Guest Posts Regarding the RV/GCR & More for Wed. Morning - 2.15.17

This is a compilation of all guest posts submitted as of Wednesday Morning, February 15, 2017. All guest posts that are more than 5 paragraphs in length or deemed important or is a response to another post will be considered it's own post.

Note: This post will be continuously updated with more entries as they are submitted. ~ Dinar Chronicles


"Reply to Julie"

Entry Submitted by Lucinda Dionysius at 12:15 AM EST on February 15, 2017

By Lucinda Dionysius

Hi Julie

Thank you for your support...sort of! LOL

I love Yeshua/Jesus. He is my hero!

Yahweh is Satan and the Angry God of the Old Testament.

But thank you so much. I love you.


"Trump a woman?"

Entry Submitted Anonymously at 1:41 AM EST on February 15, 2017

Is SNL telling us something deeper?



Entry Submitted by B. Change U. at 1:41 AM EST on February 15, 2017


Let us address the greatest and most obvious needs first.

Then ourselves (or at the same time)

Many will not survive if we balk


"Who is Jeshua?"

Entry Submitted by Helena at 3:09 AM EST on February 15, 2017

For many years I have heard a voice in my head saying that it was time for Jesus to come down from the cross. I did not understand this message until I read the following passages which I share with you:

Thank you Jeshua, my brother and friend.

With love to all.


"Question for Yosef Regarding FEMA Camps"

Entry Submitted by Helena at 4:18 AM EST on February 15, 2017

Hello Yosef

Can you give me and others interested some INTEL on just how the 30,000 guillotines and multiple FEMA Camps are to be incorporated into China/General Dunford’s plans for the Republic.

Thank you.



Entry Submitted Anonymously at 8:50 AM EST on February 15, 2017

Posted White Knights 2/13 The Elders finally flipped the proverbial and physical switch shortly after midnight on Saturday February 11, 2017. So now it is Wed 2/15, where is it?

Republic Oath Keeper White Knights (very different than White Hats) were told to "be ready for Monday morning activation." Now Wednesday, where is it Yosef?

Everything in terms of our monetary release hinges on what Israel Prime Minister BiBi Netanyahu says about Palestinian legitimacy and future sovereign statehood after his meeting tomorrow with President Trump. Netanyahu's public surrender against the will of his Israeli Knesset consortium is required by the Elders to allow Israel into the graces of the other 208 sovereign nations. All go or none go. This was posted by Yosef 2/14, wait a minute Yosef, you said previously the switch was flipped 2/11 and the white knights said be ready for Monday morning, 2/13, activation. So Yosef, again more lies and untruths, shame on you. Now we wait for Israel. What country do we wait on next?

This is proof Yosef is just posting this stuff to keep "kicking the can" today, tomorrow, next week, next month and on, and on and on. Where has he provided any actual proof of what he posts to be true. Correct, he doesn't. Again take with a grain salt.


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