Please excuse any typo’s. Thank you for the opportunity to transcribe this call. All I can say is “WOW”. To Frank, Tink, Teams, Delta, Walkingstick, and all of our Admin’s, Prayer Warriors and Newshounds…words cannot describe my appreciation and love for everything that you do for me, my family and all of us here at KTFAlways.
Family and Internet, please enjoy…~Doodle's
*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***
Frank26: Family, the last time we were together I told you that In My Opinion (IMO) Donald Trump was putting a lot of pressure on Iraq, and I’m going try my best to do this conference call (CC) for you within one hour or less, I won’t keep you more than I normally do, 9:30pm no later let’s say 9:45pm, let’s get to work and let’s talk…
Now, I still want to bring this up, these are the notes, these two files right here from the last time that we talked together and it says here that… a fire has been lit to start the MOOKLAH of 2017 IMO this whole CC is IMO, everything that I say is given to you IMO unless it is brought to you by articles.
Now last we we told you that Trump suggested, actually he pointed the finger straight at Iraq and said to them you…you know something as he was talking to the CIA… You know something, I think we should have just kept Iraq’s oil. He suggested “stealing” Iraq’s oil. If you remember two Friday’s ago on Team Chat (TC) we were talking about Petro Dollars. Remember that? No sense in talking about it again.
So my point is that Trump made it very clear that we should have just kept Iraq’s oil… ya know he says if we kept it we may not have had ISIS. Now that’s a powerful thing to say, Trump. He says maybe we’ll have another chance… we, the United States…Trump is not fooling around with Iraq and I really believe he is not going to allow them to continue to fool around with the laziness of the Monetary Reform (MR).
Now granted, we are in control of the MR, we’ve told them to lift the value, we’ve told everything that they need to do we’ve taken them every place that they need to be in the International theatre. We are in control but it is their Sovereignty, it is their prerogative to take that control and push the button that lifts the value on their currency.
So once again Donald Trump says, “we may just have to take Iraq’s oil” because they’re not doing what we want them to do. And what is that…we’ll just take your oil, we’ll pay your xxxx bills for you if you’re not going to pay your OWN XXXX BILLS(!) because there is no more free money from us, nowhere, anybody is going to give anything.
In fact, you know what we are doing? We’re investing in your country, we’re not giving you jack. Our money, that we have, is coming into your country for our desires and our purposes, international business with you not to give it to you so you can squander it.
I know… okay Abadi you’ve done a good job, you’ve really tightened the noose…you know we’ve got ourselves a lot of security and stability back, there’s less counterfeiting, there’s less brutality, there’s less explosions, there’s less bombings, there’s less killings…yeah, it’s looking good but I’m sorry man, you’re going to have to make your own money with us. We’re not going to give you any of this money that we are bringing in to this country. Donald Trump made it clear… do it or we just simply take your oil over for you. It’s that simple.
Well family, I believe deep in my heart that we’re seeing this little scenario again. And I’m not criticizing anybody of course not, but I’m here to tell you that Walkingstick (WS) put out this information for you. He put this information out for you, he proved it to you… I believe it was Saturday early morning.
In fact, due to once again our time restrictions, I was going to take you to our last two threads, you know the one that we closed today at 7pm and the one that we closed yesterday at 7pm…Uh huh… because that would have actually taken us to the beginning of Saturday morning, right? Uh huh.
So, what I did was I went back to the those two threads and I selectively picked people’s postings, I picked people’s articles… WS, Don961, Samson’s… and I put them at the very end. I put them at the very end of those two last threads that we’ve had.
Now, whether we have time of not tonight, what I was going to do is I was going to take you back on a little tour, I was going to say Okay, all you KTFA Members, go to the Forum, now go to two threads ago go to the last thread and join me as I start to show you some things.
Now in those things that I was going to show you, was that “Hakim Rejects the Settlement Under the International Trusteeship”. Really?... and you walked right over that family. I’m not criticizing but I’m here to tell you that was a golden nugget for you. That was a golden nugget for you.
Now if you read the article, if you followed up and tried to trace the article with the rest of its links that brought it to it’s totality of the way it’s presented on our Forum, you would have seen that Trump, or I should maybe be more specific, the United Nations and ya know, Trump’s people, said look… Hakim are you serious? You’re considering to reject the National Alliance Settlement that we have signed together?
Now, if you’re serious about that and you are not going to do the International Trusteeship, we’ll just slam Chapter 7 back on you. Is that okay with you? Hakim? And all of you walked over that Family. Here’s the attitude of the GOI that some are saying, no no no…we’re not going to do what you told us to do. Really, (giggles) really… we got you by the basketballs, you understand that? So if you ever even try to do that again… do you understand a few days ago what Donald Trump told you? He’ll just take your oil over.
Now, Donald Trump is telling the United Nations if you don’t follow through on the National Alliance Agreement, in other words… all the reforms, the economic reforms (ER), the MR… uh huh, yeah… remember the loans the IMF was going to give you…remember all that? Uh huh, yeah…remember the investors pouring in to your country? Uh huh…Well I’ll tell you what... if you do not agree with the National Alliance Settlement, in other words, all the IMF meetings that we’ve had…you said you were going to raise the value, right? At the beginning of the year, right? Uh huh.
Tell you what, you go ahead and try to play games with me again… you go ahead and just try, try to challenge us, who are in control of everything that you do and we will slap Chapter 7 back on you so fast it will make you dizzier than a camel with rabies. And I’m not kidding about this family. This is HUGE and you walked over it.
I’ve got another one for you, would you like another? Why not, it was practically on the same page. A few posts later on, WS shows you an article with three pictures. The first picture you see Donald Trump…(interruption) …there was another article and WS put it out, it was well timed and we tried to bring it out to you family because we were trying to space the two together so that you could understand and see it and go… oh my goodness, that’s amazing. That’s amazing. So what was it? It was a picture where you had Donald Trump and then another picture of Maliki and then you had another picture of Abadi. (Interruptions)
You have three pictures… you have Trump, Maliki, Abadi. It said, “Crew New Ready to Rule Iraq and Say Goodbye to DAWA Party”. What does that mean? Apparently, nothing to anybody. Apparently nothing to the whole internet. Two articles, back to back, WS and I put out strategically hoping that it would stimulate your thoughts. The first one made it very clear. Seriously? You’re not going to follow through with what we told you to do? Guess what?!? We’ll put Chapter 7 back on you.
So that one individual from the GOI has not said a single word. They probably took him in the back alley and beat the living daylights out of him because he was so negative. So I’ll tell you, the second article that was even more powerful comes out and it says this to you, “Crew New Ready to Rule…” what the dickens does that mean?!?
The Crew, was the word translated incorrectly, they were showing you the three people, three pictures that were up there…the one that was leading in the first picture, what’s his name….oh Donald Trump. What about it? He is ready to rule. To rule what?!? To rule Iraq and say goodbye to the DAWA Party that belongs to who, the second picture, Maliki? No. The third picture… Abadi.
You’re my boy, Abadi. Kurdistan is the prouder son though, I’m sorry. You’re my boy… but you know darn well what you gotta do now do it… if you don’t guess what? I’m the new President, I’m the new Chief in town, I will simply take over your whole frickin’ GOI because I know what I want to do.
Yeah, I know you do, Trump. (laughter) Unbelievable! What basketballs this guy has directly talking to the people in Iraq, directly to even our homeboy Abadi saying, looky here man, this is the new crew here and I’m ready to take over your Government…and you walked right over that family.
That was so POWERFUL(!) because it relates to what we were trying to show you earlier family, that doggone it, he ain’t messin’ around, nobody is messin’ around in the United States Government anymore. No more free money and you get this thing done or we just simply take it all over. Now you have three proofs, three examples of Donald Trump basically telling Iraq, get back on your horse and finish this up or I’ll get on mine. I’ll get on mine.
I told you family, now let’s pick up for a little bit more, that was our Monday CC, what about Wednesday’s CC… Wednesday’s…I told you, we saw something early that morning. We saw something and I can’t share it with you. I’m sorry, that’s just all there is to it. What did we see? Something that is good for the MR. Where? Where it should be!
For those of you that were on Team Chat, you saw some of it and you are sitting there saying, “what is that about?” What is he talking about? 11:57 close to midnight they did what? And it confused many of you. Some of you that have been with me for eight years, thank God you were able to understand that. Thank God you were able to understand that. And for those of you that were confused, I’m sorry, I’m sorry… but you have nothing to worry about.
We believe deep in our hearts that last Wednesday something, a mechanism, you can call it pulling a trigger, you can call it pushing the button…and we’ve tried to measure from the following day… Thursday, Friday, Saturday… 72 hours walking into today, Monday…their Sunday, we saw some more things… actually it started Friday, Saturday, Sunday. It was very close in those 72 hours. Now what did I tell you?
Go ahead and post for me…what did I tell you, what did I tell you that I told you, alright Family… over the weekend, this is what you need to look for? Movement of Money. Family….well yeah, there was a lot of movement of money. I going to do my best to help you with it and we think, in our opinion (IOO) that it was the reason why they extended the cap. There was a lot of money. And there was an article that tried to talk to you about “doubling”. Doubling.
IMO family, it covered a little bit more of their deficit and if you read that article carefully you’ll understand that something doubled. Something maybe their reserves, maybe their assets… something doubled. How? By the influx of the volume of money that we told you to look for, that we found, that I will do my best to share with you tonight.
That was interesting. It got us excited. Now there’s more to it and we’ll do our very best to share with you and we believe that oil is going to be used as a driving force for the IQD but it’s not going to be true. But Frank, you told us that they were trying to get the barrel of oil up to a certain point. Not for the IQD. Not for the IQD? No. What did I say? For the budget you said! Yeah, for what? For the deficit you said. Yeah.
Once again, oil will be used as a driving force of the IQD for the buy, the sell, the trade etc., but it will all be smoke and mirrors because it is hiding the public sector investment that is doubling numbers that I don’t, that I don’t have the right to define to you but I can suggest to you and can point to you that you can go and check these things out yourself.
There’s a report right here, right in front of my eyes…it’s a long one, it’s about the Federal Reserves. (giggles “yeah”) In the same way that I told the 3 Musketeers…do not talk about the Federal Reserves is the same way that I tell you and my teams, we are not going to share this report about the Federal Reserves. But, look at the sequence in which it was presented to you in our study for tonight.
There’s a change coming in many different areas family, from the United Nations… to many things that are changing. The private sector is bending backwards IMO, and is pouring in big money right now to support all of the Iraq projects… including their budget, including their deficit and our deficit.
IMO, an Executive Order (EO) that was not signed by Obama has not allowed these reforms to move forward, but under Trump’s few EO signings, there’s been a lot of movement. And in the few days that Trump has been in the office, it is amazing how much he talks about Iraq.
Trump is heavy in all of Iraq, but he is trying to keep it on the low side… and IMO, the amount of money that is moving into Iraq right now is also trying to keep itself on the low side. The goal is to reduce both sides of the deficit family. When you watched those EO’s being signed on Saturday, IMO they showed you three pens on that desk, but there was a total of 12 pens.
It is important the relationship between Donald Trump and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Theresa May, because they met, they’ve been talking a lot…and I’m sorry, but the media sucks. There were many EO’s for many reasons, IMO, and if they don’t tell you about them, let that be their opinion.
IMO, assets have gone up tremendously to deal with the budget and the deficit. They pumped their breaks, they did not slam their breaks… because IMO on the 21st of January they were ready to pull the trigger, but something was said or done by someone that we we’ve already studied that caused them to extend the cap that ending up pulling the starting rate as well too.
IMO as of last Wednesday, there are numbers on screens that are important and it is because of the accomplishment of the SWIFT system and the IBAN system but they are not the true numbers yet. Why? Because there is an evolution of the Iraqi Dinar rate that is going on in country right now. How? I’ve already explained it to you.
Kuwait has accidentally spilled the beans with a contract that was signed. Libya, well, we’ll talk about that tonight too. They’ve been asking for investors and they’ve got a lot of investors and these investors have a lot of money. There is a tremendous windfall coming into Iraq right now, and I think it will continue even heavier during the 72-78 days that I told you about remember?
IMO this change that has occurred after the 21st it was the front end and the back numbers that are now engaged. There is an intention to get to a cap rate. We believe that they have agreed on that time frame. And all because again, of the volume that is coming into this country right now. There is a swelling of an announcement IMO that is occurring right now about this topic.
This may not mean anything to you and it may just go in one ear and out the other and for that matter you may also consider it to be just a joke… but the nations that are bringing in a lot of volume into Iraq right now are heavily involved with Iraq. Not with the MR but indirectly because they are involved with their ER’s, their infrastructure, their rebuilding of it.
And I told you that last Wednesday we feel that something happened at a specific time… just by coincidence at that same time, the Islamic not astronomy but astrological studies, we’re paying attention to their moons, their specific moons. They’re related to the “Blood Moons”.
In the Islamic world, it means a lot to them. And there is a country called China who on February the 2nd, will be celebrating their New Year and it overlaps with what I just told you about the Islamic Moons of Iraq. It will be the year of the Rooster, which is financial overtones.
It is on that Wednesday at that time late that evening that the committee of Ministers, IMO, met with the CBI and they made some decisions on their MR family, IMO all of this, and it was at that time that Delta brought to us and presented, Frank… Iraq, the CBI Website…they can only keep the rate off for 30 days from the CBI website.
I strongly suggest that you go back and you read the threats, the number one threat from Donald Trump, the number two threat from Donald Trump and the number three threat that we told you all for tonight. You can go back and you can see them and I put them at the end of the last two threads, or… the ones that are side by side is Post #323 and Post #329.
They need to accept the National Settlement and family, that includes the MR of their currency. The President of the National Alliance, al-Hakim was told, you’ve gotta do the National Settlement as we agreed in all these meetings. Any rejection of the National Settlement will lead Iraq’s return quickly into a trusteeship that we will govern and control or simply return you back into Chapter 7.
Donald Trump is sending another wake-up call. I want you to know something family, that the National Settlement includes the Economic Reform (ER), the MR, it includes all the reforms for their ports and their harbors, it includes Article 140, it includes HCL. It was important that you studied that, it’s important that I reiterate it to you, it’s important that the internet that is listening right now that mimics us, that studies us and does what they do… may need to consider those articles.
Now I want to take you to what they’re calling a mistake. But before I do you see, large volumes, that was the last thing that we told you as we said goodbye to you last Wednesday, okay? ”Family follow the money”.
There were large volumes that we started seeing that started to move on Friday into Saturday… large volume’s of money that were moved on international platforms. These were large volumes of money that were moving throughout the world, and it was at that very same time family that Iraq decides to brag and say to you:
~Role Play~
Iraq: “Hey…you know what?”
World: “What”?
Iraq: “Our Iraqi Stock Exchange?”
World: “What about it?”
Iraq: “It broke all records for the highest volume, in the Trillion’s, for 2016.
World: “So why you telling us about that?”
Iraq: “Wait til you see what happens in 2017”.
There was a lot, there was a lot of volume that moved family. Now, like I said…just before we started this do you mind if I take you into a mistake, but I’m going to call it… you remember the movie the “Perfect Storm”? Yeah, the Perfect Storm (giggles)…I’d like to take you into the “Perfect Mistake”.
Callum (a KTFAlways Member), from the United Kingdom, you made a post on the last thread Post #246, and you said something that we as a team have brought up in our meetings, actually we laughed when it was brought up…and what you said was “you change a mistake, you do not remove a mistake…you correct it, you change it”, very good Callum, very good Callum from the United Kingdom…that was brilliant. I called Delta and said:
~Role Play~
Frank: Delta, you see this?
Delta: Yeah
Frank: Is it a legite site?
Delta: Yes…yeah, it is a legite site.
Frank: Why don’t you go ahead and post it on the Forum and tell the family that it is at least a legite site.
So he did. So me and Delta were talking back and forth, back and forth…we said, Delta, there’s a guru that is saying that he got a hold of this BasNews website and I said Delta, those numbers… I can see a mistake ya know….(in the voice of the Rep from news site) “oh I forgot to put a zero here to the decimal, oh wait…okay wait, I’m sorry… the decimal belongs over here next to that zero not okay….okay I’m sorry I put a one to one, I really meant one something…”
Well okay, well fix your mistake you know, the next day…what do they do? They take their Perfect Mistake and they run with it. “Hey…did you put that up there? No I didn’t. Hakeem, did you put that up? OMG-osh…WHO PUT THAT UP?!? TAKE IT DOWN!! And they took it down the next day without, well…It. Was. A mistake. Uh yeah, that’s a mistake. Hmmmm.
Well the guru that called you doesn’t know how to ask questions does he, (giggles) ‘cause what did you tell the guru when he called? “I didn’t talk to no guru but anybody that wants to know that we put up the wrong numbers we’re going to tell them that yeah, it was a mistake, I mean what are we going to tell him…no it wasn’t a mistake?”
Well, anybody that might accept that it was a mistake might be gullible. Because you don’t remove a mistake, you correct a mistake…right Callum?!? “Right Frank!” So what do I want to say, legit website, I’m just curious…how did they get the number 3.64 and 3.84?
Are you coming to our calls and taking notes and then teasing the world? “No it was a mistake”. But removing it completely with numbers that are fictitious You heard something didn’t you? “NO”.
Somebody got excited over at your newspaper site…”NO”. You got way too many calls didn’t you, you got way too many calls, didn’t you? “No”. Well you did not make a mistake and you did not make these numbers up… you just didn’t pull them out of the air. They were too close to our study.
They were too interesting. We are not going to let you get away with this “but we told the guru…” We don’t give a guru what you told a guru. Let me ask you…just sit there for a second. CBI…somebody get CBI on the phone:
CBI: Hello?
Frank: Hey, CBI… is this you?
CBI: Yup. This is CBI. What’s up? This you Frank again?
Frank: Yeah it’s me again.
CBI: What you want?
Frank: Did you see what that newspaper did with the Libya, with the numbers that are kind of familiar to you guys?
CBI: Yeah, we saw it.
Frank: Can I ask you CBI a question?
CBI: What you want?
Frank: Why did you take down the numbers from the CBI Website? (For the same reason that news site quickly took theirs down (laughter)). Okay, look, CBI you took those numbers down for a reason, didn’t you?
CBI: Yeah, we took them down for the MOOKLAH of 2017
Frank: Oh that’s a goooood answer. May I ask another question?
CBI: What?
Frank: Did you take down those numbers on January 1st?
CBI: No we took them down on December 31st.
Frank: Oh. And you haven’t put them back up yet?
Frank: Well that means because you have intentions of putting something up rather quickly, like you say for the Mooklah of 2017. You didn’t take those numbers down on the 31st for something in June or July or August, did you?
CBI: No. That’s an interesting question Frank26.
Frank: Why, thank you. May we talk with the Proxy Governor?
CBI: Alak,
Alak: What?
CBI: Frank want’s to talk to you. Here, take the phone.
Alak: Alak here. What you want Frank?
Frank: Alak, about two days ago, you said that there were no problems with the reserves…
Alak: Nope, no problem
Frank: You said that you were really looking forward to taking the Iraqi Dinar back to it’s previous glory…
Alak: Yup
Frank: When do you plan to do this?
Alak: Give me MOOSE-UL! (Mosul)
Frank: No no no that’s my line.
Alak: Oh, when DAESH is gone.
(giggles) I’m sorry, I didn’t make that up and you can go back to the last two threads and you can read it very clearly, where it says what it says very clearly… I am the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, ya know, I’m the one that’s in charge of pushing the button…
I mean I’ve got permission to do the button but I haven’t gotten permission from the GOI/Abadi to do it just yet, apparently they are doing some things on the front and the back end of the cap, I have no idea, but let me just tell you this…we have no problems with our reserves, are you kidding me?!?
Lookie-here, when they do finally let me push that button, ya know that button, you know the little red button… the day they finally let me, oh my gosh are you kidding me…we’re going to go back to our glory days. You mean the 3.22? No(!) even hi…uh…oh, whatever. You mean the “perfect mistake”? Ah.. yeah no, I mean…whatever.
Do you guys have kidney problems? What? Do you have kidney problems? No our Camels do, why? There’s a lot of leaking going on. I mean, everywhere. Even you… even you… when you finally have DAASH completely done… GIVE ME MOOSE-UL! (Mosul)
You’re going to take the Iraqi Dinar because you have the power to do so, back to its previous glory days, right? And you have no problems with the reserves…in fact, they are probably in some astronomical numbers that we can’t even measure in today’s modern technology. Is that about right? Mmmmm, I don’t know.
The CBI did not take those program numbers down family for sometime in the middle of this year. As long as the CBI website is blank there is a reason to change the program rate at any time, don’t you agree with me family?
Erbil, the article that you read about… (interruption) …but you know what, Erbil you know that website that came out with those numbers, that were just to accurate to be… OOPS, it’s a mistake… what, your underwear is showing? No but my numbers were. Erbil may have been a glitch or a mistake, but where did you get all those numbers? And there were so many mistakes and glitches, weren’t there family. (laughter)
The private sector is doing this family, the Private sector is doing this…. And meanwhile, the United Nations Operational Rates… May I talk to you? You already talked to Erbil Newspaper, you already talked to Alak at the CBI, don’t talk to us… come on. Call them:
United Nations Operational Rates – (UNOR)
UNOR: Hello, who this?
Frank: Is this the UNOR for countries?
UNOR: Yes it is… how can we help you?
Frank: You guys got any numbers for Iraq?
UNOR: Nope. No numbers.
Frank: Alrighty. Are you also a “perfect mistake”?
UNOR: Nope.
I’m going to teach you tonight family how to find the big money that is moving. And I also would suggest very strongly that you keep a close eye on the CBI website and the UNOR. Why? Because this is your business. Because this is your job. I want you to think about that sentence that I gave you… in fact, let me give it to you in reverse.
I want you to think about this, if they have waited not to change the program rate, then why did it disappear why has it been gone for almost a month? For a purpose family. For a change. If not slap that program number up again. That program number represents Chapter 7.
Oh my goodness… a bunch of light bulbs just came on above people’s heads. United Nations can not sign a contract with Iraq family. WS brought you the article and showed you very clearly, “United Nations has signed an Agreement with Iraq”.. to do what? You know to do what. And that’s why all this money is pouring in. But they signed Frank. I know they signed. But it’s illegal.
Yes it is illegal for the United Nations to sign a contract with any countries under sanctions, I’m sorry. But but but the United Nations signed a contract with Iraq to do just that. Well then they must be out of Chapter 7 and into Article 8.
You should really read every article that WS brings to you family, it’s well calculated. As long as the program rate slot in all of these areas that we’ve talked about tonight are continue and are empty, it has to mean that a change is coming… unless the CBI comes back all of a sudden and they post the program rate… well, then we will have to talk about that in a separate venue, but I’m sorry, it’s empty for a reason.
Abadi even said very clearly this is our economic year of explosion. Yes sir, I agree with you. United Nations, you say to me that you’ve signed something. You say to me that in that contract it is to improve Iraq’s economy, right? Ok.
To improve everything about them, their infrastructure, their banks, their schools, their streets… okay, is that right? Right. Well, look I did a CC on this United Nations… stop talking to me backwards. What do you mean, stop talking to you backwards?!?
We are the United Nations! Listen knucklehead’s, bozo’s… how is it that you can tell me that you signed something and that you are going to do this amazing infrastructure rebuilding in Iraq when they are under Chapter 7?!?
Stop talking to me backwards… show me that Chapter 7 is lifted and then tell me this garbage that you’re telling me now! Oh, well, that’s not the plan Frank. Whatever.
They’ve had nothing but great meetings family. The United Nations has agreed on the economic reforms with their economic committees, they have done talked about all their reforms… everything, everything… but the Articles that came out, again, I won’t have the time unfortunately I did all that work for nothing… go back to the last two threads, look at the compilation that WS put together from the United Nations.
You may not understand what they’re doing in these meetings and these articles in all honesty, from the UN, and it’s a whole pile of them that WS brought up… I’m sorry, there are pieces missing in them. In my opinion, these articles… they’re not clear enough, they’re vague and they’re backwards just the way we taught you. They were written very carefully, very well calculated.
There used to be a boxer back in the 80’s by the name Leon Spinks. He actually beat Muhammad Ali but Leon Spinks had a gap between his two front teeth so wide that it made the Grand Canyon jealous. You got a bunch of Leon Spinks gaps all over these articles from the UN. You know why? Because they can not talk to you forward. They got to talk to you backwards. They can only tell you so much.
And yes, all these articles IMO have been well calculated. There should be a heavy focus on the transaction. You got that family? Pay attention when you read these articles on the wording of the transaction because it is not an agreement. They are way past those articles they are now telling you what they are doing. In these meetings, there was an agreement that has lead to a transaction that is in these articles that you need to study as a student of your investment.
In deed, IMO on Friday, there was an extraordinary amount of money that was moved on many floors. And I told you, go find them because this is the flow of a cap that was extended. This past Friday, a large volume of money started to move IMO. It was actually from Thursday into Friday and it caused, IMO for something to happen on Wednesday, therefore we will start to see IMO more and more of these volumes of money.
We cannot show them to you because we are having trouble seeing where this money is landing. What do I mean by that? Normally you can see when you follow money where it leaves and where it lands, but because IMO they’re using something called platforms, you can’t see it.
Now, these large volumes of money… why do countries move large volumes of money like this BOOM so quickly? To put themselves into a position, in fact…we have a member of a our forum by the name of Stephenmac63. Stephenmac63, Post #297 from the last thread, I saw your comment, that “large volumes are to allow countries to position themselves” and I literally almost stood up and applauded….brilliant, brilliant.
And that’s what’s happening right now with all of these countries that are trying to get themselves jockeying into position into Iraq. They’re not making money, they’re losing money. They’re losing millions, but they don’t care… they don’t care, very soon, they are about to make a lot of money with this country because their claws their roots are imbedded into this country.
They’ve been waiting, telephone company’s, electric company’s, manufacturing company’s, construction company’s… they’ve all been waiting, their turn is coming. And it is odd that normally we can see where the money lands but we’re not seeing it.
Would you like to have a list of where you can go look? Get a pencil and paper if you are not taking notes. Are you ready? It IOO that you should look for large volumes of money that have been moving, they are large hubs…amoutns let me give you at least seven places that you can go to:
1) Watch the United States of America. Watch what the United States Treasury does, not the Federal Reserve.
2) Hong Kong. I could say China but I need to say Hong Kong to represent the Asian Theatre. You can go to Hong Kong sites, you can go to their Central Bank, I mean their Banks.
3) The United Kingdom. We are kissing cousins. The same way we feel about Israel. We’re not kissing cousins with Israel, we protect them viciously, like a Bulldog…but when it comes to the UK? We’re kissing cousins. You don’t talk bad about the UK, you got that? And we don’t let nobody do that. We may have abandoned them to seek our own Nation, but trust me…we are very much in cahoots with each other.
4) Switzerland. That should have been a no brainer.
5) Amsterdam. (not to many people know to go look there)
6) This one might really floor you…you want to look for large volumes of money moving? The Vatican.
7) More on a small scale, Singapore. The Pacific Theatre.
The No. 1 would be Switzerland, the No. 2 would be the United States, No. 3 would be Hong Kong…but you don’t need my ratings on them, whatever this volume of money is, it has been well constructed IMO family… and the bigger parts, the large volumes of money we lost track of them because we believe when they arrive at the ports we believe that they are changed from large hubs to smaller hubs.
We believe that they are broken down into smaller portions not to attract attention causing them to blend in with all the other volume that is being moved. “Uh, here I am arriving at your shores…but don’t worry, I walked backwards with my heals first.” No one could see me bringing in this volume into your country we broke down into quarters, into eights, into halves…brilliant. Brilliant.
Yes IMO, this movement of money that is occurring within days hours whatever you want to call it, its all been very well orchestrated. Well planned, and it was meant to be a blinding... it was meant to be blinding or I should say, it was meant to be a blind situation. Kind of like looking into a mirror in the darkness. The image is there, you just can’t see it.
They wanted to blind us family and that’s why we can not see its final destination. But again, it’s important, these are not agreements, these are agreed transactions that are being distributed within the crowd masses and being hidden… and IMO, these are not in the B’s, these are in the T’s. Take that to the bank. Disguised or discreet…
IMO there was a specific timing for this volume that we’ve been teaching you that was issued to move these large amounts of money into Iraq, for Iraq, for their economic growth, for Iraq and all of their reforms, ALL OF THEIR REFORMS(!).
IMO, over the weekend, today and onward, we’re expecting to see more and more of these big movements. Can I prove this to you? I don’t think there’s a need, is there? I’ve already given you seven places… that you can go do your own work. Take it to God in prayer instead. IMO, there’s a total amount of Gold that they are trying to reach in country.
There’s no doubt about it, those articles that WS put together, long after the IMF articles, now the UN is meeting and talking and making big plans and signing contracts with Iraq… those articles are big but they’re missing many parts, they’re missing a lot information and IMO, that information… is coming.
But for now, know that IMO, all of these United Nation articles that were compiled together by WS, I want you to know that IMO, it has happened. Every word of it, but they are making the details blurry for right now. No worries. No worries man, It’s all alright, no worries brah. This is the lava flow of the MR. Please enjoy.
So, United Nations Operation Rates, can you say anything? Nothing. CBI Website, can you say anything? Nothing. Kurdistan Newspaper website, can you say anything about your “perfect mistake”? Nothing.
Delta, are you sure it’s only 30 days? Yes. And then Delta brings you the Articles straight from their Constitution that proves it word for word to you. Planets and stars have lined up family, since last Wednesday and I not here to get into that type of culture teaching and it’s not b.s., it might be to you but it’s not to them. We told you, we told you, my God…it’s full of stars.
Many things are lining up for the MR from Mosul to Trump… to the year of the Rooster… and what was one of the seven that I gave you? The year of the Rooster. Yeah, China’s new year is February the 2nd. Silly? Sure it is, but you can’t deny the way they live in the East family.
Do you think China’s banks are involved with Iraq? To the World, the East is a mysterious place, especially to us in the West. It is for that reason that is so hard to understand what’s going on. Look, I’m not saying that China is involved with the IQD reform, I’m just simply saying, that it’s one of the many parts.
It’s not that we, as a team, we believe in the Eastern culture family, it’s just the logic to respect and to study what they believe in so that we can understand them better… which is what we’ve accomplished.
The moment that we saw these large numbers moving, something changed inside of us as a study team… major things are happening, and even if they are being camouflaged right now, they are moving forward. There are major moments that are hidden major markers right now, that we just don’t get to see them or understand them all or have them explain it to us, how it’s happening.
If anything it is given to us backwards, for example, the MCP. The MCP… just boggles me and my teams, because they said the Iraqi banks would handle buying and selling of foreign currency in a different way but we don’t see it yet.
Again, many things, many parts… and I believe that they have a date in mind to do this RV because they still haven’t done the moves that would kill the MCP and alter their CBI auctions. They just simply announce things for the MR and then they froze. But never once denied or rejected or taken away.
Forgive me but as we come to the close to our CC, Iraq is not that smart. Iraq is unschooled. They’ve been on sanctions for 30 years. They’re Fred Flintstone’s of the Jetsons. They had terrible leader Saddam… they don’t have the ability, they don’t have the smarts, they don’t have the education to do these high calculations to have a successful MR of their currency.
Just like their army… there is no way that they liberated any part of Iraq, we did it and you know it but we’ve got to give them the credit. We want them to life the value of their Currency, you know it we know it, but they have to do it as a Sovereign Country.
Everything has been done for Iraq. Everything… from their economy, from their economics to their MR’s. Yes Iraq is a warrior nation, I’ll agree with that... but they are not of this century technology. When they see American’s, when they see our soldiers, when they see our dogs landing in parachutes, when they see our women in uniform… we are awesome to them. We are super-natural to them. That’s why we took them by the hand. That’s why we’ve taken them where they’re at right now and I promise you, it is a “perfect mistake”.
Iraqi citizens are beautiful, they’re loving people but they’re stuck in an archaic belief, imbedded in an oriented form of religious beliefs. The sacred goat is spiritual to them no doubt…but when it comes to money, they’ll sacrifice the goat and eat it too and that’s where we’re at right now.
We, from the East to the West are swaffed in idealism, in our culture… it has taken so long to accomplish so much in Iraq because we just didn’t understand each other. So we took everything over, and they’ve watched every step and every breath that we’ve made in front of them.
Iraq, not by desire but by evolution has learned the fast and proper ways of the West and they’re contaminated. They want it. Iraq is becoming westernized. Trust me... they know what the honorable thing is to do, and they need to increase the value of their currency and return to their former glory days.
Honorable? Glory? Yeah. All Honor and Glory to our Father. So the United Nations is talking while they’re not saying anything, anything important to us… yet.
As we end our CC it is the same way we started it… I thought last Thursday, Friday, Saturday would be the equivalent of about a 72 hours period, I thought that Sunday was their 1st of the week and that Monday was the first of our week, and Wednesday is the 1st and that Thursday is the 2nd…United Nations, you’re going to give them funds for their reforms. You silly rabbit, you gotta tell us first that you’re lifting Chapter 7 before you can do that.
By the way, you got those seven places but you won’t be able to see where it lands you’ll be able to see it leave those areas… HUGE amounts… but if we could find out where the small hubs are, where it is landing, then it would tell us their intentions on how and why they’re using those hubs. We would learn a little bit more, it’s frustrating in our study right now, it’s okay.
The Sunni’s by the way contacted the United Nations and they want the settlement they’re telling them you better accept it. They want the settlement under the supervision of the United Nations as they agreed because they don’t trust the Shiite’s. Yeah, we know, we know, we know.
So, what do you think? Did you like your CC family? We close in the same way that we started with that information and that we now have Final Article #25 (The Final Article thread, Post #26) and the way we started is the way we are going to end…
“The Iraq Dinar is still safe despite the decrease in reserves and it is expected to return to the former glory days after the end of the war on DAESH.” Give me what family? Give me what? And nanoseconds after that at the speed of light you would see the MR. Those are the words of Alak, who I’d swear if I didn’t know any better, simply was taking our notes and repeating them to this journalist. Isn’t that amazing?
I’m not trying to brag, all honor and glory go to our Heavenly Father, you know that… but isn’t that amazing? IMO I would say that we’re not walking backwards with our heels first confused, we’re right on tract, aren’t we. We know exactly what they’re doing.
We all have to just continue to be patient and try not to worry, because my only answer to you would be... “Hey, whatcha worried about? It’s coming”. This whole CC is IMO.
Anyways, I hope that you’ve enjoyed this CC. I’ve had a good time with you family and I’m sad that I’m not going to be able to go back with you and look at all of the postings in the last two threads because I’ve wanted to say a few things about each and every one of them but, I’ve think we’ve had enough for tonight, don’t you agree? So let us be dismissed in the manner in which we gathered together…
Dismissed with a beautiful Prayer.
Family and Internet, please enjoy…~Doodle's
*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***
Frank26: Family, the last time we were together I told you that In My Opinion (IMO) Donald Trump was putting a lot of pressure on Iraq, and I’m going try my best to do this conference call (CC) for you within one hour or less, I won’t keep you more than I normally do, 9:30pm no later let’s say 9:45pm, let’s get to work and let’s talk…
Now, I still want to bring this up, these are the notes, these two files right here from the last time that we talked together and it says here that… a fire has been lit to start the MOOKLAH of 2017 IMO this whole CC is IMO, everything that I say is given to you IMO unless it is brought to you by articles.
Now last we we told you that Trump suggested, actually he pointed the finger straight at Iraq and said to them you…you know something as he was talking to the CIA… You know something, I think we should have just kept Iraq’s oil. He suggested “stealing” Iraq’s oil. If you remember two Friday’s ago on Team Chat (TC) we were talking about Petro Dollars. Remember that? No sense in talking about it again.
So my point is that Trump made it very clear that we should have just kept Iraq’s oil… ya know he says if we kept it we may not have had ISIS. Now that’s a powerful thing to say, Trump. He says maybe we’ll have another chance… we, the United States…Trump is not fooling around with Iraq and I really believe he is not going to allow them to continue to fool around with the laziness of the Monetary Reform (MR).
Now granted, we are in control of the MR, we’ve told them to lift the value, we’ve told everything that they need to do we’ve taken them every place that they need to be in the International theatre. We are in control but it is their Sovereignty, it is their prerogative to take that control and push the button that lifts the value on their currency.
So once again Donald Trump says, “we may just have to take Iraq’s oil” because they’re not doing what we want them to do. And what is that…we’ll just take your oil, we’ll pay your xxxx bills for you if you’re not going to pay your OWN XXXX BILLS(!) because there is no more free money from us, nowhere, anybody is going to give anything.
In fact, you know what we are doing? We’re investing in your country, we’re not giving you jack. Our money, that we have, is coming into your country for our desires and our purposes, international business with you not to give it to you so you can squander it.
I know… okay Abadi you’ve done a good job, you’ve really tightened the noose…you know we’ve got ourselves a lot of security and stability back, there’s less counterfeiting, there’s less brutality, there’s less explosions, there’s less bombings, there’s less killings…yeah, it’s looking good but I’m sorry man, you’re going to have to make your own money with us. We’re not going to give you any of this money that we are bringing in to this country. Donald Trump made it clear… do it or we just simply take your oil over for you. It’s that simple.
Well family, I believe deep in my heart that we’re seeing this little scenario again. And I’m not criticizing anybody of course not, but I’m here to tell you that Walkingstick (WS) put out this information for you. He put this information out for you, he proved it to you… I believe it was Saturday early morning.
In fact, due to once again our time restrictions, I was going to take you to our last two threads, you know the one that we closed today at 7pm and the one that we closed yesterday at 7pm…Uh huh… because that would have actually taken us to the beginning of Saturday morning, right? Uh huh.
So, what I did was I went back to the those two threads and I selectively picked people’s postings, I picked people’s articles… WS, Don961, Samson’s… and I put them at the very end. I put them at the very end of those two last threads that we’ve had.
Now, whether we have time of not tonight, what I was going to do is I was going to take you back on a little tour, I was going to say Okay, all you KTFA Members, go to the Forum, now go to two threads ago go to the last thread and join me as I start to show you some things.
Now in those things that I was going to show you, was that “Hakim Rejects the Settlement Under the International Trusteeship”. Really?... and you walked right over that family. I’m not criticizing but I’m here to tell you that was a golden nugget for you. That was a golden nugget for you.
Now if you read the article, if you followed up and tried to trace the article with the rest of its links that brought it to it’s totality of the way it’s presented on our Forum, you would have seen that Trump, or I should maybe be more specific, the United Nations and ya know, Trump’s people, said look… Hakim are you serious? You’re considering to reject the National Alliance Settlement that we have signed together?
Now, if you’re serious about that and you are not going to do the International Trusteeship, we’ll just slam Chapter 7 back on you. Is that okay with you? Hakim? And all of you walked over that Family. Here’s the attitude of the GOI that some are saying, no no no…we’re not going to do what you told us to do. Really, (giggles) really… we got you by the basketballs, you understand that? So if you ever even try to do that again… do you understand a few days ago what Donald Trump told you? He’ll just take your oil over.
Now, Donald Trump is telling the United Nations if you don’t follow through on the National Alliance Agreement, in other words… all the reforms, the economic reforms (ER), the MR… uh huh, yeah… remember the loans the IMF was going to give you…remember all that? Uh huh, yeah…remember the investors pouring in to your country? Uh huh…Well I’ll tell you what... if you do not agree with the National Alliance Settlement, in other words, all the IMF meetings that we’ve had…you said you were going to raise the value, right? At the beginning of the year, right? Uh huh.
Tell you what, you go ahead and try to play games with me again… you go ahead and just try, try to challenge us, who are in control of everything that you do and we will slap Chapter 7 back on you so fast it will make you dizzier than a camel with rabies. And I’m not kidding about this family. This is HUGE and you walked over it.
I’ve got another one for you, would you like another? Why not, it was practically on the same page. A few posts later on, WS shows you an article with three pictures. The first picture you see Donald Trump…(interruption) …there was another article and WS put it out, it was well timed and we tried to bring it out to you family because we were trying to space the two together so that you could understand and see it and go… oh my goodness, that’s amazing. That’s amazing. So what was it? It was a picture where you had Donald Trump and then another picture of Maliki and then you had another picture of Abadi. (Interruptions)
You have three pictures… you have Trump, Maliki, Abadi. It said, “Crew New Ready to Rule Iraq and Say Goodbye to DAWA Party”. What does that mean? Apparently, nothing to anybody. Apparently nothing to the whole internet. Two articles, back to back, WS and I put out strategically hoping that it would stimulate your thoughts. The first one made it very clear. Seriously? You’re not going to follow through with what we told you to do? Guess what?!? We’ll put Chapter 7 back on you.
So that one individual from the GOI has not said a single word. They probably took him in the back alley and beat the living daylights out of him because he was so negative. So I’ll tell you, the second article that was even more powerful comes out and it says this to you, “Crew New Ready to Rule…” what the dickens does that mean?!?
The Crew, was the word translated incorrectly, they were showing you the three people, three pictures that were up there…the one that was leading in the first picture, what’s his name….oh Donald Trump. What about it? He is ready to rule. To rule what?!? To rule Iraq and say goodbye to the DAWA Party that belongs to who, the second picture, Maliki? No. The third picture… Abadi.
You’re my boy, Abadi. Kurdistan is the prouder son though, I’m sorry. You’re my boy… but you know darn well what you gotta do now do it… if you don’t guess what? I’m the new President, I’m the new Chief in town, I will simply take over your whole frickin’ GOI because I know what I want to do.
Yeah, I know you do, Trump. (laughter) Unbelievable! What basketballs this guy has directly talking to the people in Iraq, directly to even our homeboy Abadi saying, looky here man, this is the new crew here and I’m ready to take over your Government…and you walked right over that family.
That was so POWERFUL(!) because it relates to what we were trying to show you earlier family, that doggone it, he ain’t messin’ around, nobody is messin’ around in the United States Government anymore. No more free money and you get this thing done or we just simply take it all over. Now you have three proofs, three examples of Donald Trump basically telling Iraq, get back on your horse and finish this up or I’ll get on mine. I’ll get on mine.
I told you family, now let’s pick up for a little bit more, that was our Monday CC, what about Wednesday’s CC… Wednesday’s…I told you, we saw something early that morning. We saw something and I can’t share it with you. I’m sorry, that’s just all there is to it. What did we see? Something that is good for the MR. Where? Where it should be!
For those of you that were on Team Chat, you saw some of it and you are sitting there saying, “what is that about?” What is he talking about? 11:57 close to midnight they did what? And it confused many of you. Some of you that have been with me for eight years, thank God you were able to understand that. Thank God you were able to understand that. And for those of you that were confused, I’m sorry, I’m sorry… but you have nothing to worry about.
We believe deep in our hearts that last Wednesday something, a mechanism, you can call it pulling a trigger, you can call it pushing the button…and we’ve tried to measure from the following day… Thursday, Friday, Saturday… 72 hours walking into today, Monday…their Sunday, we saw some more things… actually it started Friday, Saturday, Sunday. It was very close in those 72 hours. Now what did I tell you?
Go ahead and post for me…what did I tell you, what did I tell you that I told you, alright Family… over the weekend, this is what you need to look for? Movement of Money. Family….well yeah, there was a lot of movement of money. I going to do my best to help you with it and we think, in our opinion (IOO) that it was the reason why they extended the cap. There was a lot of money. And there was an article that tried to talk to you about “doubling”. Doubling.
IMO family, it covered a little bit more of their deficit and if you read that article carefully you’ll understand that something doubled. Something maybe their reserves, maybe their assets… something doubled. How? By the influx of the volume of money that we told you to look for, that we found, that I will do my best to share with you tonight.
That was interesting. It got us excited. Now there’s more to it and we’ll do our very best to share with you and we believe that oil is going to be used as a driving force for the IQD but it’s not going to be true. But Frank, you told us that they were trying to get the barrel of oil up to a certain point. Not for the IQD. Not for the IQD? No. What did I say? For the budget you said! Yeah, for what? For the deficit you said. Yeah.
Once again, oil will be used as a driving force of the IQD for the buy, the sell, the trade etc., but it will all be smoke and mirrors because it is hiding the public sector investment that is doubling numbers that I don’t, that I don’t have the right to define to you but I can suggest to you and can point to you that you can go and check these things out yourself.
There’s a report right here, right in front of my eyes…it’s a long one, it’s about the Federal Reserves. (giggles “yeah”) In the same way that I told the 3 Musketeers…do not talk about the Federal Reserves is the same way that I tell you and my teams, we are not going to share this report about the Federal Reserves. But, look at the sequence in which it was presented to you in our study for tonight.
There’s a change coming in many different areas family, from the United Nations… to many things that are changing. The private sector is bending backwards IMO, and is pouring in big money right now to support all of the Iraq projects… including their budget, including their deficit and our deficit.
IMO, an Executive Order (EO) that was not signed by Obama has not allowed these reforms to move forward, but under Trump’s few EO signings, there’s been a lot of movement. And in the few days that Trump has been in the office, it is amazing how much he talks about Iraq.
Trump is heavy in all of Iraq, but he is trying to keep it on the low side… and IMO, the amount of money that is moving into Iraq right now is also trying to keep itself on the low side. The goal is to reduce both sides of the deficit family. When you watched those EO’s being signed on Saturday, IMO they showed you three pens on that desk, but there was a total of 12 pens.
It is important the relationship between Donald Trump and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Theresa May, because they met, they’ve been talking a lot…and I’m sorry, but the media sucks. There were many EO’s for many reasons, IMO, and if they don’t tell you about them, let that be their opinion.
IMO, assets have gone up tremendously to deal with the budget and the deficit. They pumped their breaks, they did not slam their breaks… because IMO on the 21st of January they were ready to pull the trigger, but something was said or done by someone that we we’ve already studied that caused them to extend the cap that ending up pulling the starting rate as well too.
IMO as of last Wednesday, there are numbers on screens that are important and it is because of the accomplishment of the SWIFT system and the IBAN system but they are not the true numbers yet. Why? Because there is an evolution of the Iraqi Dinar rate that is going on in country right now. How? I’ve already explained it to you.
Kuwait has accidentally spilled the beans with a contract that was signed. Libya, well, we’ll talk about that tonight too. They’ve been asking for investors and they’ve got a lot of investors and these investors have a lot of money. There is a tremendous windfall coming into Iraq right now, and I think it will continue even heavier during the 72-78 days that I told you about remember?
IMO this change that has occurred after the 21st it was the front end and the back numbers that are now engaged. There is an intention to get to a cap rate. We believe that they have agreed on that time frame. And all because again, of the volume that is coming into this country right now. There is a swelling of an announcement IMO that is occurring right now about this topic.
This may not mean anything to you and it may just go in one ear and out the other and for that matter you may also consider it to be just a joke… but the nations that are bringing in a lot of volume into Iraq right now are heavily involved with Iraq. Not with the MR but indirectly because they are involved with their ER’s, their infrastructure, their rebuilding of it.
And I told you that last Wednesday we feel that something happened at a specific time… just by coincidence at that same time, the Islamic not astronomy but astrological studies, we’re paying attention to their moons, their specific moons. They’re related to the “Blood Moons”.
In the Islamic world, it means a lot to them. And there is a country called China who on February the 2nd, will be celebrating their New Year and it overlaps with what I just told you about the Islamic Moons of Iraq. It will be the year of the Rooster, which is financial overtones.
It is on that Wednesday at that time late that evening that the committee of Ministers, IMO, met with the CBI and they made some decisions on their MR family, IMO all of this, and it was at that time that Delta brought to us and presented, Frank… Iraq, the CBI Website…they can only keep the rate off for 30 days from the CBI website.
I strongly suggest that you go back and you read the threats, the number one threat from Donald Trump, the number two threat from Donald Trump and the number three threat that we told you all for tonight. You can go back and you can see them and I put them at the end of the last two threads, or… the ones that are side by side is Post #323 and Post #329.
They need to accept the National Settlement and family, that includes the MR of their currency. The President of the National Alliance, al-Hakim was told, you’ve gotta do the National Settlement as we agreed in all these meetings. Any rejection of the National Settlement will lead Iraq’s return quickly into a trusteeship that we will govern and control or simply return you back into Chapter 7.
Donald Trump is sending another wake-up call. I want you to know something family, that the National Settlement includes the Economic Reform (ER), the MR, it includes all the reforms for their ports and their harbors, it includes Article 140, it includes HCL. It was important that you studied that, it’s important that I reiterate it to you, it’s important that the internet that is listening right now that mimics us, that studies us and does what they do… may need to consider those articles.
Now I want to take you to what they’re calling a mistake. But before I do you see, large volumes, that was the last thing that we told you as we said goodbye to you last Wednesday, okay? ”Family follow the money”.
There were large volumes that we started seeing that started to move on Friday into Saturday… large volume’s of money that were moved on international platforms. These were large volumes of money that were moving throughout the world, and it was at that very same time family that Iraq decides to brag and say to you:
~Role Play~
Iraq: “Hey…you know what?”
World: “What”?
Iraq: “Our Iraqi Stock Exchange?”
World: “What about it?”
Iraq: “It broke all records for the highest volume, in the Trillion’s, for 2016.
World: “So why you telling us about that?”
Iraq: “Wait til you see what happens in 2017”.
There was a lot, there was a lot of volume that moved family. Now, like I said…just before we started this do you mind if I take you into a mistake, but I’m going to call it… you remember the movie the “Perfect Storm”? Yeah, the Perfect Storm (giggles)…I’d like to take you into the “Perfect Mistake”.
Callum (a KTFAlways Member), from the United Kingdom, you made a post on the last thread Post #246, and you said something that we as a team have brought up in our meetings, actually we laughed when it was brought up…and what you said was “you change a mistake, you do not remove a mistake…you correct it, you change it”, very good Callum, very good Callum from the United Kingdom…that was brilliant. I called Delta and said:
~Role Play~
Frank: Delta, you see this?
Delta: Yeah
Frank: Is it a legite site?
Delta: Yes…yeah, it is a legite site.
Frank: Why don’t you go ahead and post it on the Forum and tell the family that it is at least a legite site.
So he did. So me and Delta were talking back and forth, back and forth…we said, Delta, there’s a guru that is saying that he got a hold of this BasNews website and I said Delta, those numbers… I can see a mistake ya know….(in the voice of the Rep from news site) “oh I forgot to put a zero here to the decimal, oh wait…okay wait, I’m sorry… the decimal belongs over here next to that zero not okay….okay I’m sorry I put a one to one, I really meant one something…”
Well okay, well fix your mistake you know, the next day…what do they do? They take their Perfect Mistake and they run with it. “Hey…did you put that up there? No I didn’t. Hakeem, did you put that up? OMG-osh…WHO PUT THAT UP?!? TAKE IT DOWN!! And they took it down the next day without, well…It. Was. A mistake. Uh yeah, that’s a mistake. Hmmmm.
Well the guru that called you doesn’t know how to ask questions does he, (giggles) ‘cause what did you tell the guru when he called? “I didn’t talk to no guru but anybody that wants to know that we put up the wrong numbers we’re going to tell them that yeah, it was a mistake, I mean what are we going to tell him…no it wasn’t a mistake?”
Well, anybody that might accept that it was a mistake might be gullible. Because you don’t remove a mistake, you correct a mistake…right Callum?!? “Right Frank!” So what do I want to say, legit website, I’m just curious…how did they get the number 3.64 and 3.84?
Are you coming to our calls and taking notes and then teasing the world? “No it was a mistake”. But removing it completely with numbers that are fictitious You heard something didn’t you? “NO”.
Somebody got excited over at your newspaper site…”NO”. You got way too many calls didn’t you, you got way too many calls, didn’t you? “No”. Well you did not make a mistake and you did not make these numbers up… you just didn’t pull them out of the air. They were too close to our study.
They were too interesting. We are not going to let you get away with this “but we told the guru…” We don’t give a guru what you told a guru. Let me ask you…just sit there for a second. CBI…somebody get CBI on the phone:
CBI: Hello?
Frank: Hey, CBI… is this you?
CBI: Yup. This is CBI. What’s up? This you Frank again?
Frank: Yeah it’s me again.
CBI: What you want?
Frank: Did you see what that newspaper did with the Libya, with the numbers that are kind of familiar to you guys?
CBI: Yeah, we saw it.
Frank: Can I ask you CBI a question?
CBI: What you want?
Frank: Why did you take down the numbers from the CBI Website? (For the same reason that news site quickly took theirs down (laughter)). Okay, look, CBI you took those numbers down for a reason, didn’t you?
CBI: Yeah, we took them down for the MOOKLAH of 2017
Frank: Oh that’s a goooood answer. May I ask another question?
CBI: What?
Frank: Did you take down those numbers on January 1st?
CBI: No we took them down on December 31st.
Frank: Oh. And you haven’t put them back up yet?
Frank: Well that means because you have intentions of putting something up rather quickly, like you say for the Mooklah of 2017. You didn’t take those numbers down on the 31st for something in June or July or August, did you?
CBI: No. That’s an interesting question Frank26.
Frank: Why, thank you. May we talk with the Proxy Governor?
CBI: Alak,
Alak: What?
CBI: Frank want’s to talk to you. Here, take the phone.
Alak: Alak here. What you want Frank?
Frank: Alak, about two days ago, you said that there were no problems with the reserves…
Alak: Nope, no problem
Frank: You said that you were really looking forward to taking the Iraqi Dinar back to it’s previous glory…
Alak: Yup
Frank: When do you plan to do this?
Alak: Give me MOOSE-UL! (Mosul)
Frank: No no no that’s my line.
Alak: Oh, when DAESH is gone.
(giggles) I’m sorry, I didn’t make that up and you can go back to the last two threads and you can read it very clearly, where it says what it says very clearly… I am the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, ya know, I’m the one that’s in charge of pushing the button…
I mean I’ve got permission to do the button but I haven’t gotten permission from the GOI/Abadi to do it just yet, apparently they are doing some things on the front and the back end of the cap, I have no idea, but let me just tell you this…we have no problems with our reserves, are you kidding me?!?
Lookie-here, when they do finally let me push that button, ya know that button, you know the little red button… the day they finally let me, oh my gosh are you kidding me…we’re going to go back to our glory days. You mean the 3.22? No(!) even hi…uh…oh, whatever. You mean the “perfect mistake”? Ah.. yeah no, I mean…whatever.
Do you guys have kidney problems? What? Do you have kidney problems? No our Camels do, why? There’s a lot of leaking going on. I mean, everywhere. Even you… even you… when you finally have DAASH completely done… GIVE ME MOOSE-UL! (Mosul)
You’re going to take the Iraqi Dinar because you have the power to do so, back to its previous glory days, right? And you have no problems with the reserves…in fact, they are probably in some astronomical numbers that we can’t even measure in today’s modern technology. Is that about right? Mmmmm, I don’t know.
The CBI did not take those program numbers down family for sometime in the middle of this year. As long as the CBI website is blank there is a reason to change the program rate at any time, don’t you agree with me family?
Erbil, the article that you read about… (interruption) …but you know what, Erbil you know that website that came out with those numbers, that were just to accurate to be… OOPS, it’s a mistake… what, your underwear is showing? No but my numbers were. Erbil may have been a glitch or a mistake, but where did you get all those numbers? And there were so many mistakes and glitches, weren’t there family. (laughter)
The private sector is doing this family, the Private sector is doing this…. And meanwhile, the United Nations Operational Rates… May I talk to you? You already talked to Erbil Newspaper, you already talked to Alak at the CBI, don’t talk to us… come on. Call them:
United Nations Operational Rates – (UNOR)
UNOR: Hello, who this?
Frank: Is this the UNOR for countries?
UNOR: Yes it is… how can we help you?
Frank: You guys got any numbers for Iraq?
UNOR: Nope. No numbers.
Frank: Alrighty. Are you also a “perfect mistake”?
UNOR: Nope.
I’m going to teach you tonight family how to find the big money that is moving. And I also would suggest very strongly that you keep a close eye on the CBI website and the UNOR. Why? Because this is your business. Because this is your job. I want you to think about that sentence that I gave you… in fact, let me give it to you in reverse.
I want you to think about this, if they have waited not to change the program rate, then why did it disappear why has it been gone for almost a month? For a purpose family. For a change. If not slap that program number up again. That program number represents Chapter 7.
Oh my goodness… a bunch of light bulbs just came on above people’s heads. United Nations can not sign a contract with Iraq family. WS brought you the article and showed you very clearly, “United Nations has signed an Agreement with Iraq”.. to do what? You know to do what. And that’s why all this money is pouring in. But they signed Frank. I know they signed. But it’s illegal.
Yes it is illegal for the United Nations to sign a contract with any countries under sanctions, I’m sorry. But but but the United Nations signed a contract with Iraq to do just that. Well then they must be out of Chapter 7 and into Article 8.
You should really read every article that WS brings to you family, it’s well calculated. As long as the program rate slot in all of these areas that we’ve talked about tonight are continue and are empty, it has to mean that a change is coming… unless the CBI comes back all of a sudden and they post the program rate… well, then we will have to talk about that in a separate venue, but I’m sorry, it’s empty for a reason.
Abadi even said very clearly this is our economic year of explosion. Yes sir, I agree with you. United Nations, you say to me that you’ve signed something. You say to me that in that contract it is to improve Iraq’s economy, right? Ok.
To improve everything about them, their infrastructure, their banks, their schools, their streets… okay, is that right? Right. Well, look I did a CC on this United Nations… stop talking to me backwards. What do you mean, stop talking to you backwards?!?
We are the United Nations! Listen knucklehead’s, bozo’s… how is it that you can tell me that you signed something and that you are going to do this amazing infrastructure rebuilding in Iraq when they are under Chapter 7?!?
Stop talking to me backwards… show me that Chapter 7 is lifted and then tell me this garbage that you’re telling me now! Oh, well, that’s not the plan Frank. Whatever.
They’ve had nothing but great meetings family. The United Nations has agreed on the economic reforms with their economic committees, they have done talked about all their reforms… everything, everything… but the Articles that came out, again, I won’t have the time unfortunately I did all that work for nothing… go back to the last two threads, look at the compilation that WS put together from the United Nations.
You may not understand what they’re doing in these meetings and these articles in all honesty, from the UN, and it’s a whole pile of them that WS brought up… I’m sorry, there are pieces missing in them. In my opinion, these articles… they’re not clear enough, they’re vague and they’re backwards just the way we taught you. They were written very carefully, very well calculated.
There used to be a boxer back in the 80’s by the name Leon Spinks. He actually beat Muhammad Ali but Leon Spinks had a gap between his two front teeth so wide that it made the Grand Canyon jealous. You got a bunch of Leon Spinks gaps all over these articles from the UN. You know why? Because they can not talk to you forward. They got to talk to you backwards. They can only tell you so much.
And yes, all these articles IMO have been well calculated. There should be a heavy focus on the transaction. You got that family? Pay attention when you read these articles on the wording of the transaction because it is not an agreement. They are way past those articles they are now telling you what they are doing. In these meetings, there was an agreement that has lead to a transaction that is in these articles that you need to study as a student of your investment.
In deed, IMO on Friday, there was an extraordinary amount of money that was moved on many floors. And I told you, go find them because this is the flow of a cap that was extended. This past Friday, a large volume of money started to move IMO. It was actually from Thursday into Friday and it caused, IMO for something to happen on Wednesday, therefore we will start to see IMO more and more of these volumes of money.
We cannot show them to you because we are having trouble seeing where this money is landing. What do I mean by that? Normally you can see when you follow money where it leaves and where it lands, but because IMO they’re using something called platforms, you can’t see it.
Now, these large volumes of money… why do countries move large volumes of money like this BOOM so quickly? To put themselves into a position, in fact…we have a member of a our forum by the name of Stephenmac63. Stephenmac63, Post #297 from the last thread, I saw your comment, that “large volumes are to allow countries to position themselves” and I literally almost stood up and applauded….brilliant, brilliant.
And that’s what’s happening right now with all of these countries that are trying to get themselves jockeying into position into Iraq. They’re not making money, they’re losing money. They’re losing millions, but they don’t care… they don’t care, very soon, they are about to make a lot of money with this country because their claws their roots are imbedded into this country.
They’ve been waiting, telephone company’s, electric company’s, manufacturing company’s, construction company’s… they’ve all been waiting, their turn is coming. And it is odd that normally we can see where the money lands but we’re not seeing it.
Would you like to have a list of where you can go look? Get a pencil and paper if you are not taking notes. Are you ready? It IOO that you should look for large volumes of money that have been moving, they are large hubs…amoutns let me give you at least seven places that you can go to:
1) Watch the United States of America. Watch what the United States Treasury does, not the Federal Reserve.
2) Hong Kong. I could say China but I need to say Hong Kong to represent the Asian Theatre. You can go to Hong Kong sites, you can go to their Central Bank, I mean their Banks.
3) The United Kingdom. We are kissing cousins. The same way we feel about Israel. We’re not kissing cousins with Israel, we protect them viciously, like a Bulldog…but when it comes to the UK? We’re kissing cousins. You don’t talk bad about the UK, you got that? And we don’t let nobody do that. We may have abandoned them to seek our own Nation, but trust me…we are very much in cahoots with each other.
4) Switzerland. That should have been a no brainer.
5) Amsterdam. (not to many people know to go look there)
6) This one might really floor you…you want to look for large volumes of money moving? The Vatican.
7) More on a small scale, Singapore. The Pacific Theatre.
The No. 1 would be Switzerland, the No. 2 would be the United States, No. 3 would be Hong Kong…but you don’t need my ratings on them, whatever this volume of money is, it has been well constructed IMO family… and the bigger parts, the large volumes of money we lost track of them because we believe when they arrive at the ports we believe that they are changed from large hubs to smaller hubs.
We believe that they are broken down into smaller portions not to attract attention causing them to blend in with all the other volume that is being moved. “Uh, here I am arriving at your shores…but don’t worry, I walked backwards with my heals first.” No one could see me bringing in this volume into your country we broke down into quarters, into eights, into halves…brilliant. Brilliant.
Yes IMO, this movement of money that is occurring within days hours whatever you want to call it, its all been very well orchestrated. Well planned, and it was meant to be a blinding... it was meant to be blinding or I should say, it was meant to be a blind situation. Kind of like looking into a mirror in the darkness. The image is there, you just can’t see it.
They wanted to blind us family and that’s why we can not see its final destination. But again, it’s important, these are not agreements, these are agreed transactions that are being distributed within the crowd masses and being hidden… and IMO, these are not in the B’s, these are in the T’s. Take that to the bank. Disguised or discreet…
IMO there was a specific timing for this volume that we’ve been teaching you that was issued to move these large amounts of money into Iraq, for Iraq, for their economic growth, for Iraq and all of their reforms, ALL OF THEIR REFORMS(!).
IMO, over the weekend, today and onward, we’re expecting to see more and more of these big movements. Can I prove this to you? I don’t think there’s a need, is there? I’ve already given you seven places… that you can go do your own work. Take it to God in prayer instead. IMO, there’s a total amount of Gold that they are trying to reach in country.
There’s no doubt about it, those articles that WS put together, long after the IMF articles, now the UN is meeting and talking and making big plans and signing contracts with Iraq… those articles are big but they’re missing many parts, they’re missing a lot information and IMO, that information… is coming.
But for now, know that IMO, all of these United Nation articles that were compiled together by WS, I want you to know that IMO, it has happened. Every word of it, but they are making the details blurry for right now. No worries. No worries man, It’s all alright, no worries brah. This is the lava flow of the MR. Please enjoy.
So, United Nations Operation Rates, can you say anything? Nothing. CBI Website, can you say anything? Nothing. Kurdistan Newspaper website, can you say anything about your “perfect mistake”? Nothing.
Delta, are you sure it’s only 30 days? Yes. And then Delta brings you the Articles straight from their Constitution that proves it word for word to you. Planets and stars have lined up family, since last Wednesday and I not here to get into that type of culture teaching and it’s not b.s., it might be to you but it’s not to them. We told you, we told you, my God…it’s full of stars.
Many things are lining up for the MR from Mosul to Trump… to the year of the Rooster… and what was one of the seven that I gave you? The year of the Rooster. Yeah, China’s new year is February the 2nd. Silly? Sure it is, but you can’t deny the way they live in the East family.
Do you think China’s banks are involved with Iraq? To the World, the East is a mysterious place, especially to us in the West. It is for that reason that is so hard to understand what’s going on. Look, I’m not saying that China is involved with the IQD reform, I’m just simply saying, that it’s one of the many parts.
It’s not that we, as a team, we believe in the Eastern culture family, it’s just the logic to respect and to study what they believe in so that we can understand them better… which is what we’ve accomplished.
The moment that we saw these large numbers moving, something changed inside of us as a study team… major things are happening, and even if they are being camouflaged right now, they are moving forward. There are major moments that are hidden major markers right now, that we just don’t get to see them or understand them all or have them explain it to us, how it’s happening.
If anything it is given to us backwards, for example, the MCP. The MCP… just boggles me and my teams, because they said the Iraqi banks would handle buying and selling of foreign currency in a different way but we don’t see it yet.
Again, many things, many parts… and I believe that they have a date in mind to do this RV because they still haven’t done the moves that would kill the MCP and alter their CBI auctions. They just simply announce things for the MR and then they froze. But never once denied or rejected or taken away.
Forgive me but as we come to the close to our CC, Iraq is not that smart. Iraq is unschooled. They’ve been on sanctions for 30 years. They’re Fred Flintstone’s of the Jetsons. They had terrible leader Saddam… they don’t have the ability, they don’t have the smarts, they don’t have the education to do these high calculations to have a successful MR of their currency.
Just like their army… there is no way that they liberated any part of Iraq, we did it and you know it but we’ve got to give them the credit. We want them to life the value of their Currency, you know it we know it, but they have to do it as a Sovereign Country.
Everything has been done for Iraq. Everything… from their economy, from their economics to their MR’s. Yes Iraq is a warrior nation, I’ll agree with that... but they are not of this century technology. When they see American’s, when they see our soldiers, when they see our dogs landing in parachutes, when they see our women in uniform… we are awesome to them. We are super-natural to them. That’s why we took them by the hand. That’s why we’ve taken them where they’re at right now and I promise you, it is a “perfect mistake”.
Iraqi citizens are beautiful, they’re loving people but they’re stuck in an archaic belief, imbedded in an oriented form of religious beliefs. The sacred goat is spiritual to them no doubt…but when it comes to money, they’ll sacrifice the goat and eat it too and that’s where we’re at right now.
We, from the East to the West are swaffed in idealism, in our culture… it has taken so long to accomplish so much in Iraq because we just didn’t understand each other. So we took everything over, and they’ve watched every step and every breath that we’ve made in front of them.
Iraq, not by desire but by evolution has learned the fast and proper ways of the West and they’re contaminated. They want it. Iraq is becoming westernized. Trust me... they know what the honorable thing is to do, and they need to increase the value of their currency and return to their former glory days.
Honorable? Glory? Yeah. All Honor and Glory to our Father. So the United Nations is talking while they’re not saying anything, anything important to us… yet.
As we end our CC it is the same way we started it… I thought last Thursday, Friday, Saturday would be the equivalent of about a 72 hours period, I thought that Sunday was their 1st of the week and that Monday was the first of our week, and Wednesday is the 1st and that Thursday is the 2nd…United Nations, you’re going to give them funds for their reforms. You silly rabbit, you gotta tell us first that you’re lifting Chapter 7 before you can do that.
By the way, you got those seven places but you won’t be able to see where it lands you’ll be able to see it leave those areas… HUGE amounts… but if we could find out where the small hubs are, where it is landing, then it would tell us their intentions on how and why they’re using those hubs. We would learn a little bit more, it’s frustrating in our study right now, it’s okay.
The Sunni’s by the way contacted the United Nations and they want the settlement they’re telling them you better accept it. They want the settlement under the supervision of the United Nations as they agreed because they don’t trust the Shiite’s. Yeah, we know, we know, we know.
So, what do you think? Did you like your CC family? We close in the same way that we started with that information and that we now have Final Article #25 (The Final Article thread, Post #26) and the way we started is the way we are going to end…
“The Iraq Dinar is still safe despite the decrease in reserves and it is expected to return to the former glory days after the end of the war on DAESH.” Give me what family? Give me what? And nanoseconds after that at the speed of light you would see the MR. Those are the words of Alak, who I’d swear if I didn’t know any better, simply was taking our notes and repeating them to this journalist. Isn’t that amazing?
I’m not trying to brag, all honor and glory go to our Heavenly Father, you know that… but isn’t that amazing? IMO I would say that we’re not walking backwards with our heels first confused, we’re right on tract, aren’t we. We know exactly what they’re doing.
We all have to just continue to be patient and try not to worry, because my only answer to you would be... “Hey, whatcha worried about? It’s coming”. This whole CC is IMO.
Anyways, I hope that you’ve enjoyed this CC. I’ve had a good time with you family and I’m sad that I’m not going to be able to go back with you and look at all of the postings in the last two threads because I’ve wanted to say a few things about each and every one of them but, I’ve think we’ve had enough for tonight, don’t you agree? So let us be dismissed in the manner in which we gathered together…
Dismissed with a beautiful Prayer.