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» Anarchic update news all over the world - 15 February 2017
Anarchic update news all over the world - 15 February 2017
Today's Topics:
1. wsm.ie: A critical look at the Women's March on Washington
and coverage from Dublin solidarity protest (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2. Czech, afed: A person does not take much, much takes us --
Tomásem Ibáñezem book Anarchism is movement. [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. wsm.ie: Dublin solidarity vigil for anarchist prisoner Umut
Firat on hunger strike in Turkish prison (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Clash - AL Youth
Newsletter - Theo in Aulnay: no justice, no peace! (fr, it, pt)
[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5. Czech, afed: Above existence without Existence - Report from
regular subsistence party.[machine translation]
6. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #268 -
Notre-Dame-des-Landes: "Vinci wants to make the airport service a
laboratory of the labor law" (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
Message: 1
Saturday 21st January saw 1000s take part in a Women's March against Trump in Dublin, a
local solidarity march with the Women's March on Washington. It's estimated that 1% of the
US population took to the streets to protest the Trump presidency that day with solidarity
protests in dozens of cities around the world including Belfast. ---- The key question in
the aftermath of the march is, are the movements going to be led into some sort of
'Michelle 2020' pacifism allowing the Republicans to run rampage for four years? ---- Or
will it instead take to the streets and workplaces to actively prevent the implementation
of his policies along the lines suggested by veteran organiser Angela Davis from the
platform at the Washington DC march.
She called for a movement built around an "inclusive and intersectional feminism that
calls upon all of us to join the resistance to racism, to Islamophobia, to anti-Semitism,
to misogyny, to capitalist exploitation.
"Yes, we salute the fight for 15[campaign for 15 dollar per hour minimum wage]. We
dedicate ourselves to collective resistance. Resistance to the billionaire mortgage
profiteers and gentrifiers. Resistance to the health care privateers. Resistance to the
attacks on Muslims and on immigrants. Resistance to attacks on disabled people. Resistance
to state violence perpetrated by the police and through the prison industrial complex.
Resistance to institutional and intimate gender violence, especially against trans women
of color."
Our photo album from the Dublin protest on Facebook
Video of Dublin march passing GPO
Video of first speaker at the march meeting up point
This pussy grabs back - a criticial look at the womens march
This critical look at the messaging ahead of the Washington march was written by one of
our members,
Today the Women's March on Washington takes place to demonstrate against the inauguration
of Donald Trump as president. There have been a few problems with the organisation of this
march in the US, laid out clearly and succinctly by Brittany T. Oliver earlier this week.
It would appear that the old hallmark of white liberal feminism - racism - is as alive as
ever in mainstream US feminism. This is not only evident in the amount of online accounts
that can be found by women of colour criticising the march but in the liberal, apolitical
pleas of the organisers not to ‘criticise politicians or political parties', not to
‘destroy or damage property' and to promote a ‘tone of respect' at a time when we need to
be stepping up our efforts against the state.
A Feminism Worth Fighting For:
Some of the grievances our sisters of colour have with the march is with the very title of
the march:
"In the beginning, the march was named "One Million Woman," and soon after being made
aware you were co-opting a march led by Black women in 1997, then you decided to change
the name to "March on Washington." Well, this was another Black-led march that advocated
for civil rights and culminated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963.
Overall, you all have co-opted the messaging of these two very important historical
moments in Black history and it's unfortunate because it's becoming increasingly difficult
to preserve Black activism. Politically co-opting efforts with "ALL WOMEN" and "ALL
VOICES" is merely an attempt to erase the specific needs of people of African descent." -
Brittany T. Oliver
This erasure of the struggle of our sisters of colour is unacceptable and should be
actively challenged. 53% of white women who voted, voted Trump into power, this should
weigh heavy on the heart of every white woman involved in activism and should act as a
firing spark to turn these white allies into co-conspirators in tearing down white
supremacy. It is disgraceful that opposition to the grotesquely racist Trump, who has
frequently been depicted in KKK cartoons and endorsed by KKK personalities and leaders,
has been met with feminism that doesn't give a fuck about tearing down white supremacy.
Equally, the response should not be an admission into the Oppression Olympics so that we
can turn the social hierarchy on its head - the solution to dismantling oppressive
hierarchies cannot be to turn the existing one on its head, you don't dismantle hierarchy
by creating more hierarchy. Intersectionality was not designed with this in mind; it is
meant to be used as a tool to examine how oppression works, how various forms of it
intersect and support other forms of oppression to provide us with a greater understanding
of systems of oppression to make it easier for us to figure out how to tear them down.
The bourgeois individualist feminism of the likes of Clinton should not be anything to
aspire to for anyone who is interested in ending sexism, never mind capitalism. The
neo-liberal flavoured bullshit that seeks to put women in positions of leadership or
higher job roles will not eliminate sexism or come anywhere close to dismantling the
patriarchy; it will only ensure further oppression, with the gender of those doing the
oppression becoming more diverse. We don't want to create inclusive oppressors, we want an
end to oppression.
For us, a feminism that's worth fighting for isn't one that wants a woman president, or a
woman CEO; it's no presidents and no CEOs. It's a hollowing out of the current system, its
dismantling and the birth of a new system conceived through collective struggle and
agitation against oppression. This feminism must be anti-racist, anti-capitalist, queer,
anti-disablism, against all oppression; it's not good enough just to want an end to
sexism, intersectionality tells us the patriarchy can't end without all other oppressive
power structures ending. This collective struggle against the current system must be built
on a firm foundation of solidarity and affinity with a commitment to horizontalism and
direct democracy. The politics of the good ally sitting in the corner eating the cookies
they've earned from arguing on the internet is obsolete; as Indigenous Action Media put
it, we need accomplices in resisting things as they stand, not allies.
Liberalism Is Not The Answer:
The guidelines for today's marches globally is as follows:
* We are non-partisan, and will not use the Women's March primarily to criticize
politicians or political parties.
* We will use no violence (physical or verbal) towards any person.
* We will not destroy or damage property.
* We will promote a tone of respect, honesty, transparency, and accountability in our actions.
* We will not carry anything that can be construed as a weapon, nor possess (or consume)
any alcohol or drugs.
* We will all hold each other accountable to respecting these agreements.
Frankly, this is a joke. Anyone who genuinely feels that following these sets of rules, by
not breaking any laws, by not rebelling, is going to disrupt the Trump administration has
absolutely no idea what kind of danger we are dealing with here - this of course would be
the same if it were a Clinton administration. It is astonishing that a protest
deliberately called the day after Trump has been inaugurated as president is calling that
this march is not used primarily to criticize politicians or political parties. It is the
politicians that are going to see women die at the hands of the misogynist state; it is
politicians saying it is ok to ‘grab them by the pussy', and the organisers seem to think
that an appropriate reaction to this is to ‘promote a tone of respect, honesty,
transparency, and accountability in our actions'. We're not saying that these are
necessarily bad things or things that we wouldn't like to see more of but they are a
miscalculated response.
Liberalism is not equipped to deal with the beast we are up against. Liberals seek to work
within the framework that those in power have crafted to advance their own agenda. The
system has been built, however, so that those who enter it are incapable of tearing it
down; it is self preserving. Indeed anytime an attempt has been made to bring the system
down from within what we have seen is it spitting out by the state of a group of once
radical people who are now its biggest advocates.
US political regimes kill, they kill those who inhabit its own jurisdiction and those
outside of it. It is about to step up its game against the poor, people of colour, LGBT
and queer people, and of course women. A war on women's reproductive health care is in
full swing in the US and it's only going to get worse, here in Ireland we know how
dangerous this is. When abortion is made illegal it doesn't go away, it's only made
unsafe, this combined with a crisis is a route to the death of women and other pregnant
people at the hands of a misogynistic state. Can't you see how dangerous things are; how
desperate the situation is? Responding within the framework laid out by the event
organisers is not only senseless but it's reckless. That's right, it's the liberals who
are reckless, not the black clad protestor breaking Starbucks windows. If I were Donald
Trump I wouldn't be worried in the slightest about a group of women - no matter how big -
marching up to Washington, listening to a few speeches, and then going home.
What liberals fail to understand is that non-violence as a principle does not work. As a
tactic it is used to bring those who do not suffer a particular oppression on board with
your campaign, and even at that its success rate will vary. Stokely Carmichael put it well
when he said:
"Dr. King's policy was that nonviolence would achieve the gains for black people in the
United States. His major assumption was that if you are nonviolent, if you suffer, your
opponent will see your suffering and will be moved to change his heart. That's very good.
He only made one fallacious assumption: In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent
must have a conscience. The United States has none."
Systems of oppression only loosen their grip when the knife is at its throat, liberalism
reinforces systems of oppression, it's time it is abandoned as a potential route for change.
In solidarity with all women who have been left behind by the event organisers, and all
those who suffer at the hands of the US political regime and all other oppressive regimes
(including our own) we will be marching today.
Message: 2
On the occasion of the book Tomás Ibáñez Anarquismo es movimiento we anarchist revue,
Existence no. 4/2014 reprinted translation of an interview with the author, who first
appeared in La Marea June 29, 2014, on the situation of contemporary anarchism. ---- Tomás
Ibáñez was born in Zaragoza in 1944. Throughout his life he drove anarchist ideals. He
spent his childhood with his parents in exile in France, so began his political career in
the French anarchist groups and young members of the Spanish exile in France. Since the
early 60s to the early 80s devoted his efforts to build anarchist organizations fighting
frankistickému regime in Spain and restore the CNT (Confederación Nacional de Trabajo) in
He is the author of numerous essays about resistance, anarchism and the struggle against
domination. Recently published a book Anarquismo es movimiento (Virus, 2014), which
examines the presence of anarchist ideals and principles in our time. Ibáñez analyzes the
revival of anarchism in the early 21st century and how anarchism penetrated the struggles
of social movements, from the Movement 15M to the expansion of the autonomous social
centers, consumer cooperatives and alternative economy networks. Warns of the danger with
which these movements inevitably collide in the transition to the struggles within the
regular election campaigns, to which some already prepared.
In your book you say: "Sirens announce that dazzling auroras are gone." There is no
possible hope of liberation, "anarchy" as the organization of society, which sought to
The siren located in more or less distant future, should be a reward, obtained in a battle
for freedom. And the reward was so fantastic that it served to justify those battles
according to how we approached the dreamed-of goal. In this line of argument purely
religious nature today can not continue; Today we learned that the value of the battles
depend on promises for which they are kept, but consists rather in their real progress in
their essential characteristics and that allows to shape the present. Extinction of the
siren puts an end to the fascination Promised Land and the subjugation of its target path;
But it does not tell us anything about whether or not it is possible to someday reach the
anarchist-type company. Regardless of whether or not it is possible anarchy lies not in
the future, but in the presence of, in each battle in any success, which reflects its
principles. With umlknutím siren also dying belief in the sudden advent of a society that
will lead to anarchy on the ruins of the collapse of the current system; magnificent and
ultimate revolutionary explosion that will bring liberation, is a myth, and the myth is
also the idea of society free from all conflicts, tensions and scuffles. There is no
dazzling dawn at the end of the road, because there is no way with some end; each new dawn
must be fought, day after day, over and over again. Of course this does not mean that it
is not necessary to cultivate the utopia, this is only acceptable when we realize that
serves as a guide to action in the present, and not as a prototype of the objective will
be achieved someday.
You state that "in the 21st century anarchism revived, that he himself invented again."
What features left behind and which appear?
In the extent that anarchism itself forged in the heat of the struggles against domination
is logical that varies so as to vary these struggles to be able to continue to meet the
new apparatuses of power. This means that anarchism faces change and that it is changing.
What contemporary anarchism leaves behind is among other things a bunch of ideas formed
modernity, as unshakable faith in progress, uncritical highlighting sense, overly simple
concept and practice of power combined with an emphasis on the central importance of the
work. Also leaves behind a revolutionary imagination, built around a huge revolt of the
proletariat. Anarchism acquires a form that is more tactical than strategic, focused more
on the present than on utopia, where important is an isolated, local, limited, but radical
subversion apparatus of domination and creating here and now practices and spaces that
constitute a revolution in the present, radically transforming subjectivity of those who
practice these areas and develop. Contemporary anarchism also characterizes smaller closed
together and openness, leading to the creation of many projects and conducting joint
struggle together with other traditions that are closely anarchist.
Declare that anarchism "is a thing of today, here and now." How is it commonly manifests
in our neighborhood?
Anarchism itself involved in an attempt to create a neighborhood community resting on
specific relationships such as consumer, industrial or educational associations, community
centers, libraries, networks of alternative economies. We must not forget that one of the
factors that considerably weakened anarchism was the destruction of neighborhood life: not
only in the work environment, but just at the neighborhood level can be created lateral
relations that challenge the various apparatuses of domination.
Also refers to "guardian of the temple" who worship the "embalmed anarchism", guarding it
against threats endangering its survival. Who are these "guardians of the temple"? What
anarchism seeks to protect against impending changes?
In the book I say that at one time I warned against the "temple guardians" and, indeed,
during my most intense anarchist activity, that is, from the early 60s to the late 80s,
there was at the core of anarchist movement in France, Italy and Spain, I spoke only on
those instances that I know well, a serious problem. Their desire to protect the purity of
inherited anarchism, to avoid any contamination of ideas or practices that would come from
outside their faith, almost religious, the unquestionable superiority of anarchism, and
their dedication to the task to supervise the constancy of its essence is to conclude in
dogmatism and sectarianism incompatible with any of at least slightly anarchist
sensibility. Exclusion, condemnation and breakups groups therefore were not exactly rare.
Today was a real force, leading to changes, deprived of any energy sectarian tendencies
and "guardians of the temple" are no longer a problem, although on the other hand, on the
possible re-emergence of fundamentalist approaches must remain ever vigilant.
What anarchism can offer today's social movements?
Many. Anarchism it can impart to the use of long-term experience he accumulated in
relation to the ways of functioning that these movements today are trying to rediscover:
discussions, decisions and actions based on direct democracy, horizontality, respect for
minorities, persistent refusal to delegate powers, direct action, etc. . it can also
encourage the suspicion that manifest themselves in relation to the operation of power or
distrust of "representation". It is recalled in this context how Michel Foucault
criticized "indignity speaking on behalf of the other." In the extent that the historical
memory of countless struggles that erupted "bottom", settled in the heart of anarchism,
and the extent to which historical experience and knowledge to help better understand the
present, is obvious that anarchism can be very useful for parents the movement. Finally,
Anarchism may also prove to be very helpful in that critical to point out the errors he
had committed under its own banner.
And how can current practices of social movements enroll in the principles of anarchism?
Horizontalism, the way in which debates are held, drafting, decision-making, emphasizing
the "exemplary" character, which must permeate the contents and forms of struggle, it
means insisting on the need to practice to develop, do not contradict the objectives for
which we strive. It is also necessary to mention the practice of direct action and
skepticism in relation to mediation, delegation of powers critique and criticism of
representation, or rejection of the principles of centralization and avant-garde,
vanguard, without of course forgetting the resistance to all forms of domination etc.
Anarchism was present during the formation of 15M?
It was, of course. I fully signed the words of Rafael Cid when he talked about it as
"unexpected spring anarchism". From the moment the only legitimate political entity
genuine people that were present in the squares and participating in the fighting, with
only a marginal organization from the outside, we were already full in the heart of
anarchist principles. And if we add to the rejection of all representation, which showed
itself with compelling force characteristics of the anarchist movement will be even more
apparent. In terms of how I myself understand anarchism, the very fact that this
identitárství evident, even anarchic, only reinforces the anarchist nature of 15M
movement. To say that today anarchism in 15M movement is present or not is beyond my
possibilities, because I did not follow the latest developments closely enough movement;
However, I believe that its diverse and polymorphous nature preserve at least allows
anarchist enclave.
In one passage of the book you say that "fighting the state also includes changing things
from the bottom 'with local practices." In recent years, several experiments proved the
government and the social movements as protimoci to the state. If you opt for the path
leading to the election, do not risk the loss of emancipatory force?
From my perspective, it is evident such danger. System integration, acceptance of some of
its practices and obtaining certain portions of power, with the laudable aim of fighting
against it and transform it from within, sooner or later disables the strength of each
emancipatory politics. It has nothing in common with the famous phrase "Power corrupts",
but the point is that "man to come to power, it must already be corrupt." No other way to
achieve power does not exist, because there is no way to power, which did not include
practices which are more or less unjust, as well as a series of compromises and more or
less significant losses. Precisely for this reason I was so keen advocate practicing
"protimoci", as I have a hard critic of the "people power". Really craving and work on
maintaining the "people power" almost always leads eventually to electoral politics, and
therefore the question arises: What to do with the slogan "They do not represent us" or
call the legitimacy que se vayan todos?
So when social movements and groups with horizontal assemblies and autonomous practice
achieve "power" adopt institutionalized power might lose its character?
It's not that they could lose their character; the point is that it inevitably loses. One
can never "takes" very, very much it "takes us", because, as Augustine also said Garcia
Calvo, "The enemy is inscribed in the right form of their weapons." Apply it means to
acknowledge his victory and take his form. There is no need to study a lot of psychology
and sociology to know that immersion in a specific context and acceptance of its typical
practices affecting the way existing and thinking everyone. To be able to justify their
own behavior, it is necessary to reconcile the hitherto espoused ideas, regarded as their
own, and used practices, and thus ignore the inseparable symbiosis between ideas and
practices that defends anarchism, so forget the famous graffiti painted on walls Paris in
1968, which proclaimed: "Act as you think, or end up in such a way that you think, how you
act." Kind of movement, you're talking about in your question, never allow the movement
towards the conquest of power, if this movement is nourished by deep convinced that no
power can never be able to guarantee a space of freedom.
Questions asked Julius Gavroche
Translation -cp-, editorially abridged
us /
Published in existence no. 4/2014
Message: 3
On Wednesday the 1st of February there was a solidarity vigil for Umut Firat in Dublin,
Ireland. Umut is a writer for the recently jailed in Turkey and on the 53rd day of a
hunger strike. Anarchist Meydan Newspaper Anarchists and supporters of Umut's hunger
strike gather outside the Turkish Embassy. Turkish embassy staff came out to mock the
protesters. Embassy staff called the police to have get the protesters to remove a banner
that was tied to the fence of the embassy. The banner said FREE UMUT FIRAT! SOLIDARITY
FROM IRELAND. The police stayed on till the vigil was over. ---- Umut has been on hunger
strike for 53 days now. He has been locked up in prison for the last 23 years. He is on
hunger strike because of the state of emergency the Turkish state has imposed since the
attempted coup d'etat in July, and against the harsh prison conditions imposed by the
state because it.
Since the state of emergency Umut, as well as all political prisoners held in Turkey, have
had prison conditions seriously worsened. Some have been put into isolation, others have
been forced into cramped cells, there are forced strip searches, visiting times have been
reduced and some prisoners not allowed visits at all.
These tactics are not new. States across the world have used these same tactics to try
undermine struggles, to break the morale and spirits of prisoners fighting against prison
regimes. We know these tactics only too well in Ireland. We need to give support and
solidarity with Umut and all the prisoners in Turkey. Now is a vital time in their
struggle, a lot is hinging on Umut's hunger strike. If it is successful prison conditions
will soften and become more relaxed than what they are now."As a human, Revolutionary
Anarchist, Conscientious/ Total Objector, an individual who has been spending 23 years in
a lit cell under the darkness of a dungeon, I see all entities of capitalist, statist,
nationalist, fundamentalist, sectarian and patriarchal power structure are responsible for
all this. I start hunger strike to draw attention to all this, before and after, to
emphasize that new forms of struggle and social opposition has been organized, and to
reflect my own political, moral and conscientious attitude." - Umut Firat
5th Feb update - Revolutionary Anarchist Prisoner Umut Firat Süvariogullari Ended His
Hunger Strike With Victory
Revolutionary Anarchist prisoner and Anarchist Meydan Newspaper writer Umut Firat
Süvariogullari has ended his hunger strike action that he started on December 11, 2016,
against the conditions of State Of Emergency (SOE) he was exposed in Izmir Yenisakran T
Type Prison number 4, where he was "transferred for exile", being forced with 20 people to
stay in 14 person cells and sleep on torn beds with blood, against continued psycological
pressure, torture and unrecognition of his revolutionary anarchist political identity, on
its 55. day.
Prison administration took a back step as a result of Umut Firat's determined struggle and
they changed his cell as per the demands of our comrade. Comrade Umut Firat communicated
through his family, that he ended his hunger strike when his demands were met and his
health condition is fine.
The victory that comrade Umut Firat won on the 55th day of his hunger strike against the
practices that create a SOE inside SOE in prisons , is a response to state institutions
that want to take advantage of the arbitrariness and flexibility of the SOE process. The
victory is also a victory in the name of all prisoners who are exposed to similar
practives in the SOE process.
Umut Firat's struggle that he carried out with determination, were supported with
solidarity actions in the geography that we live in and in other parts of the world;
trying to add voices to his voice. We salute all revolutionary organizations that didn't
leave him alone and everyone who showed solidarity during the hunger strike action of
comrade Umut Firat Süvariogullari.
Long Live Anarchist Solidarity!
Umut Firat Süvariogullari Is Not Alone!
Revolutionary Hearts Will Destroy The Cells!
Message: 4
On Thursday, February 2, Théo, a 21-year-old resident of Aulnay-sous-Bois, who was
involved in the voluntary sector, was arrested for interfering with the "slavery" of a
young man he knew. Theo was the victim of a rape with a truncheon. The impunity of the
cops, their racism and their violence, must stop! ---- Last spring, the protests against
Labor law were heavily suppressed by the police, making heaps of wounded. This violence,
the police also exercises it on a daily basis in popular neighborhoods, ranging from
checks to facies until murder, abo ---- ut one a month. And with the state of emergency,
the police feel even more untouchable. ---- One case among others ---- Theo was
hospitalized, seriously injured. The medical findings indicate the introduction of a baton
in the anus to a depth of 10 cm. The four cops were placed under investigation, after a
video of the interpellation made the tour of the social networks. According to them, the
pants of Theo would have slipped by itself during the interpellation ...
What's new for this racist police force that humiliates, hurts, mutilates, kills and lies?
For this is not an umpteenth "burr", an isolated case. But of a system, of
institutionalized institutional racism. The name Theo is added to the long list of victims
of police violence, some have died: Zyed and Bouna , Amine Bentounsi , Wissam El Yamni ,
Rémi Fraisse ...
Double penalty
For the victims, especially if they are not white, it is the double penalty. They are at
first humiliated, beaten, and even killed. Then, the media always minimize by repeating
the police versions, passing the victim to the culprit. Then, it is justice complicit. It
does not condemn the police very rarely, and when it does, the sentence is very low.
Witness the murder Adama Traoré during his arrest in July. The gendarmes, the prosecutor,
lied as a whole to stifle the case, suggesting that Adama had died of an infection even
while he let him die face down in the police station. Since the family is fighting for
justice to be done but justice strikes at them. The rights of the victims are violated
twice: during the aggression by the police, then during legal proceedings.
Justice and dignity
This state racism will not disappear by any political decision from above. On the
contrary, the rulers always caress the police in the direction of the hair. We must create
a balance of power so that it changes, be solidarity, we must defend ourselves against the
police. On March 19th a march for justice and dignity will be organized in several cities,
it is necessary to finish with the control to facies, it is necessary to dissolve the BAC
and prohibit the flash-ball, the grindings of disencerlement ...
It is the collective struggle and the organization of those who live daily police violence
that will put an end to the impunity of the police.
Until then: No justice, no peace!
Message: 5
Existential parties are usually held in the middle of the first quarterly months. This
time ran until February 1, and the reason is no mystery: the new number Existence was
released three weeks later than usual. So we had early on Wednesday gatherings conclude
that after eight years of anarchist revue, Existence failed in its reputation, which she
reproached her time editor -kontra , and that comes with bureaucratic precision. ---- The
party was not unusual, instead of welded goodies role of a dinner held the rest of the
soup to cook Food Not Bombs and hastily prepared (but very tasty) spread of carrots and
tofu. In a joint meal we laughed chaos that accompanied the invitation to dinner when the
flyer first appeared wrong time and the year after that the appropriate remedy appeared on
the Facebook profile of the Anarchist Federation, flat wrong date. But everything has been
remedied in time, so it can be assumed that no diskusechtivá vain souls astray in
different time dimensions.
To make matters worse, shortly after seven, when it went foreword to the party, not the
magazine, which we wanted to jointly deliberate on the spot. But the anarchist discussion
tea parties have their happy-ends and a new existence on the table in the middle infoshop
Salé discovered a comet shone over Bethlehem.
In the introduction, introduces the topic of numbers, that "the myth of work." Working as
one of the defining relations under capitalism. A relationship that is the anarchist
perspective must be to break that labor wage replace free activities and work freely. Now
we are forced to prostitute themselves: sell themselves - their work, their skills, their
bodies and their time, and all this so that we can survive, we can again sell themselves.
We have mentioned the work ethic that is an ideological tool to enslave and stands on many
myths. And these myths is dedicated to several different texts numbers this winter.
But as we expected, the subsequent discussion focused its new look magazine, which in this
area has undergone revolutionary change after years of subtle evolution. This
transformation has been brewing during the last debate typographical Anarchist Book
Festival, which took place at the Clinic, and was considered to these existential parties.
As expected, responses are still two kinds, usually quite acute. One group of readers
welcomes the change and she is excited about the second group is on the contrary a new
look magazine very disgruntled. So again we explained some of the reasons that led us to
the decision: avoid stagnation; decision not to copy the layout of commercial prints
(particularly their emphasis on literalism and polopaticnost); improve legibility;
avoiding picture part, which de facto serves only to fill empty seats at the rate.
And here are a few comments that the number at the party were heard: subtitles are
unreadable. Live header deserve to be clearer, more distinct. Perex is little
distinguished from the text itself. Some readers would be pleased to be back in some way
broken graphical text (inserting some graphical elements or quotations from the text).
Photos previously filled the role of certain documentation activities of the movement, it
might not be the case fewer pictures, but much larger and adequate quality or original
illustrations (if anyone who is going to create) or using the image editor. Finally, it
could work on a better overview of the content.
But we just talked seriously. The entertainment was provided beginning discussions
reasoning: "When someone at a concert at distros vykalenej leafed through, so there is
nothing that would have interested him there." Concluded her proposals to insert image
attachments or equal to release unpretentious "alkoverze" Existence .
Message: 6
The CGT AGO unionizes the employees of the various companies operating on the site of the
current airport of Nantes Atlantique. This union gained notoriety in the department of
Loire-Atlantique both because inter-enterprise unions are rather rare, but also because it
is at the forefront of the trade union fight against the project of airport in
Notre-Dame-des- -Lands. We interviewed Thierry Gerbaud, one of the organizers of the
union. ---- Alternative libertarian: Can you in a few words talk about the organization of
work in an airport like Nantes Atlantique? ---- Thierry Gerbaud: The recovery of the
airport concession by the Vinci Group in 2011 changed many things. Today, there are about
twenty specialized companies with different status for employees. Collective agreements,
salaries, schedules, everything changes. In total, these companies employ between 800 and
1,000 employees, with many temporary workers and fixed-term contracts. Vinci the principal
is unconnected with the employees who perform the work. That is why our union is fighting
for a site CHSCT. This would allow us to be closer to the realities experienced by the
employees and to oblige Vinci to assume a role of direct interlocutor. With few results
today, it must be admitted. The Prefecture does not even deign to follow up on our letters.
Can you tell us how, from a classic industrial union, the CGT AGO has evolved into a
syndicate site?
Trade unionism is a fairly recent experience for me. In 2009, I was acting and away from
all these union issues. Before the CGT AGO became a trade union, it existed before a trade
union section on the airport site, depending on the local union Sud-Loire. On the one
hand, an event that disconcerted union members and, on the other hand, the takeover in
2011 of the concession by Vinci forced us to react. The event in question was a strike on
the site. A union activist saw workers on strike outside the premises of their company.
But very few activists in the CGT were aware of their demands or the strike. Combined with
the takeover by Vinci, the idea of creating a business-to-business union on the site was
Tell us about how your union works.
The union organizes all those who work on the airport platform. We have unionized
companies in the majority of the companies of the site, in particular the biggest boxes.
Within each company the trade unionists organize themselves in the trade union section. At
the union level, the executive committee brings together activists from every company. On
the one hand, it enables all of us to be aware of what is happening in each company, to
pool the means of action and to organize a concrete solidarity between the employees of
all companies. Also for all and all salarié.es the site, we organize a DLAJ permanently[1
]to be able to answer their questions. Concerning our means of operation it should be
noted that we have a premises since March 31, 2016, financed by the local union and the
departmental union. Finally, I would like to point out that we have good relations with
the unions at Vinci.
What other unions are at the Nantes Atlantique site?
There are a few FO militants. But they are isolated. There are also some CFDTs and CFTCs
Around what themes are organized your trade unionism on a daily basis?
Even if the Nantes Atlantique airport is flourishing and Vinci is making great profits,
the companies located on the site and which run the airport service go badly. There are a
lot of turn-ups and infernal cadences.
Since the takeover in 2011, Vinci is blocking investments. But more than that again, Vinci
wants to make the airport service a laboratory of labor law. In view of the move to
Notre-Dame-des-Landes, he denounced company agreements. For example, today the
bowsers[2]depend on the collective agreement of oil. That no longer suits them. They want
to lower wages and reduce holidays. For that they want to change collective agreement.
Another example: the company HubSafe[3], the result of an acquisition in 2015, denounced
previous company agreements and is now pushing its employees to conventional break for
hiring cheaper youth. Every effort is made to ensure that the move will fully implement
the provisions of the Labor Act.
The atmosphere on the site is detestable. We are suffering blackmail from permanent
employment. "If you do not accept the new chords, you close". Since 2011, with the
deterioration of working conditions, employees are in survival mode. Faced with this the
union resists as it can. On November 23, a one-day strike was conducted during the
NAO[4]in bowsers to influence the negotiations of wages and to safeguard the collective
agreement. The strike was followed 100%. Aircraft had to be canceled, others delayed, with
a financial loss for the company.
However, since Valls resigned, Vinci announced a timid recovery of some investments:
install two new tanks of 100 m3 of kerosene each and remake the car parks. It should be
said that in 2015 sales of kerosene increased by 2.3% at the airport of Nantes Atlantique
compared to 2014, which is the sign of an increase in activity. But this is compared to
the 7.2% at Rennes airport.
Since you are referring to the question of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, can you tell us under
what conditions your union has been led to position itself clearly on the subject?
Before I organized, I had heard that the union was a proa-airport. In fact, the union did
not take a position. When occurred the case of torn shirt[5]In October 2015, the union has
shifted to the local union CGT Roissy. During the debate with them they were surprised at
our lack of position on NDDL. This was the trigger and in early 2016 the union took a
stand against the transfer to Notre-Dame-des-Landes. This led to some internal
differences, especially with unionized DGAC[6]. Then came the labor law. On 31 March, for
the first time, we met with residents of the ZAD. In the first place, this gave rise to
altercations with some and some who criticized the AGO trade unionists for being proa-airport.
But on April 1, during a strike at aviapartner[7], some of them came to participate in the
blockade outside the airport. Since then we have been invited on the ZAD to discuss the
convergence of struggles. On 14 June on the occasion of the national demonstration against
the Labor Act, there was a call for convergence in front of Nantes Atlantique. Attended UL
CGT south-Loire, the activists of Solidarity, the CNT of "We blocked everything",
residents and inhabitants of the ZAD, the activists Buddy 44 and ACIPA[8]... and facing us
240 CRS. But we were satisfied, because the CRS itself blocked the airport.
Since then, the movement against the labor law has run out of steam. But we continue to
talk with the ZAD. On October 8, the demonstration against the expulsions of the ZAD and
the start of the work gave the opportunity to take positions of trade unions. The
continuation of this dynamic is being built within the union collective against the
airport. To conclude in a few words?
Today, the union is conducting an airport-centered survey of all companies on the site at
NDDL based on the concrete consequences imposed by the transfer project. We intend to draw
practical lessons from it to build our trade union action. The CGT AGO is a good team with
true camaraderie. A team that carries the claims upwards and that aims to train employees
towards more requirements. But we also know that we are being watched. There is no
repression as a result of the blockages. But we are gaffe and we know that we should not
give them the gift of committing faults.
Interview by Jacques Dubart and Lulu (AL Nantes)
[1]DLAJ: name of hotlines Right, Freedom and Legal Action called "law clinics."
[2]The bowsers are the workers who supply aircraft fuel.
[3]HubSafe is the company that manages the airport security.
[4]NAO: mandatory annual negotiations particularly on wages, working time, equality
between men and women ...
[5]On October 5, 2015 two executives of Air France had to flee face the wrath of hundreds
of protestors protesting against a massive plan to eliminate jobs and had their torn shirts.
[6]DGAC: Directorate General of Civil Aviation.
[7]aviapartner: company managing the helpdesk floor: luggage, recordings, passing, traffic ...
[8]Buddy, farm groups, and ACIPA, "citizens' association are two components of movement