Hollande in Paris on Tuesday, Mr Abbas said the bill was “contrary to international law”.
“This is an aggression against our people that we will be opposing in international organisations,” the President of the Palestinian Authority said.
“What we want is peace.... but what Israel does is to work towards one state based on apartheid.”
Mahmoud Abbas has condemned as an aggression against the Palestinian people a vote in Israel’s Knesset to legalise thousands of “wildcat” settlement homes built on private land in the West Bank.
After more than a week of parliamentary discussion members of the Israeli parliament voted on the controversial legislation, retroactively recognising 4,000 Jewish homes in 54 “outpost” settlements late on Monday night.
Speaking after a meeting with the French President Francois Hollande in Paris on Tuesday, Mr Abbas said the bill was “contrary to international law”.
“This is an aggression against our people that we will be opposing in international organisations,” the President of the Palestinian Authority said.
“What we want is peace.... but what Israel does is to work towards one state based on apartheid.”