peepers out!

We have a pond here full of these little frogs people call peepers. They “peep” in the spring. The peeping can actually be quite loud. If you stand at the edge of the wetlands or the pond when they start in the evening, the noise can hurt your ears.  
In the winter, they bury themselves down in the mud, deep under there somewhere. When it’s been warm for a while, one male frog comes out and starts singing his mating song. The other males don’t want to be left out, so they all come out and sing too. That’s why they peep: the males are trying to attract females.
When one male comes out, they all come out. So, one night some time in March or April, it’s quiet. The next night, it’s loud. It’s like turning on the light: boom, there they are. So, I have been writing down the date of this marker of spring for a few years.
2017: February 25
2016: March 9
2015: April 3
2014: April 6
2013: March 30
2012: March 12
2011: March 17
2010: March 19
2009: March 27

2008: April 1

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