Daily Reflections
Friday, 24th February 2017,
Seventh Week in the Ordinary Time
Sir 6: 5-17;
Ps 119: 12, 16, 18, 27, 34-35;
Mk 10: 1-12.
A good Christian couple can be a great source of evangelization to the entire universe, as their light would shine before others (Mt 5:16).The liturgy of the day draws our attention to an important choice we make in our life i.e. marriage. Generally speaking our marriages take place in a hurried manner, having no sufficient time for reflection. Most of the problems, difficulties arise after the marriage, ultimately resulting in divorce.
In the gospel of today Jesus says, from the beginning it was not so (Mt 19:4). Then how was it? The book of Genesis (which means beginning) tells us: It was the will of God that man should have a help mate (Gen 2:18). The woman was much different from any other things He had created so far. He fashioned all wild beasts and birds from the soil (Gen2:19) but the woman He made out of Adam’s rib (Gen 2:22). So man forgoing everything unites with his wife and they become one flesh.
As every vocation the marriage too is a free choice, where a man/woman chooses one woman/man and promises her/him love and companionship for life. But difficulties, hard times are very much part of each one’s life. Fidelity in marriage reflects the fidelity of God towards his people. He is always faithful and will help you to remain faithful.
Prayer: Lord grant married couples the courage to set an example of fidelity to the younger generation of today, which thinks divorce is the culture. May they show to the world that faithfulness to the marital commitment is possible and fruitful and that it is not an alien fact but rather a reality. Amen.
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