"Support" - Cowboy Down Under - 2.9.17

Entry Submitted by Cowboy Down Under at 10:11 AM EST on February 9, 2017

I appreciate all the emails I received asking me to not go away yet, so just to clear things up, this is what I said. 

"I have decided, I am going to stop listening to everyone here on D.C. for just a bit, please don't take it personal." That does not mean I'm going to stop talking. Though there might be a few out there that wish I would. 

I'm not going anywhere while I still got a couple good stories hidden around here somewhere, so while I go see if I can find them. Here is some great information for you to chew on.

So many amazing organizations are not waiting for the RV, they are already working on changing the world, NOW! 

I hope you will support them when our time comes and reward them for being the pioneers of change they are. 

Here are a few, I know there are many, many more.










To find organizations in you local area type your city in the link below, you might see many organizations right next door to you who could use your help.

I suggest you pay them a visit and donate directly if you can.

I could post links here all day but I think you get the picture let's show these great organizations we care and appreciate all they have done to H.E.A.L. (Heal Earth And Life). When the time comes we will put your organization on this list so we can all help you rise up as well. H.E.A.L. Building a better tool shed for those that want to help humanity.

Thanks for any support you give to make sure our children and grandchildren have a better world. 

Love to you and your's 


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