Daily Reflections
Sunday, 19th February 2017.
Seventh Week in the Ordinary Time
Lev 19: 1-2,17-18;
Ps 102:1-4, 8, 10, 12-13;
1Cor3: 16-23;
Mt 5:38-48.
In archaic society where there was no state power capable of maintaining order, people easily resorted to revenge, retaliation without limits. The one who did wrong, once discovered, was subjected to exemplary punishments, to severe and cruel public punishments as to deter anyone else from committing similar mistakes. Retaliation served as a deterrent, but it was a barbaric way of doing justice. It is to put a stop to such excesses that the Torah had established “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” (Ex 21:23-25).This is perhaps the most misrepresented law of legal history. Everyone had to pay for the fault committed, not for all the evil in the world. If practiced, it guarantees fairness in judgments. Jesus does not consider it lapsed. He aims to go beyond this strict justice and calls to address the problem in another way (vv. 38-42).
The rabbis of Jesus’ time taught: “Be killed, but do not kill,” but added immediately: but if someone attacks you and wants to take your life, do not think, do not say to yourself: maybe I’ll be guilty of his blood; kill him first before he kills you! This interpretation of the rabbis did not raise objections. It conformed to human logic and could find justification also in the Torah. But, Jesus does not accept it and he says to his disciples: “You do not have to resist evil!” rather than doing violence to the brother, you have to be willing to suffer injustice (Mt 5:39). He adds four examples taken from the people’s everyday life.
The first relates to physical violence: “If someone strikes you on the right cheek”(v. 41).Jesus speaks of the right because the violence suffered is greater: It is about the slap, an extremely serious offense, punishable by a fine of more than a month’s salary in Israel. Jesus does not recommend to the disciple to be better, milder in claims for damages. He demands a radically new behavior: “You offer also the other cheek.”Of course, the words of Jesus must not be taken literally. When Jesus himself was slapped, he did not present the other cheek, but complained (Jn 18:23). What he requires of the disciples is the inner disposition to accept injustice, to bear the humiliation, rather to react doing harm to the brother. The only way to break the evil cycle, offense-violence, is to forgive. If one reacts to violence with more violence, it not only eliminates the first injustice but adds another. This circle can only be broken with an original gesture, absolutely new: forgiveness.
The second example refers to economic injustice (v. 40).In Israel, men and women wore two garments: a tunic with long sleeves or short sleeves, worn on the naked body, and a wide cape (mantle). The mantle was wrapped around the body when it was cold and was taken off when doing a menial job. It also served as a blanket for the night for the poor. It is for this the Torah stated that it could not be seized (Ex 22:25-26).Jesus offers an extreme case of injustice: a disciple is brought to court because he is asked to be deprived of the tunic. Clearly, all the other goods have already been removed. What must be done? For this he also gives the cloak, the last garment that remains. It could not be required as collateral. He is willing to stay naked, like his Master on the cross.
The third example is the abuse of power (v. 41)It often happened that the Roman soldiers bulldozed the poor peasants and forced them to act as guides or carry loads. For example, Simon of Cyrene was forced to carry the cross of Jesus (Mt 27:31).The zealots, that is, the revolutionaries of that time, suggested rebellion and the use of violence to oppose such exactions. Jesus simply says to his disciples: “If anyone forces you to go one mile, go two.” It is not a rule of wisdom. It does not even guarantee that such behavior will yield positive results in the short term. He asks the disciple that, without doing calculations, to keep the heart free from resentment and to refrain from any response that is not dictated by love.
The fourth case is that of a troublesome person who comes to ask for a loan. Jesus tells the disciple: “Give when asked, and do not turn your back on anyone who wants to borrow from you” (v. 42). If you can do something, just do it.
Jesus comes along and takes the practice ‘an eye for an eye’ to a whole new level. He takes the idea of “strict justice” and transforms it into mercy and forgiveness. By stating, “When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one as well,” Jesus is introducing the new concept of forgiveness rather than equal justice. Mercy and forgiveness can, at times, appear to be contrary to justice and common sense. But it’s not. It’s a higher law calling us to a much greater level of true justice. This law can only be understood when we see the sacredness and dignity of every person, including the sinner and the criminal. God’s justice is, first and foremost, accomplished by His mercy. If you can understand and live it, we will see great things happen in your life and in the lives of those you forgive.
Prayer: Lord, help me to forgive. Help me to offer mercy as a remedy for the injustice I face in life. May I heed Your words and follow the perfect example You set while on the Cross when You prayed, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” Help me, Lord, to imitate Your love and forgiveness. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.
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