Part 2 - Featuring BGG
Doug_W says to subgirl(8:46 AM):
^♥♣♥♣♥^ this part of chat has been copied ^♥♣♥♣♥^
subgirl says to clay(8:46 AM):
subgirl says to clay(8:46 AM):
I like that too lol
clay says to subgirl(8:46 AM):
was 77 here yesterday was beautiful
Doug_W says to subgirl(8:47 AM):
ty Maam
(8:47 AM).Doug_W.copy changed nickname to Doug_W!
subgirl says to Doug_W(8:47 AM):
your welcome and thank you too!!!
clay says to subgirl(8:47 AM):
set a new record
Doug_W says to subgirl(8:47 AM):
bbl gotta go find a new set up to get sound from this beast
subgirl says to clay(8:48 AM):
there ya go lol lol
clay says to Doug_W(8:48 AM):
subgirl says to Doug_W(8:48 AM):
ok have fun lol :)
futuremoney says to Doug_W(8:48 AM):
make some sauce Doug!!!
(8:49 AM)MrsBGG was kicked out by MrsBGG!
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:50 AM):
SRW says to subgirl(8:50 AM):
Water count..
clay says to SRW(8:50 AM):
there ya go LOL
SRW says to clay(8:51 AM):
Hey Buddy.. How are ya?
subgirl says to SRW(8:51 AM):
I have only just begun lol lol
clay says to SRW(8:51 AM):
good and you?
SRW says to subgirl(8:51 AM):
Ya Ya..
SRW says to clay(8:52 AM):
Doing good.. Pickin on Subby always makes my day.. :D
subgirl says to SRW(8:52 AM):
I heard that lol :@(lol):D
SRW says to subgirl(8:55 AM):
subgirl says to SRW(8:56 AM):
subgirl says to SRW(8:56 AM):
you are something else too lol
SRW says to subgirl(8:56 AM):
You better drink your water.. Chug..
subgirl says to SRW(8:57 AM):
subgirl says to SRW(8:57 AM):
I have to go get it first lol
SRW says to subgirl(8:58 AM):
Thousand one... Thousand two.. :D
subgirl says to SRW(8:58 AM):
subgirl says to SRW(8:58 AM):
you... lol
subgirl says to SRW(8:58 AM):
subgirl says to SRW(8:58 AM):
I hear ya counting lol
subgirl says to SRW(8:59 AM):
brb lol gonna go get a couple of bottles lol
futuremoney says to subgirl(8:59 AM):
beer?? llol
SRW says to subgirl(8:59 AM):
You have 10 seconds and I better hear you drinking.. :D
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:00 AM):
ummmmmm lol
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:00 AM):
weelllll no not really lol
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:00 AM):
just pure clean waaaaaaater lol
futuremoney says to subgirl(9:00 AM):
subgirl says to SRW(9:00 AM):
gulp gulg chugging gulp lol
(9:00 AM)Check out THE BLOG - - for the latest Dinar News, Documents and Call banners
SRW says to subgirl(9:01 AM):
Right on time.. 3 waters by noon..
subgirl says to SRW(9:01 AM):
well there ya go lol lol lol
futuremoney says to subgirl(9:02 AM):
better wear some depends...
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:02 AM):
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:02 AM):
remember I can multitask lol
futuremoney says to subgirl(9:02 AM):
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:03 AM):
lol thot you might like that lol
SRW says to subgirl(9:03 AM):
She sits on a porta potty.. :D
futuremoney says to subgirl(9:03 AM):
subgirl says to SRW(9:03 AM):
so I have to leave the room lol
futuremoney says to SRW(9:03 AM):
next to the computer..
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:04 AM):
(lol):P:D(F) the flower was very nice lol
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:04 AM):
yep lol now I am caught lol
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:06 AM):
I have laughed so much just today lol
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:06 AM):
that was funny lol
SRW says to subgirl(9:08 AM):
The RV button is right next to her.. :D
subgirl says to SRW(9:08 AM):
actually probably under all my mess on my desk somewhere lol
futuremoney says to SRW(9:08 AM):
I KNOW!!!!! and she just wont hit it!!!!!!!!!!!!
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:08 AM):
well gotta find it first lol
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:08 AM):
I have a messy desk lol
futuremoney says to SRW(9:09 AM):
I think Maliki paid her off....
subgirl says to SRW(9:09 AM):
no my desk is messy lol I have to clean it lol
BGG says(9:10 AM):
I know I had put out a bunch of advertisements - but we are likely going to do the Round Table Call on Wed - not Tues.
BGG says(9:10 AM):
Maybe I'll do a News Time this evening.
BGG says(9:10 AM):
woodywoodpecker says(9:13 AM):
GM u all
woodywoodpecker says(9:13 AM):
nice up in the trees this morning 64 degrees
subgirl says to woodywoodpecker(9:15 AM):
GM Woody :)
woodywoodpecker says(9:16 AM):
hi girl
SRW says to subgirl(9:16 AM):
It's the big red button.. Stomp on it.. :D
SRW says to subgirl(9:20 AM):
Kick it, Slam it, beat it with a hammer.. Just do it... :D
subgirl says to SRW(9:20 AM):
(lol)trying lol
subgirl says to SRW(9:21 AM):
slam it and beat with it a hammer lol :D(lol)
subgirl says to SRW(9:21 AM):
that was funny lol
SRW says to subgirl(9:22 AM):
Beat it into submission.. In iddy bitty pieces.. :D(H)
subgirl says to SRW(9:23 AM):
oh my goodness lol that is funny lol :D(lol)
subgirl says to SRW(9:24 AM):
that is waaaay too funny lol
SRW says to subgirl(9:25 AM):
Quit laughing and drink your water.. Then hit the button.. The big Red One.. :D
subgirl says to SRW(9:25 AM):
lol well it is hard to laugh and drink water at the same time lol
subgirl says to SRW(9:25 AM):
SRW says to subgirl(9:26 AM):
futuremoney says to subgirl(9:29 AM):
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:30 AM):
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:30 AM):
I am too lol still copying lol'
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:30 AM):
almost done too lol
SRW says to subgirl(9:32 AM):
Ya Ya.. Water.. RV button.. Ready.. Get Set... Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subgirl says to SRW(9:35 AM):
lol :D(lol) I'm gone lol
futuremoney says to subgirl(9:36 AM):
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:36 AM):
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:36 AM):
you both are crazy lol
MrsBGG says(9:37 AM):
Good morning sweetie :)
MrsBGG says to futuremoney(9:37 AM):
Good morning :)
MrsBGG says to SRW(9:37 AM):
Good morning :)
(9:37 AM)deberry was kicked out by deberry!
SRW says to MrsBGG(9:37 AM):
Good Morning..
subgirl says to MrsBGG(9:38 AM):
Good morning :)
MrsBGG says to subgirl(9:38 AM):
How was your trip to Chicago?
subgirl says to MrsBGG(9:38 AM):
it was very good thanks! :)
MrsBGG says to subgirl(9:39 AM):
Great to hear :)
subgirl says to MrsBGG(9:39 AM):
all my numbers were great except my blood pressure and when this rv happens it may come down too lol
subgirl says to MrsBGG(9:39 AM):
no just kidding my blood pressure only goes up when I go to cancer treatment center cuz I am a bit nervous... flying and such...
subgirl says to MrsBGG(9:40 AM):
and while at home it is normal... :)
MrsBGG says to subgirl(9:40 AM):
Whoo hoo!! Great to hear sweetie!! sure :) so happy for you!!
subgirl says to MrsBGG(9:40 AM):
so they are concerned about it going up..
subgirl says to MrsBGG(9:40 AM):
thank you :)
MrsBGG says to subgirl(9:40 AM):
you are welcome :)
(9:40 AM)seadreamer was kicked out by seadreamer!
MrsBGG says(9:42 AM):
News from MadDScout...
MrsBGG says(9:42 AM):
2,000 police receive training to secure liberated parts of Mosul
3 hours ago 0 comments
2,000 police receive training to secure liberated parts of Mosul
A group of Mosul forces in eastern Mosul, Iraq, Feb. 12, 2017. (Photo: Kurdistan24)
Tag : Mosul Iraq ISIS ISIL
MOSUL, Iraq (Kurdistan24) – Eight Civil Defense stations have been opened in eastern Mosul as part of the rebuilding process of the liberated areas from the Islamic State (IS), said an Iraqi security director.
On Sunday, the Deputy Interior Minister of Iraq Mohammed Badr visited eastern Mosul and met with security and police forces in the area.
Badr told Kurdistan24 the Prime Minister of Iraq Haider al-Abadi decided to train 2,000 police personnel as part of the restructuring of liberated areas in Mosul.
“The training has already begun in some areas,” Badr said. “They will be part of the Nineveh police forces.”
After IS occupied Mosul in June 2014, the extremist group began to arrest and execute members of the Nineveh police and security forces.
“The visit of [Badr] was to discuss the issues in the liberated parts of Mosul as well as allocating a special budget for the area,” the Director of Mosul Civil Defense Kazim Salman told Kurdistan24.
Salman also mentioned eight Civil Defense bases had been re-opened in eastern Mosul so far.
Moreover, the Civil Defense Director added the bases operate frequently on a daily basis.
On Friday, two suicide bombings targeted an Iraqi army position and restaurant in eastern Mosul killing five and injuring over 19 people.
Iraqi and Kurdish Peshmerga forces launched the Mosul operation on Oct. 17, 2016.
In January 2017, the Iraqi troops declared victory in the eastern part of the city.
However, the area remains extensively damaged and lacks essential services for civilians.
MrsBGG says(9:42 AM):
this is from this morning :)
subgirl says to MrsBGG(9:43 AM):
thank you :)
MrsBGG says to subgirl(9:43 AM):
you are welcome :)
MrsBGG says to subgirl(9:43 AM):
More News from MadDScout...
MrsBGG says(9:43 AM):
Jubouri was determined to choose a new parliament elections Commission
Section: political news Visits: 209 Published on: 13/2/2017, 16:04
The head of the House of Representatives, Saleem al-Jubouri, the intention of Parliament choose a new Electoral Commission.
Jubouri said in a press conference at the parliament building today that "the work of the election commission ends next September," pointing to "the formation of a committee of experts for the selection of new members."
He added, "The House of Representatives receive election law provincial councils were read readers first, and will be presented soon to complete the legislation and there is no intention to delay approval," pointing out that he "has not yet been receiving members of the House of Representatives election of the Presidency of the Republic Act and the case received will take the constitutional context in legislation." .
He said al-Jubouri, the "new election law will determine the next course of the political process."
MrsBGG says(9:44 AM):
from MadDScout...
MrsBGG says(9:44 AM):
Iraq received a grant of 500 million euros from Germany
Hits: 849 Published on: 13/2/2017, 13:53
Baghdad / Karbala News:
It awarded the Framework Convention for the loan of the German Development Bank of Iraq a loan of 500 million euros for the reconstruction of liberated areas of Daesh and facilitate the return of displaced persons ..
MrsBGG says(9:44 AM):
Egyptian official: the start of the Iraqi oil imports within weeks
Views 30 Date 02/13/2017 - 17:00
Economy News / Continue ...
Finished on Monday, a delegation from the Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources visit to Baghdad, which lasted three days, to complete negotiations with the Iraqi side on the agreement on the supply of ore Egypt Basra, and agree on a final draft of the contract.
Egypt is seeking to import one million barrels per month of Basra crude to refined Egyptian laboratories, under the current amplitude in Egyptian refineries.
The chief executive of the General Authority of the Egyptian Petroleum, Tariq al-Hadidi, in a press statement, said that the travel of the Egyptian delegation to Iraq comes in the context of termination of the agreement with the Iraqi side, "pointing out that" the recent period has seen intense negotiations between the Egyptian Oil Minister Tariq Al-Mulla, and Iraqi Oil Minister Jabbar Allaibi "predicting that" the Convention enters into force in a few weeks. "
He said the iron, that "Egypt get Iraqi crude since the period by international companies and suppliers, but the intergovernmental agreement between the two countries, given Egypt's payment facilities," adding that "the Basra oil is one of the finest raw materials imported by Egypt."
Egypt is seeking to import between one million and two million barrels of Iraqi oil a month, and is expected completion of the agreement during the current quarter of 2017.
MrsBGG says(9:45 AM):
News from MadDScout...
MrsBGG says(9:45 AM):
Decline in the dollar exchange rate in local markets
Views 29 Date 13/02/2017 - 16:04
Economy News / Baghdad ...
Dollar exchange rates in the domestic markets fell Stock Exchange on Monday (February 13, 2017).
Bourse struggle - Baghdad 127.600, while the Stock Exchange struggle to 128.100 on Sunday.
Buying and selling in shops Banking Rates:
Dollar selling price = 128,000 dinars.
The purchase price of the dollar = 127,000 dinars.
MrsBGG says(9:46 AM):
from MadDScout...Retirement of the economy News: Registered in the private sector 400 thousand out of eight million
Views 291 Added 13/02/2017 - 17:47
Economy News / special
Public pension body exposed to the registered workers in the social security of the private sector of 400,000 workers just out of the 8 million workers, stressing that there will be concessions for companies that register their employees.
The head of Ahmed Abdul - Jalil al - Saadi said in an interview for "Economy News", that which we receive Statistics indicate that there are very few companies, factories, Almhiat of private sector employees registered in the Social Security , which guarantees workers ' rights in this sector.
Among al - Saadi said the indicators that we have confirm that there are only about 400,000 workers from the private sector registered out of 8 million workers working in the private sector, noting that this figure is ambitious because the workers in those unregistered institutions will be at risk of losing their rights.
He pointed out that there Saadi oblige companies to register their employees in security as well as that there will be Amyazat for companies that record was to be exemptions for contributions to pensions as well as tax breaks and others.
MrsBGG says(9:46 AM):
from MadDScout...IMF: improvement in the US economy will affect the economies of the world
Views 26 Date 13/02/2017 - 17:26
Economy News / Continue ...
Director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, on Monday, that the expected improvement in the US economy under President Donald Trump will have repercussions on the economies of the world have warned.
Lagarde said during the World Summit for governments in Dubai, "Through the little that we do know, and insisted on telling the little that we know, we have grounds to feel optimistic about economic growth in the United States."
Lagarde predicted economic reforms and more investment in infrastructure during the mandate of Trump, who led his declaration Thursday on new proposals to cut taxes to lift US stocks to record levels.
Closed "Dow Jones" and "NASDAQ" and "S & P 500" signs of a rise of 0.6 percent Thursday after the new president has promised a plan "exceptional" for tax cuts to be unveiled within two or three weeks.
However, the director of the IMF warned of the repercussions of improvement in the world's largest economy on the rest of the states.
She said Lagarde, said "this is good news, but the disturbing news is that it will have consequences for the rest of the world, which is what we see happening."
Lagarde pointed to "increase the value of the dollar against other currencies in what it said it expects to increase interest in which the Fed controls the prices (US central bank), which would be difficult for the global economy that will have to prepare its economies."
And it contradicts the optimism Monetary Fund and World Bank, which did not change its forecast for growth in the United States warned because of "uncertainty" surrounding the policies Trump.
MrsBGG says to subgirl(9:47 AM):
Thank you!!
MrsBGG says(9:47 AM):
from MadDScout...Alloush remembrance pays tribute to the role on a project for the banks take a Baghdad
Views 254 Added 02/13/2017 - 17:39
Economy News / Baghdad ...
Amina praised the anniversary of Baghdad Alloush role of private banks and the Association of private banks and the Central Bank for their contribution to actors in the project ful Baghdad.
She Alloush in a press statement, he said the draft (Take a Baghdad) embodies the partnership between the public and private sectors and how to implement it, which will contribute to the development of the capital and give it a look distinct through the activation of the initiatives funded by the private banking sector under the supervision of the Central Bank and the Association of Private banks and support government institutions and ministries concerned.
She added that the fountain of peace to be established within Baghdad Forest, which has become its ownership now to the Municipality of Baghdad after it was owed by the Ministry of Finance to start working fountain, was also direct the rehabilitation of 20 theater of the capital in the project, as has the Baghdad Municipality approval of the proposed funding from banks and engineering designs private banks and the Association of Museums and the inclusion of this initiative.
She explained that it is scheduled to be completed squares which number 20 yard within the next six months, in addition to the completion of the first part of the peace fountain after he embarked on the engineering and technical personnel to conduct the necessary surveys fountain located within Baghdad Forest, which covers more than 400 acres.
subgirl says to MrsBGG(9:53 AM):
your welcome. :)
futuremoney says to subgirl(9:58 AM):
lunch time
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:58 AM):
enjoy :) lol
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:58 AM):
maybe that pizza will do it? lol
futuremoney says to subgirl(9:58 AM):
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:58 AM):
oh my goodness lol
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:58 AM):
1 slice please lol
futuremoney says to subgirl(9:59 AM):
yes please
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:59 AM):
WOW! you go enjoy lol
subgirl says to futuremoney(9:59 AM):
have a good time lol :)
futuremoney says to subgirl(9:59 AM):
eating samiches..
subgirl says to futuremoney(10:00 AM):
oh that sounds good too :)
futuremoney says to subgirl(10:00 AM):
and pickles...
subgirl says to futuremoney(10:00 AM):
YUM lol
(10:00 AM)THE OBSERVER - - Save as a favorite... for Daily Dinar Commentary, Notices and Call banners!!
tycho says(10:00 AM):
good morning from snow valley
futuremoney says to subgirl(10:00 AM):
subgirl says to futuremoney(10:01 AM):
gotta have pickles lol
subgirl says to tycho(10:01 AM):
Good morning :)
tycho says(10:01 AM):
took me 3 hours to snowblow my driveway, so much snow
subgirl says to tycho(10:01 AM):
clay says to tycho(10:01 AM):
wow was 77 here yesterday in the ntns
clay says to tycho(10:02 AM):
clay says to tycho(10:02 AM):
3 hours omg
tycho says(10:02 AM):
yesterday we had white outs all day couldn't even see infront of me
tycho says(10:03 AM):
my friend lives by little lake, her son has a truck. Totally covered by snow.
tycho says(10:04 AM):
Just as I finally finished started snowing again, not doing anymore today .
tycho says(10:06 AM):
was there a conference call last night?
subgirl says to tycho(10:07 AM):
no conf call we had a newstime Saturday night in the room...
MrsBGG says to tycho(10:08 AM):
Good morning :)
MrsBGG says to tycho(10:08 AM):
Here is the link to News Time, :)
tycho says(10:08 AM):
Subby this snow is for the birds, can't wait to be a snowgirl and fly away for the winter.
subgirl says to tycho(10:09 AM):
how about you move to the south! I would not like to be living in that much snow! WOW!
tycho says(10:09 AM):
good moroning Mrs. BGG sure could use some of your garlic soup right now.
clay says to MrsBGG(10:09 AM):
GM :)
MrsBGG says to clay(10:10 AM):
Good morning :)
MrsBGG says to clay(10:10 AM):
How was your weekend?
MrsBGG says to tycho(10:10 AM):
MrsBGG says to tycho(10:10 AM):
can get the recipe if you would like... :)
MrsBGG says to tycho(10:10 AM):
How much snow did you'all get?
MrsBGG says to tycho(10:10 AM):
Love snow!!
tycho says(10:10 AM):
yes please
tycho says(10:11 AM):
Snow here is up to5 Feet
clay says to tycho(10:11 AM):
MrsBGG says to tycho(10:11 AM): that's the link!! It's delicious!!
MrsBGG says to tycho(10:11 AM):
MrsBGG says to tycho(10:11 AM):
Where are you?
tycho says(10:12 AM):
I am Hungarian lady low garlic
clay says to MrsBGG(10:12 AM):
was 77 yesterday got my veggy garden prepared
tycho says(10:12 AM):
Barrie, Ontario Kempenfelt Bay area
MrsBGG says to clay(10:12 AM):
That's awesome!!
MrsBGG says to clay(10:12 AM):
When will you start planting?
MrsBGG says to tycho(10:13 AM):
clay says to MrsBGG(10:13 AM):
end of April
MrsBGG says to clay(10:13 AM):
clay says to MrsBGG(10:13 AM):
but wanted to fertilize and lime
MrsBGG says to clay(10:13 AM):
We're thinking of doing a garden this year...
clay says to MrsBGG(10:13 AM):
it alot of work but worth it
clay says to MrsBGG(10:13 AM):
tomatos taste like sugar
MrsBGG says to clay(10:13 AM):
yes :)
MrsBGG says to clay(10:13 AM):
and healthy!
clay says to MrsBGG(10:14 AM):
the romaine is outta this world
MrsBGG says to clay(10:14 AM):
do you have a rototiller sp?
MrsBGG says(10:16 AM):
bbiab (})
clay says to MrsBGG(10:19 AM):
I borrow one
jeffusa says to clay(10:20 AM):
sup cracker
jeffusa says to subgirl(10:21 AM):
water? 2 done already?
subgirl says to jeffusa(10:24 AM):
on my second one tho lol
jeffusa says(10:25 AM):
The Iraqi Armed Forces said Monday in a statement, obtained by Sputnik, that their airstrike killed 77 Daesh militants, including 13 commanders, in the west of Iraq.
"A reconnaissance patrol conducted a successful operation against the Daesh command in the al-Qaim region. Thirteen commanders were killed, as well as 64 militants," the statement read
jeffusa says(10:25 AM):
The airstrike was carried out on Saturday.
On Sunday, Arab-language media reported that Abu Bakr Baghdadi, leader of the Daesh terrorist organization, banned in Russia and many other countries, was allegedly heavily injured in an airstrike in western Iraq and sent to Syria for treatment.
clay says to jeffusa(10:29 AM):
jxxl says(10:29 AM):
Good Morning: Picking Lemons and Oranges this morning. 65 F 9:28 Am, Arizona is great.. Bye
clay says to jeffusa(10:29 AM):
when can I stop crackin
clay says to jeffusa(10:29 AM):
jeffusa says(10:29 AM):
clay says to jeffusa(10:30 AM):
clay says to jeffusa(10:30 AM):
that should done very s@@n
jeffusa says(10:30 AM):
they delayed the ground forces attack... supposed to start on the 10th...
clay says to jeffusa(10:31 AM):
didnt know that
clay says to jeffusa(10:31 AM):
well todaysb the 13th
Dr dave says(10:31 AM):
Howdy all yes you too Doc.....What is going on with the Texas Chiro Association......?
jeffusa says(10:32 AM):
not sure why... some reports of wanting to build floating bridges, some reports that they need to clean up the east side completely first..
clay says to Dr dave(10:32 AM):
haven't heard why
clay says to jeffusa(10:32 AM):
I heard they got the floating bridges from kuwait
futuremoney says to jeffusa(10:32 AM):
I think they are leting air strikes do the work for them, they are having great success with them..
jeffusa says to futuremoney(10:34 AM):
maybe.... maybe waiting for Trump... he is supposed to have a plan 30 from Jan 20th
Dr dave says(10:35 AM):
Judge ruled a few days ago in favor the AMAs wish on removing there ability to diagnosis.......
Dr dave says(10:35 AM):
clay says to Dr dave(10:36 AM):
wow didnt hear that
clay says to Dr dave(10:37 AM):
I know PTs are starting to manipulate
Continue to Part 3 | Link to Part 1