Dinar Updates Daily Chat Log for Monday 2/13/17 - Part 5

Dinar Updates Daily Chat Log

Part 5 - Featuring BGG & tman23

subgirl says to SRW(5:23 PM):

Today's special session of parliament elections file 2/13/2017

BAGHDAD / Shaima Rashid / Muhannad Abdul Wahab

scheduled to House of Representatives held its meeting on Monday to discuss the dissolution of the Electoral Commission and to change the electoral law demands, which could see the discussion of the draft elections that ended the presidency of the republic set up in the event of arrival at the Parliament Act.

The parliamentary sources suggested to witness today 's session questioning the Electoral Commission after the submission by the Presidency of the Council of Representatives on the rest of the interrogations, the Committee of Experts parliamentary costly announced the selection of the members of the Board of Commissioners to vote on its rules of procedure and the launch of a special form of candidates for membership of the Commission in the next few days.

He said the House of Representatives decision Niazi architecture Ihsanoglu told the «morning»: The «session (Monday) have been fully determine to discuss the demands of the demonstrators, has been the subject takes a broad», noting that « the meeting could see the development of a formula in this regard or discuss the draft election results announced presidency completed and will be included on the agenda , if they come to the parliament Act. »

The First Presidency announced on Saturday, the completion of the preparation of a new draft election law has been discussed with the main parliamentary blocs, expressing the hope that the law has the approval of the House of Representatives as soon as possible after his studies.

Questioning Commission

Member of the Legal Committee MP Ibtisam al- Hilali revealed in a press statement, expressed that « the Presidency of the Council of Representatives and as a result of pressure of the masses during demonstrations Saturday; decided to provide questioning the Electoral Commission on the rest of the other interrogations, which had been scheduled on the 23rd of this month», Hilali and suggested that the witness hearing parliament today questioned the Commission.

For his part, MP for the coalition of Iraqi forces Raad Aldhlki said in a statement to «morning»: The «House of Representatives decided to interrogate the election commission and put it on the rails interrogations formally and legally», adding that «there is a committee formed by the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to choose the new Commission especially as the current commission will finish its work in the month of September. »

subgirl says to SRW(5:26 PM):

The Committee of Experts

in the same context, the President of the Parliamentary Committee of Experts Aram Sheikh Mohammed, on Sunday in a press statement, said that « the Commission in charge of choosing the members of the Office of the Board of Elections voted on the rules of procedure at its second meeting (on Sunday), and that the next few days will witness the launch of a special form for new candidates for the election commission. »

For its part, the parliamentary legal committee member Hamdiya Husseini stressed that the issue of changing the electoral law concerning the views of the political blocs in the parliament and the decision must be unanimous blocks, and added that « the Constitution allows Parliament questioning the Electoral Commission and then be dissolved by voting».

Furthermore, the Board of Commissioners demanded in the election commission, the need to resolve the choice of «new» members of the Board of Commissioners by the Expert Committee in the House of Representatives, according to a statement issued by the «morning» received a copy of it.

The statement noted that « the Commission demanding government and security all sides to maintain their offices and their staff in Baghdad and the provinces of some lurking who are trying to confuse and offend demonstrations», the security forces and taken Sunday strict measures to protect the electoral commission office in Basra after the fire suffered by office by unknown.

Sadr data and call

in the meantime, the Dawa Party , said « the need for a just, comprehensive and prompt investigation of the unfortunate confrontations that took place between the security forces and some of the demonstrators in Baghdad».

He stressed in a statement to beware of an internal or external conspiracies aimed at distracting the Iraqi people and prevent the temptation to rid Iraq of the remaining Daesh gangs in the right section of Mosul and Hawija and risen. »

The statement said, that «support for the political process and the peaceful transfer of power in Iraq as part of the mechanisms of democracy and respect for others ' opinions , which guarantees freedom for all to express their views by peaceful demonstrations and respect for the law and instructions issued by the custodians of security, is not entitled to any person, group or entity to impose his views Mtbuniath or others for any reason and under any slogan was. »

Party House of Representatives and called for speeding up the election of new members of Trustees of the Independent High Electoral Commission, who should enjoy the advantages of the election administration efficiently, faithfully, impartially and without being subject to a specific destination. »

Dawa Party and he expressed his support for Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi «to hold the positions not be dragged into this sedition, and bringing the accused to justice, and to maintain security and stability, and not allowed to undermine the political process in Iraq, and rid Iraq of terrorism and Msbouaph and backers.»

The leader of the Sadrist movement , Muqtada al - Sadr issued on Sunday, a statement on the events in the capital Baghdad on Saturday, and the face of his supporters to remain calm until the issuance of orders, calling for «left rhetoric and escalation have you ordered peace until the end».

He warned his supporters of the use of violence, and said: «If you resorted to violence and sought refuge Fannie Sabera party will I support anyone at all», Sadr said in a statement the night the first Saturday of innocence of any «revolutionary» uses violence or performs

(5:34 PM)wvchsr was kicked out by wvchsr!

(5:37 PM)JD1 was kicked out by JD1!

(5:44 PM)JD1 was kicked out by JD1!

(5:52 PM)JD1 was kicked out by JD1!

(5:55 PM)JD1 was kicked out by JD1!

(5:58 PM)george was kicked out by george!

(6:00 PM)Check out THE BLOG - http://www.dinarupdates.com/blog/ - for the latest Dinar News, Documents and Call banners

popeye7 says to subgirl(6:02 PM):

Subby... When did you turn 117?... I must have missed that day..

subgirl says to popeye7(6:02 PM):


subgirl says to popeye7(6:02 PM):

I thot i had the year on my name lol

subgirl says to popeye7(6:03 PM):

how are you?

popeye7 says to subgirl(6:03 PM):

I am doing just fine... And you?'

subgirl says to popeye7(6:03 PM):

I am doing great thanks! :)

Doug_W says(6:24 PM):

GN gang

Doug_W says to subgirl(6:24 PM):

I am here tomorrow early again

magnetlady says(6:24 PM):

EVening everyone

subgirl says(6:25 PM):

good night doug!!

subgirl says to magnetlady(6:25 PM):

Good Evening!

subgirl says to magnetlady(6:26 PM):

how was your day?

(6:29 PM)JD1 was kicked out by JD1!

12david says(6:45 PM):

Steven Mnuchin Confirmed

baxter says(6:45 PM):

They just confirmed our new treasury secretary.... now... we can RV...

12david says(6:45 PM):


baxter says(6:46 PM):

:) (y)

(6:47 PM)JD1 was kicked out by JD1!

(6:49 PM)JD1 was kicked out by JD1!

(6:50 PM)JD1 was kicked out by JD1!

magnetlady says(6:53 PM):

Dinar Updates

– “NEWS TIME” w/BGG & Company –

– Feb 15th 6:30pm CST –

In the Dinar Updates CHAT Room!!


A Dinar Round Table Call

“with the whole DU Crew!!”

Wed – Feb 15th – 7:00pm CST

641-715-3640 pin# 528733

(6:55 PM)JD1 was kicked out by JD1!

(7:00 PM)THE OBSERVER - http://www.dinarupdates.com/observer/ - Save as a favorite... for Daily Dinar Commentary, Notices and Call banners!!

(8:00 PM)Be sure to join the Dinar Updates “private” FaceBook Group… https://www.facebook.com/groups/571383766355188/ (go here and ask to join… then add some Dinar Friends!!)

woodie says(8:08 PM):

All of you people that follow Bgg are nuts. He has lied for years about the upcoming rv. Even went as far s to guarantee it about 5 years ago. He has preached for about 3 years that when Maliki was gone it would rv in a few days. Hes a LIAR. As much so as any guru you have ever known

(8:11 PM)woodie was kicked out by subgirlcopy!

sassy says(8:12 PM):

woodie that would be your opinion, which I do not value

(8:15 PM)calaciura was kicked out by calaciura!

subgirl says(8:19 PM):

Today's special session of parliament elections file 2/13/2017

Today's special session of parliament elections file 2/13/2017 0:00

BAGHDAD / Shaima Rashid / Muhannad Abdul Wahab

scheduled to House of Representatives held its meeting on Monday to discuss the dissolution of the Electoral Commission and to change the electoral law demands, which could see the discussion of the draft elections that ended the presidency of the republic set up in the event of arrival at the Parliament Act.

The parliamentary sources suggested to witness today 's session questioning the Electoral Commission after the submission by the Presidency of the Council of Representatives on the rest of the interrogations, the Committee of Experts parliamentary costly announced the selection of the members of the Board of Commissioners to vote on its rules of procedure and the launch of a special form of candidates for membership of the Commission in the next few days.

He said the House of Representatives decision Niazi architecture Ihsanoglu told the «morning»: The «session (Monday) have been fully determine to discuss the demands of the demonstrators, has been the subject takes a broad», noting that « the meeting could see the development of a formula in this regard or discuss the draft election results announced presidency completed and will be included on the agenda , if they come to the parliament Act. »

The First Presidency announced on Saturday, the completion of the preparation of a new draft election law has been discussed with the main parliamentary blocs, expressing the hope that the law has the approval of the House of Representatives as soon as possible after his studies.

Questioning Commission

Member of the Legal Committee MP Ibtisam al- Hilali revealed in a press statement, expressed that « the Presidency of the Council of Representatives and as a result of pressure of the masses during demonstrations Saturday; decided to provide questioning the Electoral Commission on the rest of the other interrogations, which had been scheduled on the 23rd of this month», Hilali and suggested that the witness hearing parliament today questioned the Commission.

For his part, MP for the coalition of Iraqi forces Raad Aldhlki said in a statement to «morning»: The «House of Representatives decided to interrogate the election commission and put it on the rails interrogations formally and legally», adding that «there is a committee formed by the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to choose the new Commission especially as the current commission will finish its work in the month of September. »

The Committee of Experts

in the same context, the President of the Parliamentary Committee of Experts Aram Sheikh Mohammed, on Sunday in a press statement, said that « the Commission in charge of choosing the members of the Office of the Board of Elections voted on the rules of procedure at its second meeting (on Sunday), and that the next few days will witness the launch of a special form for new candidates for the election commission. »

For its part, the parliamentary legal committee member Hamdiya Husseini stressed that the issue of changing the electoral law concerning the views of the political blocs in the parliament and the decision must be unanimous blocks, and added that « the Constitution allows Parliament questioning the Electoral Commission and then be dissolved by voting».

Furthermore, the Board of Commissioners demanded in the election commission, the need to resolve the choice of «new» members of the Board of Commissioners by the Expert Committee in the House of Representatives, according to a statement issued by the «morning» received a copy of it.

The statement noted that « the Commission demanding government and security all sides to maintain their offices and their staff in Baghdad and the provinces of some lurking who are trying to confuse and

subgirl says(8:19 PM):

Activation of production limits the shadow economy

2/14/2017 0:00

BAGHDAD / Mustafa al - Hashimi

is no different specialists in economic affairs to the wrong policies and accumulations of the past decades and their negative effects on the Iraqi economy has created new phenomena including the "shadow economy" and dumping the commodity, which requires - according to specialists - the adoption of new policies and the application of effective mechanisms in the economy through the consolidation of ministries efforts the sectoral authorities to curb the indiscriminate importation and tax evasion that reduces the dangers of the shadow economy on the national economy.

Economic academic D.magd Baidhani between the need to speed up the adoption of import policies to encourage and support national production from the public and private sectors, covering the market need to curb commodity dumping , which has bedeviled the country 's economy and created the phenomenon of "shadow economy".

And the "shadow economy" or "gray economy" - according to what he knows of experts and specialists - is any commercial activity is not subject to the laws and does not work in a systematic manner, income-producing commercial Kaloncth that does not register within the GDP accounts deliberately from their owners in order to hide them from the income accounts to avoid fees Aldharabah.ookd Baidhani in an interview for the "morning" that the reduction of this negative economic activity is to make way for national production to take equal competition initiative with the importer in terms of quality, durability and standards, stressing the importance of a legislative support also for the private sector as well as to develop thoughtful and clear plans for the productive sectors and reduce the repercussions of the political conditions on the economic as Alamkan.moatn Ahmed Salman Abdul Wahid said that the confusion was Tlazemna for a long time when I go to the local market and find a piece of clothing presented at a price of 15,000 dinars, and a few meters I find the same piece sold priced at 7000 dinars, explaining that the first seller explained that his goods therefore original price tag is high.

Salman added that the explanation is not convincing, but I come to the fact that as the first item subject to taxes and the second entered into in violation of the law.

Iraq has been adopted in 2012 to work on holiday , under which were subject import a large number of materials and goods standards and contributed to the reduction of the entry of inferior goods were popular in the country 's markets and origins is sober.

Baidhani returned indicates that the "shadow economy" in Iraq are from several factors , notably the financial and administrative corruption, as well as a group of traders in the market Translated and monopoly control and dominate them without having to think about the interests of the country 's economy.

The economic academic D.hilal Taan said in an interview earlier «morning» that this case found after 2003, as over Iraq , cases of three - dumping of dumping bidder who lasts and ends with a certain a commodity entering the market and a single kind only then ends, and the second type is the deliberate dumping the third is continuous dumping .oaaraf dumping commodity as the country exported its products less than the normal price for these products prices in their native habitat for the purpose of serious harm to the interests of national producers in the Contracting State of import

of the commodity.

BGG says(8:23 PM):

Woodie - I think you are the liar. Much of what I say - in fact, I have insisted on it being public knowledge. The reason?? So everyone can see it and CLOWNS like you have no ammunition. 5 years ago - guarantee? I think it was more like 3 years ago and I think you are referring to SteveI. Not me.

BGG says(8:24 PM):

In fact, I think you are the pouty jerk from the other nite that I banned - back to thinking everyone is obligated to listen to your garbage - eh??

BGG says(8:25 PM):

The next time someone rolls up on us and does this - (Mods) you have my permission to ban them IMMEDIATELY.

BGG says(8:33 PM):

or just kick them over and over and over and over and over.

BGG says(8:33 PM):


subgirl says to BGG(8:33 PM):


magnetlady says(8:35 PM):

Thank you subgirl for the quic triger finger

subgirl says to magnetlady(8:36 PM):

lol your welcome lol

bibi says to BGG(8:37 PM):


tman23 says(8:44 PM):

Sheeessssssh !!!!!!! LOL !!!!!! Must be an agent from the dragon family trying to throw us of the dinnnarrrr scent...

magnetlady says(8:45 PM):

hahaha evening tman23

Caravaggio says(8:45 PM):

Has the Dragon Family issued the 800 numbers yet?

magnetlady says(8:49 PM):

Got a cake to ice. bbiab subby

subgirl says to magnetlady(8:49 PM):

ok :) sounds good lol

BGG says to Caravaggio(9:00 PM):

According to that jerk - I guaranteed they did!!

magnetlady says(9:00 PM):

Wasn't quite cool enough.

BGG says to Caravaggio(9:00 PM):

it was just a full moon the other nite - right??

(9:00 PM)Check out THE BLOG - http://www.dinarupdates.com/blog/ - for the latest Dinar News, Documents and Call banners

tman23 says(9:06 PM):

Nouri al-Maliki, Iraqi former PM and current VP, is suspected to be behind the violence that erupted between the protesters and the security forces during Saturday's demonstrations in Baghdad, which resulted in the death of five people and wounding of around 200 others.

The followers of Sadrist Movement, led by the Shi'ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, on Saturday organized a large-scale demonstration in the center of Baghdad, demanding changes in the electoral commission and ending corruption in the Iraqi government.

The officials of the electoral commission of Iraq are believed to be affiliated with Maliki, thus he is endeavoring to block any reforms in the commission as he intends to take over the Iraqi PM's position in the upcoming election.

Faiq Sheikh, member of the Iraqi parliamentary legal committee, stated Maliki has urged his supporters to blend into the crowd of the protesters and to open fire at the security forces to cite violence between the protesters and the security members.

tman23 says(9:07 PM):

he board of professionals at the Iraqi House of Representatives voted to dismantle the current Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) and a committee is tasked with choosing a new IHEC board.

The decision is made only a few days after almost thousands of protesters in central Baghdad called for replacing IHEC, claiming it's biased.

Aram Sheikh Mohammed, the Kurdish deputy for the speaker of the Iraqi House of Representatives, has been assigned to head the committee for choosing the new IHEC commissioners' board.

The committee will soon issue the forms for the candidates and set a deadline for nomination.

A call by the Shi'ite cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr for one-million demonstration in Baghdad, attracted thousands to the streets in Baghdad on Friday who headed towards the Green Zone.

magnetlady says(9:08 PM):

Tman I saw that the other day and wondered why there wasn't more coverage on the protestors march. Was a lot of people.

tman23 says(9:17 PM):

Never seen Iraq move this fast on any issue........ Reasonable to think that national reconciliation is a foregone conclusion but just not formally annoucnced......(( In other words, a done deal !)).....

jetset says(9:26 PM):

sure hope so! c'mon, RV!

subgirl says(9:38 PM):


scottiegirl says(9:40 PM):

Dang! What was "woodie's" deal around 8ish? Good reflex there Subby! Ha!

scottiegirl says(9:40 PM):

Guess ole woodie got a splinter up his rear. Just sayin

(9:43 PM)scottiegirl changed nickname to .MOD.scottiegirl.copy!

scottiegirl says to subgirl(Whisper message)(9:45 PM):

Ah.....thank you for all you do on a daily basis!

subgirl says to scottiegirl(Whisper message)(9:45 PM):

your welcome :)

(9:45 PM)patti was kicked out by patti!

subgirl says to scottiegirl(9:48 PM):

there ya go :) thank you so much!!! :) for copying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(9:48 PM)subgirlcopy changed nickname to subgirl!

scottiegirl says to subgirl(9:52 PM):

You're welcome! :)

subgirl says to scottiegirl(9:55 PM):


magnetlady says(9:58 PM):

SG evening

magnetlady says(9:58 PM):

Cake iced and in the morning I'll put the valentine harts all over it. hahaha

(10:00 PM)THE OBSERVER - http://www.dinarupdates.com/observer/ - Save as a favorite... for Daily Dinar Commentary, Notices and Call banners!!

subgirl says to magnetlady(10:01 PM):

wow that sounds really good lol

magnetlady says(10:02 PM):

I bought a package of those candy hearts with the sayings on them.

subgirl says to magnetlady(10:02 PM):

love those lol they are fun lol

subgirl says to magnetlady(10:02 PM):

full of sugar mind you tho lol lol

magnetlady says(10:02 PM):

But they are fat free!!! hahaha

subgirl says to magnetlady(10:02 PM):

lol lol lol

scottiegirl says to magnetlady(10:19 PM):

Sorry....I am in the kitchen talking with my daughter. I'm watching chat though. :)

scottiegirl says to magnetlady(10:19 PM):


magnetlady says(10:20 PM):

That's OK scottiegirl

magnetlady says(10:28 PM):

OK all I'm checking out of here.

jetset says(10:46 PM):

adios, mags!

(11:00 PM)Be sure to join the Dinar Updates “private” FaceBook Group… https://www.facebook.com/groups/571383766355188/ (go here and ask to join… then add some Dinar Friends!!)

scottiegirl says(11:42 PM):

Don't forget!

– “NEWS TIME” w/BGG & Company –

– Feb 15th 6:30pm CST –

In the Dinar Updates CHAT Room!!


A Dinar Round Table Call

“with the whole DU Crew!!”

Wed – Feb 15th – 7:00pm CST

641-715-3640 pin# 528733

subgirl says to scottiegirl(11:50 PM):

about to head to bed... take care and Good night...:)

subgirl says to scottiegirl(11:51 PM):

POOF!!! lol

End of Monday's Chat Log | Link to Part 1

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