Anarchic update news all over the world - 10 February 2017

Today's Topics:


1.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL #268 - Presidential
      election: Fillon, the sand rebel (fr, it, pt) [machine
      translation] (

2.  Britain, class war, Gallery: Autonomous Nation of Anarchist
      Libertarians (


4.  provo gr - Thessaloniki Anarchist Group Pyranthos: Freedom
      for comrade Mario Seisidis by Athos Simonetis (gr) [machine
      translation] (

5.  Czech, Boycott as emergency brake underprivileged
      --- History and form one of the forms of nonviolent resistance.
      [machine translation] (

6.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL - In 2017, our resolution?
      The Revolution!, in Lorient on 9 February by AL Lorient (fr, it,
      pt) [machine translation] (


Message: 1

The former Prime Minister and probable future President is also seen as a rebel fighting 
against the "system". But the revolution he proposed, and above all liberal, conservative 
and hostile to the popular classes. Decryption. ---- François Fillon will represent the 
Republicans and other right-wing groups in the presidential election. And it is sworn, it 
too is antisystem, as stated on Franceinfo Bruno Retailleau, senator LR and support of the 
candidate. To qualify Fillon as "antisystem", "who wants to shake the coconut tree", it is 
certainly necessary to have a good dose of humor, when we know that the former prime 
minister has been elected since he was 27 years old ... And yet, It is enough to look at 
the program of the candidate at the primary level to see to what point it is, indeed, 
antisystem and even against all the systems: the health system, the pension system, the 
school system ...

First, the candidate at the primary has argued a program promising to put down the health 
system, even though he slightly backpedaled when nominated candidate. Fillon proposes to 
privatize social security very largely, transferring a large part of the coverage to 
private insurance. To the solidarity system would only be the burden of guaranteeing 
long-term or serious care (cancer ...), which generates little profit, while the most 
solvent care would be offered to the friends insurance insurers of the President (Henri de 
Castries, future potential minister of the Economy, is also the former CEO of Axa). In 
addition, the hospital, already understaffed, is promised to abolish posts. It is 
difficult to see how the public health service will be able to provide care worthy of the 
name under such conditions. Modest wage earners will therefore have to pay much more for 
poor quality care.

On the side of the school, in addition to the job cuts that will affect it, Fillon 
promised to promote more private education (Christian, but not Muslim of course ...). To 
leave nothing to chance, man already has many ideas to reform the programs, which would be 
too ideological, too formatted by the "pedagogism" ambient. He intends to replace them, in 
history for example, by a sort of praise of eternal, white and catholic France (baptized 
"national narrative") a thousand leagues from all scientificity.

Fattening his insurer friends

As for the judicial system, which one is certainly not obliged to love very much, one 
risks very much to detest it a little more with Fillon in power: the candidate wants to 
suppress the penal constraint as alternative to the prison, "to restore The automatic 
nature of revocations of suspended sentence "and" remove the automaticity of the cuts ". 
In short, it is a matter of being ever more severe with "delinquents" (but not tax 
evaders, who will no longer have much to defraud), and to have more recourse to prison. 
The construction of 16,000 new cell spaces is planned.

The pay-as-you-go retirement system, which Prime Minister Fillon had begun to sack in 
2003, is promised final completion: the candidate plans to raise the retirement age to 65, 
The capitalization, history of fattening a little more its friends insurers.

In short, Fillon wants to finish undoing all that still vaguely guarantees social 
protection to the popular classes in France. It is to serve even more the soup to the 
capitalists to the detriment of the employees. Nothing modern, we had already seen that in 
the United Kingdom and the United States in the 1980s. And only the organized workers can 
not defeat by the force of the collective.

Vincent (AL Paris South)


Message: 2

1 FEB 2017: The Autonomous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians crew decided they liked the 
area so have moved into a new mansion after their recent eviction. ---- from a friend: "We 
are delighted to offer for sale this superbly appointed property maintained to the highest 
possible standard... Grade ll Listed building ... 7 floors, is part of a terrace 
constructed circa 1868 ... spacious reception room and dining room ... fully fitted 
bespoke kitchen complete with central island housing oven and hob, fitted appliances and 
marble work surfaces... laundry room ... 18 bedrooms, some with en suite bathrooms and 
fitted wardrobes ... 11 bathrooms in total. Staircases to all floors are of marble 
construction. The property has a flat roof which could easily be converted to a roof top 
terrace ... Located in exclusive Grosvenor Gardens, this property was recently advertised 
for sale by Rightmove at a guide price of £24,000,000.

Or you could just squat the fucker. Welcome to the new residence of the Autonomous Nation 
of Anarchist Libertarians, evicted this morning from 102 Belgrave Place, now slumming it 
at 4 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0DH. All welcome."


Message: 3

Two articles with anarchist perspective on the new USA presidency, by AF members. ---- 1) 
Whoever you vote for? Trump and anarchism ---- Anarchists traditionally label all 
politicians, political parties and governments as essentially the same. At best, even 
those genuine defenders of ‘liberal democracy' are apologists for global capitalism and 
prepared to use authoritarian measures to suppress opposition. The 20thC movement in the 
West observed the witticism, "Whoever you vote for, the government always gets in". This 
reflected the anarchist analysis of what everyone not part of the political class knew, 
that politicians will offer the world in order to get elected, and then abandon the 
working class once elected. This is still the case for most of the ‘democratic' world. But 
Trump is undoubtedly more dangerous, for America and for the World. It doesn't fall to 
anarchists to point this out. Without wishing to normalise the usual sort of politics, 
Trump feels different.

Here is an example of the ‘normal' politics that people fell for. The move to the right in 
Britain expressed itself in the vote for Brexit. This followed the promise of £350 
million-a-week for the NHS. That promise which was dropped straight after the referendum. 
Politicians still tell lies. Everybody knows it. But we tend to accept that we can't do 
anything about it and should, as the Trotskyists like to put it put it, ‘Vote Labour 
without illusions'. We can't have utopia, so we should accept... well... Corbyn who is, in 
hyper-authoritarian mode, currently telling Labour MPs that they will lose their jobs if 
they threaten Brexit. What a surprise!

Trump is not of the political class, however. He "delivers". Here we have someone saying 
that he is going to build a wall and make Mexico pay, and his electorate seeing that he is 
doing just that (building to provide jobs; taxing Mexican products to make Mexico pay). 
Muslims will be denied entry to the US; it sounded incredible, but it's actually happened 
already. NATO is a waste of time; he's cosy-ing up to Russia! He supports the oil industry 
and denies global warming; he's reviving drilling and piping where it was ruled out on 
social and environmental grounds. Obama Care must go; it's going. This makes him all the 
more difficult to comprehend with our traditional analysis, where politicians promise 
things that are ‘good for everyone'. Far from lying to the working class, he is gaining 
credibility for the dynamic legislating in ‘Week One' on these issues. What will the 
following weeks bring? People of Colour in fear of the police; he plans to removing some 
of the safeguards that would make shooters accountable. Women wanting control of our own 
bodies, look out. And Palestinians. And the people of the Baltic states.

But on another level, whilst he openly and unashamedly admits to wanting and planning 
things that other politicians would conceal at all costs, there is still a hidden agenda. 
This is that he must surely be anticipating and planning what will happen when working 
class people begin to resist. Persecuting all Muslims for being Muslims is a sure way to 
radicalise some people, justifying repression. Perhaps this is the plan with the Mexican 
working class. Indigenous peoples in the northern States have taken direct action against 
the oil industry, and will undoubtedly be forced to take more. And a declaration of war 
from working class women? And working class People of Colour?

This is not to say that he is just the same as other politicians. In fact, some people 
have drawn parallels between Trump-ism and fascism. Such comparisons shouldn't be made 
lightly. After all, it wasn't the working class but the middle class who voted for Hitler. 
But in responding to Trump we must be aware that the traditional forms of political 
activism may achieve little. Legal challenges? He will present his own ‘facts'. Petitions? 
He will laugh. Demonstrations; he doesn't care about the opinions of ‘Liberals'. All of 
this could make him even more popular with a white demography. This group is only one 
element of a wider "working class" which has seen life get harder and harder over the past 
decades. But this vast group is now self-identifying as an electoral majority, one let 
down by the political regimes of the past, and which voted for something entirely different.

But as ever, most anarchists in the US, just as in Europe, come from the white working 
class ourselves (not something to accept, race-wise, but it is a fact). The danger might 
be more immediate at the moment, but we are still very well positioned to oppose 
right-wing popularism, and without having to concede a case for liberal democracy. After 
all, it is the failure of middle class liberal democracy that has allowing the political 
rise of a wealthy anti-intellectual global political class in the first place.

2 ) Trump: New Possibilities

A year ago Trump was seen as a rank outsider in the US Presidential Elections and was seen 
as nothing but a joke by mainstream commentators in the media. His election has horrified 
the political establishment -whether Democrat or Republican- and the liberal 
intelligentsia. He appealed to voters who saw themselves ignored and dismissed like many 
in the rust belt areas, he appealed to the old recurring motif of protectionism that has 
regularly appeared in US history, the old America First doctrine, and he appealed to those 
elements in US society disturbed by the growth of the civil rights movement, the movements 
for women's liberation and sexual freedom. Trump is a misogynist and a racist and he holds 
no sympathy for Native Americans. Thus he appealed to many who felt like he did and he 
gained the support of the alt.right, the Ku Klux Klan, the various Nazi and fascist 
groupings. Trump himself is no fascist but he legitimises racist and xenophobic attacks 
and the increasing atmosphere of racism, misogyny, homophobia and anti-Semitism (it was 
significant that the White House statement on Holocaust Day failed to mention the six 
million Jews that perished and signally failed to mention anti-Semitism).

It looks like Trump intends to rule through decree, through the Executive Orders he has 
signed in rapid succession. So the wall along the border with Mexico is to go ahead, the 
ban on immigration from Muslim countries goes ahead, Obamacare is to be abolished etc etc. 
This has resulted in massive mobilisations both in the USA but also throughout the world. 
The Women's Marches in the USA, many of them massive, were echoed throughout the world 
with all told nearly 700 demonstrations taking place on a world wide scale. Similarly 
Trump's immigration policies have set off a large number of demonstrations and pickets 
both in the USA and internationally.

And this is what worries the establishment, both in the Democrat and Republican elites and 
within the state machine, both within its bureaucracies and within its intelligence 
services. Not since the days of the zealous persecutor of Native Americans, Andrew 
Jackson, have we seen a President like Trump. What we are seeing are the biggest mass 
mobilisations since the days of the civil rights movement and then the movement against 
the wars in South East Asia. The fear of radicalisation worries much of the ruling class 
in the USA. Witness the protests of the Ford Motor Company, Google. Amazon, Expedia etc 
who are equally concerned about the cut off of a free flow of cheap labour.

It may well be that Trump could be assassinated, a possibility in a country with easy 
access to arms. It may well be that he is impeached before he completes his term in 
office, bearing in mind the slew of law suits Trump is facing and the possibility of 
further revelations about his own business dealings and personal behaviour. What is 
important is that the promise of No Peaceful Transition, pioneered by revolutionaries in 
the USA, is actually happening and has happened from the first day of Trump's 
inauguration. This is leading to increasing radicalisation, as we said both in the USA and 
elsewhere. We anarchists must be there, to support these mobilisations and to point out 
that all of these struggles, the struggle for women's liberation, against homophobia, 
against the racist policies of Trump and his support for the deeply racist American 
police, the struggle to defend Native Americans, the struggles to protect the environment, 
are all linked. These struggles have to be united. We already have the example of Standing 
Rock with a new unity among Native American tribes and the solidarity of military 
veterans.We need to from now start building a real opposition not just to Trump but to the 
whole rotten edifice of capitalism, creating our own organisations of counter-power and 
mutual aid. We must not allow any emerging mass movement to be diverted into the channel 
of electoralism, whether under the banners of Sanders or Corbyn.

These are disturbing times, but they are also exciting times. A year ago many things were 
not seen as remotely possible-the Trump victory, Brexit. Equally the rebirth of a 
revolutionary movement is possible. We revolutionary anarchists must be up to the tasks 
ahead. We must increasingly involve ourselves in social struggles and mass mobilisations. 
We must increase our voice and develop effective organisation on both a regional and 
international level.

Anything Is Possible!


Message: 4

Do away with tales of anti-terrorism ten years after ---- The summer that we passed on 
August 4 at random control of Sparta cops arrested after chase anarchists K. Sakkas and M. 
Seisidis who were wanted for different convictions each. ---- During the chase, the cops 
shoot straight shot against unarmed comrades, fortunately not achieve them, while during 
the arrest and after that beaten and subjected to torture in police Laconia address of the 
uniformed bastards democratic order fingerprinting and identity. ---- Understood their 
democracy, denies the presence of a lawyer and summarily transferred to Athens. From there 
after their detention by Sakkas ordered transferred to prison Malandrino and Seisidis 
Domokos prison. In addition to the categories associated with the theft of the car leading 
the infringements of etc and their arrest (them load the cops to justify violence and 
shots) accused as members of EO revolutionary struggle. Anarchist K. Sakkas were wanted 
for violation of restrictive conditions of parole and on unenforceable imprisonment, while 
the anarchist M. Seisidis were wanted and in a bounty of 600,000 euros for participating 
in the gang robberies imagined counter-terrorism giving it the name robbers of "gang in 

So somewhere here begins the tale

On January 16, 2006 robbery takes place in the national bank in Solonos Street, in 
downtown Athens. During the escape of the perpetrators becomes scuffle with cops who have 
arrived in the rain of bullets over the heads of citizens. The fray heavily injured 
anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis arrested already trying to escape with a bag containing 
weapons, but not used. Television pictures with G.. Dimitrakis be lying on the ground 
immobilized with handcuffs and badly injured, while all sorts of bastard police gives him 
a kick and go round the world. In the following days, parrots security, "reputable" 
otherwise (thugs and informants) journalists reproduce the story of counter (this great 
school informer) who speaks for gang membership which placed the Dimitrakis, which since 
2002 had committed another 6 robberies with large sums of money. The cops with their 
parrots will give it the name the robbers of the "gang in black" because of the black 
color of the clothes supposedly wore the perpetrators, to strengthen their scenarios on 
relations with armed revolutionary violence organizations and financing of an unknown 
revolutionary fund. The tale but the gang to tie needs and others, because a man alone 
gang does. Job catching the informers counterterrorism dusting anarchists folders (yes, 
those who have been removed) using the captured political action of each and complicating 
political, friendly and family relationships. so make "profile" ruthless terrorists and 
criminals to anarchist comrades persons. The soup findings are the arrest warrants for 
three other anarchists: Simos Seisidis, his brother Mario Seisidis and Gregory Tsironi. 
The magic number 4 of counterterrorism to justify based on the anti-terrorism law the 
criminal organization.

The C. Dimitrakis transported to the hospital where the raven counterterrorism prosecutor 
I. Diotis undertakes to torture to extract confessions and information, repeating the 
crime that took place in S.. Dry the Annunciation. Unfortunately for this diverse movement 
of solidarity which developed immediately prevented this giving life to mate and halting 
the further plans of cops. Comrade driven without having fully recovered in prison, but 
the story continues as apart from robbery cops arrested later the load 6 other unsolved 
robberies and photos of comrades who have chosen the way of absconding and not unjustly 
with many approaches of batson- adorn charitable institutions batsokratias with 
handwritten titles below: terrorist, highly dangerous, criminal, armed, according to the 
imagination of each pig who posted.[1]

When the story begins to spoil the counterterrorism takes part again. This time the avenger

The C. Dimitrakis ordered in July 2007 for the robbery in the national bank originally 
Solon heavy penalty (25 years imprisonment) and on appeal after the bubble 
counterterrorism half has deflated to 12.5 years and after serving his sentence is 
released, while the remaining six robberies, attempted manslaughter and money laundering 
(revolutionary fund) acquitted. Moreover during the trial revealed that the weapons found 
in Dimitrakis had never used and that most of the balls thrown by the scuffle came from 
police weapons, which led and citizen injured foot. So rebutted the cops story about black 
gang, criminal organizations, terrorism and revolutionary funds and come to the surface 
all the manipulations and the cooking of the cops in this scheme. The other three remain 
absconding regime, risking their lives in any meeting with uniformed killers be "fired" 
one of their guns. The cops do not lose opportunity each time in response to the arrest of 
anarchists to leak to vigilantes journalists history with robbers in black even if it no 
longer exists, so preserving the climate of terror against the three comrades and pressing 
for eventual delivery to trial on "equal" terms.

The C. Dimitrakis will certainly not forget the law enforcement mechanisms after his 
release as occasionally several uniformed and non-cops will travologisoun him in some part 
with unbelievable excuses the limits of farce. The fury against militants not easily 

Along with the scripts of cops coming and the state at recreating the story in October 
2009 with the bounty of 600,000 euros of three anarchist comrades from the then Minister 
batsokratias M. Chrisochoïdis enhancing the manhunt against them and turning now with 
official state ordered the barrels weapons on them, reducing the "enemy" a number. 
Obviously all these made the dummy called Chrisochoïdis, Minister mnimoniakis government 
of PASOK as a faithful guardian of the interests of the bosses, while immersing an entire 
society in misery. There fell from the clouds just with this movement confirmed our fears: 
that as the conspiracy fells in courtrooms, so the cops would act uncontrollably "paying 
with their own way of justice." The climate helped built into it.

On 3 May 2010 Cops arrest randomly checked Simos Seisidis, who in an attempt to escape 
receives shot from behind by a cop who is covered. Although he has a weapon with him not 
in use while the injury combined with violence at the time of conception (broken hand, 
swollen from wood face so not to recognize either his relatives or his) late transfer to 
Hippocrates, improper initially treating the wound, and the constant presence of all kinds 
of police in the ambulance, the hospital room, and even surgery, leading to deterioration 
in his health and ultimately the amputation of his leg.

The guilt indictment there before (active anarchist, member of the "gang of robbers in 
black", a terrorist, a member of an armed organization and that other imagined 
counter-terrorism) and the known snitches most journalists work and hopefully catch the 
tale xanadesei ...

Simos remains incarcerated in the prison hospital of Korydallos, convicted a total of two 
cases and remand for another three. On March 30, 2011 will be tried in the first instance 
for the robbery of the National Bank in January 2006, and six more bank robberies by 
indictment for participation in a criminal organization robbers in black.

In May 2011 in S. trial. Seisidis was found unanimously guilty to robbery in the national 
bank in Solonos 2006, which condemned the anarchist C. Dimitrakis for 6 robbery gang 
robbers ghost now in black as well as for the attempted murder of cop who shot him 
crippling the leg. Therefore the security scenario collapses for a second time, but 
nevertheless the conspiracy of cops not say to finish ...

In the period before conception, in order not barred the plimelimatikou character offenses 
for robbery, the 3 wanted comrades were tried in absentia to prison terms for offenses 
which were then acquitted. But this was no obstacle to the design of cops for continuous 
discomfort against S. Seisidis, even after his release and acquittal. Characteristic is 
the address of the rabble of pimp SMEs which unabated replicate security tale.[2]

... And the fiasco security continues ...

Anarchist Gregory Tsironis and he wanted to fantastic gang of bandits with black arrested 
at home in New Anchialos Volos on 29 May 2015 in a Hollywood type enterprise 
counterterrorism Service to arrest suspects in bank robbery in Distomo. Robbery in which 
not the Tsironis participated.

The story is now known beyond the bounds of farce with cops leaking their tales and 
informants do their work without guilt. Anyway the slogan cop - Media - neo ALL BASTARDS 
work together did not come by accident, putting at bay and fascist crutches system. Once 
again, the reports make negative climate for the partner and once again the informers of 
security and their accomplices eat their faces.[3]

In June 2016 the anarchist Gregory Tsironis was unanimously guilty by the Second 
Three-Member Felony Appeals. Accused and that the case of robbery in 2006 at the National 
Bank on Solonos Street which was badly injured Yiannis Dimitrakis. In addition to the 
decision of the court, to which it has been acquitting sentence even the Chair Attorney 
acquitted him and all other felony acts were attributed against him were another 6 bank 
robberies five homicide attempts, setting up a criminal organization Mr. .a. For the same 
acts that had been acquitted in 2011 and Simos Seisidis.

For history will record the statements of the lawyer not to repeat ourselves we ... 
exposes once again the asfalitikoi mechanisms in front of the grand collapse of one of the 
largest plots are obliged to apologize in public for years slander and chases , who pushed 
into outlawry and was cause for unjust detention until now the ...

and since they do not put end to their tale of ... let us put a ...

Turning now to December 2016 we find anarchist comrade Mario Seisidis custody pending a 
trial conspiracy, with one indictment has koureliastei other three times in the 
courtrooms. We will not allow to happen anything less than his release. Already 
machinations began (again) be shot down one by one, starting with the class itself and K. 
Sakka as members of the organization Revolutionary Struggle, which the prosecutor decided 
to release them. It seems that the elements of counterterrorism was not as compelling as 
the show for years through their leaks.

We presented the chronicle of history to demonstrate the wrath of law enforcement 
mechanisms against anarchists and struggling people. Menos not hesitate to coin stories, 
rack, be imprisoned in the dungeons of democracy, to shoot to kill, to wipe albeit 
borouse- us to consolidate the sovereignty and better safeguard the profits of the bosses. 
Neither he started the story back in the distant 2006, nor now no illusions about the role 
of all these informers from any post if the system serving all these years (cops, media, 
judges, politicians, ministers ...). that's why we did not make a single step back, even 
in difficult times, having managed our solidarity to knock down asfalitikes approaches and 
prisons so that our partners do not bend and do not bow their heads in state repression 
they have given them. Also we did not step back over the years to not let an inch ground 
in such state practices. With our raised fist out of the dungeons and their courtrooms 
show our solidarity to not dare to wrap in a sheet of paper any partner and competitor humans.

Let's finish this time once and for all their fairy tale. Although large enough not 
believe nobody ...

"So, on December 16 asked to give another battle, this time in the courts. I asked to give 
a definitive end to this case kakostimeni. A astynomodikastiki bubble that maintenance so 
many years men counterterrorism, together with journalists. I will stand before them to 
defend any choice I made in my life. But above all, my choice to engage in the wider 
anarchist-antiauthoritarian space from the age of 15 years. My choice to lie to 
assemblies, rallies and behind the flaming barricades.

As anarchist militant, I will not do any moral and ideological discount to believe me, I 
will not even half a step back and will not bend my head in any court, in any prison 
anyone anthropofylaka. So my vision for social revolution become reality. Until victory, 
until the freedom. "

Marios Seisidis Korydallos Prison

Freedom for anarchist Mario Seisidis
Pyranthos, Anarchist group Thessaloniki

December 2016

[1]. (... In the masked robbers' gang in black "Police gave six other unsolved bank 
robberies made from November 2002 to January 2005. According to the decree No. 644 issued 
in March 2007 the competent judicial council, Yiannis Dimitrakis and his accomplices were 
attributed robberies in Commercial Bank in University street, in the National Bank in 
Plaka, in the branches of Alpha Bank in Stournari street and Chalkokondyli street, the 
National Bank in Eleftheroton square in Halandri and end the National Bank stou Gyzi, 
where indeed there was again a shootout with police. The smooth seven robberies 700,000 

Source: the archipapagalos counterterrorism and permanent partner as pen transmitter 
information from the media, B. Labropoulos in one of the many articles / press releases 
and science fiction scenarios writes in litter VIMA years.)

[2]. He arrested the accused for the "robbers in black", Simos Seisidis ... 

The source of these incoherent and led cops vdelydografimatos is otherwise authoritative 
litter DAILY (09/05/2015) The pimp author of the text does not even care to epalithepsei 
tale that served the high ranking source at the 6th floor in the capital batsomegaro ).

With a simple search on the internet one finds even larger pearls by the defenders of 
truth bums / pimp / journalists.

[3]. EPIKIRYGMENOS AFANTOS AND YEARS ON ... New twist in the case of Achialos - Arrested 
"thief in black" Gregory Tsironis ... Rich booty from their action ...

To copy this time journalism vomiting thank the litter THE NATION 30.05.2015. Whole 
article complements emetics scenarios of security and other essential details and 
conclusions for writing science fiction book. The search for truth, however, forgotten 
somewhere along the acquittals of partners for security tale called robbers in black, 
revolutionary societies and armed groups ...


Message: 5

Boycott is primarily known as an act of voluntary abstention from buying products of 
certain companies, and is an expression of protest for political or ethical reasons. Today 
it is in the form of so-called. Ethical consumption, perhaps the most widely used tactics 
of organizations fighting for human rights, animal liberation and environmental 
protection. This may not be only purchase any, but also a rejection of negotiations with 
individuals, groups, institutions or the entire state - or refusal to participate in any 
process. The boycott tactics, thus accessing the anarchist, anti-authoritarian and broad 
social movement. ---- organized ignorance ---- Ostracism and boycotts are so similar 
political tactics that one often considered the second option. Speeches ostracized already 
know at least from ancient Greece, where he was an unacceptable act of expelling man from 
the community on the basis of consensus. The term boycott was first used in Ireland during 
the so-called. "War on land." People are memorized after the mass ostracism land manager 
in the Irish region Loch Measca while British army captain named Charles Cunningham 
Boycott. This rejection Captain Boycott was organized in the year. 1880 League of Ireland 
for the land (Irish Land League).

Captain Boycott was the administrator of the hated land of Lord Erna. Who in 1880 refused 
to reduce rents by 25%, which was a result of poor harvests request of tenants. Boycott 
wanted to calm the situation eviction of eleven most maladjusted tenants. But too fuel to 
the fire. People approached the bold step. Within one refused to work in the fields and 
stables under his administration, they refused to sell products, deliver mail and serve in 
his house. Boycott he imported a politically connected workers from the province of 
Ulster, which fear before the uprising was accompanied by thousands of policemen and 
soldiers. The cost of this achievement, however, proved to be devastating. Disgrace 
Captain Boycott was forced to leave Ireland.

The success of the rebels encouraged the whole island of Ireland, after which swept a wave 
of boycotts. Annuitants who evicted farmers have begun to realize that nobody else wants 
to cultivate their land. Boycotts became effective tactic in the fight against the Irish 
Farmers English rentiérum who received legal privilege. Irish tenants of land on the other 
side faced legal barriers to the acquisition of property and pay astronomical rents, which 
led to the brink of starvation. On this historic event to see the simple difference 
between ostracism and boycott. Ostracism often nothing more than punishing individuals, 
while the boycott aims to achieve social change.

individualistic tradition

The boycotts were a favorite strategy of the past Benjamin Tucker and American periodical 
Liberty . It seemed that the boycott strategy might individualistum rejecting a 
revolutionary concept to provide a peaceful social means by which people can eliminate 
activities which they regard as so immoral, they are intolerable. Individualists feared 
that without tools like boycott, people will turn to their demands to the state. Tucker 
was fascinated by Irish protirentovním movement, which included Irish League for the land, 
and later in her but failed. He began to believe that the requirements of the movement 
were exchanged for political advantage of its leading figures, especially Parnell. The 
work INSTEAD OF A Book, By A Man Too Busy To Write One lamented: "The Irish League for the 
land failed because peasants did not act at its own discretion, but at the discretion of 
their leaders, who are at a critical moment betrayed."

Yet the League for the land boycott tactics managed to get into the awareness of the 
American individualists 19th century. Tucker him later declared Ireland the shortest path 
to success: "No pay rent now or later, no pay compulsory taxes now or later, the total 
ignorance of the British Parliament, and its so-called laws of this moment, the 
overwhelming abstention, uncompromising, but noninvasive boycott defectors , cowards, 
traitors and oppressors ... " the boycott has become an integral part of" passive but 
indomitable resistance " and Tucker considered him only strategic alternative to open 
revolution, he stubbornly refused. Professed passive resistance, which he called "the most 
effective weapon against oppression, that when a man in his hands" .

When the strike is not enough

Among the leading features of the boycott tactics include exclusion from the authorities 
of the change process. Therefore, it has become a favorite tactic of radical movements 
that their demand was not going to turn to the authorities. Syndicalist Tom Brown in the 
text of unionism or syndicalism? (Trade Unionism or syndicalism?) Said the boycott as a 
tactic of workers fighting for their rights outside the reformist trade unions: "Boycotts 
unions rarely used, except syndicalist unions in Spain and Scandinavia. There is a 
powerful weapon, but one that has no impact on the loss of wages, as is the case during 
the strike. The most useful, of course, to those parts of the market, which depends on the 
purchasing power of workers. " The boycott products of rogue employers who refuse to 
accede to the demands of the employees is becoming the simplest expression of solidarity 
and effective weapon in the hands of organized workers.

Similarly, he thought Rudolf Rocker, stating that "the focus of political struggle lies 
not in political parties, but in the economically struggling organizations working" . 
Boycotts are considered as one of the most important tools of direct action. Besides its 
high efficiency, especially in the sectors of normal production, highlights its potential 
to attract workers to fight public support. Further highlights its selective advantage in 
a particular struggle, aiming at a specific managers who are particularly hostile to unions.

Boycott takes on added significance with advancing changes to the system of production 
goods and services, such as outsourcing and flexibilization. The production process is 
separated into the smallest parts in order to maximize profits and eliminate the defense 
mechanisms of the workers. Outsourced workplaces where labor represents a narrow group of 
employees serving automated production, does not see the excessive concern with trade 
unions. Organized make it more difficult, if not impossible, part-time work and employment 
through another entity, usually an employment agency. To groups working on the brink of 
interest also include employee unions and employees of supermarkets and other shopping 
chains, who are among the lowest paid. In these cases, it may be a boycott of products 
only possible way and the emergency brake, how to get employers to heed the demands of the 

The impulse for the movement weakened

Boycotts may not be merely a complementary activity or means of expressing solidarity. It 
can become a nutrient pulse half-dead movement or even accelerator uprising. Let's look at 
a historical example of Spain, ridden dictatorship of General Franco. The situation of the 
Spanish people was in 1950, after eleven years of the Franco regime, really desperate. 
Austerity measures, massive decline in wages and an increase in the cost of living to 700% 
brought millions to the brink of famine. Poor eating and hygiene conditions that year was 
attributed to 22% of the total number of deaths. Of the 3.7 million farmers and other 
workers in the country were officially employed only 500 000. 40% of land holding church, 
60% of landlords making a mere 2% of the population. 400 000 people Madrid and Barcelona's 
150,000 residents were forced to live in dug-outs and clay huts. Hundreds of thousands of 
regime opponents were imprisoned and executed thousands.

During the eleven years was opposition to Franco suppressed. Glimmer of hope represented 
only Basque region. In 1947 he joined the strike to 60,000 workers in Vizcaya and 
thousands of other workers in the vicinity. The town, however, soon fell into a state of 
siege and strikes were massive arrests suppressed. The resistance was further restricted 
to minor conflicts with the regime and clandestine meetings of dissidents. It was not 
clear whether the general public is able to resist and risk jail or death. But on March 1 
1951 was in Barcelona increased the price of tickets for the tram unbearable 40%. The city 
immediately began to distribute leaflets and posters calling for a boycott.

On the first day of the boycott added 97% of passengers. Within a few days, they rode the 
tram was almost empty. The streets were full of people walking to work sometimes up to 
several kilometers. Strike entered most tram drivers, but they were hired scabs, which 
assisted police escort. A successful boycott proved that a mainstream society clerical 
fascism of Franco's sick. March 12 came in Barcelona and nearby strike 300,000 workers who 
were demanding decent living conditions and protested against the Franco regime. Police 
and the military were on alert. In the harbor anchored four warships full of Marines. 
Throughout the city there were riots and clashes that killed thousands of prisoners. 
Despite a massive deployment of repressive forces strike lasted for 14 days. But that was 
not all. At the end of April was sparked another glimmer of hope. In Bilbao, joined the 
strike 250,000 workers and further strikes and boycotts were held in the region of Navarre 
in Pamplona and Madrid. Although the events did not lead to the overthrow Franco, became a 
major impetus for the crushed resistance movement.

Go to hell

But back to ethical consumption. Boycott was in the Czech and Slovak anarchist movement 
favorite tactic immediately after its rebirth in the 90s, and his popularity has endured 
in the following years. With the transformation of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and 
called. Creating favorable conditions for investors, opening the economy to the free 
market, which eliminated the local production, the plan was to boycott the products of 
multinational corporations and the boycott of supermarkets and hypermarkets, which are 
growing like mushrooms after rain. Much attention harvested corporations to boycott 
McDonald's, KFC, Coca Cola, Nestle and Shell.

Reasons for boycotts of these companies are very similar. On the background there is 
always the economic imperialism, and business greed that is able to gain anything. The 
term McJob since the 80s expresses work under slave-like conditions, badly paid and 
without any prospects. It is a job with a high turnover and a minuscule chance to organize 
themselves into unions. The most important glossary of English Oxford English Dictionary 
defined since 2001. In the Czech Dictionary of neologisms , the term appeared in 2004. 
Offences corporations are very serious. This is a false aggressive advertising, slave 
labor conditions, animal abuse and child labor. As a result of growing crops in third 
world countries for the export practices of multinational corporations, causing famine and 
the deforestation of the Amazon forest. Intensive deployment chemicals contaminated soil 
and water. There could be irreversible ecological disasters and the actors do not assume 
any responsibility. Many corporations such as Coca Cola and Shell are involved in murders 
and executions environmental activists and trade unionists.

Not that these boycotts of companies in the Czech Republic, like other countries met with 
a massive response, but people of many practices have become aware of and began to favor 
more local production. Responded to this corporation in a simple way. Without halt its 
expansion, maintaining at skoupených original brand enterprises and liquidated those 
returning. Today is also the majority of people with their very low purchasing power 
dependent on buying the cheapest low-quality products.

Boycott, divestment and sanctions

Boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign which kicked off July 9, 2005 171 
Palestinian non-governmental organizations to support the Palestinian people in their 
struggle against Israeli occupation (although the first settlers announced a boycott of 
products already in 1988, anti-capitalist and anti-Zionist organization Matzpen). The 
campaign was inspired by the movement against apartheid in South Africa, which showed what 
a boycott is an effective weapon by which thanks to popular support South Africa got into 
isolation. In addition, the situation in Israel is strikingly reminiscent of apartheid: 
color-coded ID cards and permits to move or homes demolished by bulldozers and forcible 
displacement. A prominent South African politician Ronnie Kasrils said that a form of 
segregation that he saw in the West Bank and Gaza is "worse than apartheid" . Boycott of 
Israel supports many Israeli celebrities and his support is also rising among the 
representatives of the Jewish Church. The initiators of the boycott are aware that many 
attempts to stop the occupation of Palestine has failed.

Naomi Klein wrote: "Since 2006, Israel has consistently escalating their crimes: expanding 
settlements, launched a shocking war against Lebanon and the Gaza imposed collective 
punishment in the form of a brutal blockade. Despite the escalation of the conflict, 
Israel does not face any reprisals, or vice versa. The annual shipment of weapons and 
support of the US, worth three billion dollars is a mere shards. During this key period, 
Israel has used a massive development of diplomatic, cultural and trade contacts with many 
other allies. For instance, in 2007 Israel became the first country outside Latin America, 
which signed a free trade agreement Mercosur. During the first nine months of 2008, 
exports grew from Israel to Canada by 45  %. The signature of a new agreement with the 
European Union, which doubles the export of Israeli food preparations. "

Do BDS campaign involved many anarchist organizations. Thus express support for the 
Palestinian people and the organization of the International Solidarity Movement, which is 
the problem of long-term deals as well as Anarchists Against the Wall, according to which 
not a campaign "created in the name of some nationalist ideas or illusions build 
Palestinian national entity (ie. The National Liberation), but for the simple 'liberation' 
- end of colonialism Israeli settlers and occupation " .


Theme boycott may be so extensive that I consider to be impossible to mention all the 
important examples and undergo at least a framework analysis. I purposely missed one of 
the most common activities of the anarchist movement worldwide - call for a boycott of the 
elections, which have been devoted a lot of space elsewhere. It does not mean that I would 
like to take on meaning. With the company's growing dissatisfaction with the political 
representation could be the next parliamentary antivolby for the anarchist movement a 
great impulse. Greater attention should certainly deserve a glorious past boycotts that 
changed the world, eg. Bus boycott in Montgomery, boycotts colonial powers, or the 
aforementioned boycott of apartheid.

After inspiration but we do not have to look only to the past. The struggle of people 
against the austerity agenda that has spread the cost to suppress the crisis on the 
shoulders of ordinary people, carried out in Ireland among others campaigned against the 
introduction of so-called. Tax household. Anyone who owns a house or apartment livable, 
should the end of March to register and pay a tax which in 2012 amounted to 100 euros. It 
did so only half of Irish households. An interesting achievement is also a boycott of 
unpaid community work in Britain, which is to be conditional distribution of social 
benefits similar to how it was recently introduced in the country. From this forced free 
labor benefit-rich companies such as G4S, McDonald's and Tesco. The campaign was launched 
in 2010 and operates on a bottom-organized basis. During that time we managed to force 
several companies to take on the "unpaid work" did not participate.

 From the above examples it will be seen that tactic Boycott itself does not help. From 
the libertarian point of view it must be accompanied by what is called building a culture 
of resistance. Our task remains creating bonds of solidarity and understanding between 
many different people at many different places. These new relationships to give people the 
strength and confidence of much needed to fight. Culture resistance can be a torch that is 
capable of converting a single outbreak of fighting in the revolutionary wave and further 
spread. Yet it remains a boycott powerful tool in the hands of underprivileged people and 
the emergency brake, if other tactics fail.

Tom Brown: Trade unionism or syndicalism?'s#Criticism,_Divestment_and_Sanctions

Published in existence no. 2/2013 on "ethical consumption".


Message: 6

Public meeting of Alternative libertarian Lorient on Thursday February 9 at 20:30, Cité 
Allende (House of associations), 12 rue Colbert. From 7.30pm, small restaurant, press 
table. Free entry. ---- Whatever the future president: resist, build the alternative, here 
and now: it's possible! ---- What democracy, what economic system do the libertarians 
defend in struggles today? How to resist everyday life while developing alternatives? ---- 
Politics is not just about elections. 2017 will not be limited to the presidential and so 
much the better. No matter which candidate comes out of the polls, it will serve the 
interests of the powerful, not ours. ---- Whatever the candidate who comes out of the 
ballot boxes, we will have to defend ourselves to preserve our rights and to obtain new 
ones. Capitalism and the political system that accompanies it offers us no future other 
than precariousness, unemployment, repression.

An alternative to this society must be built today.

The text is from the last Clash , the high school student newsletter and AL. Download and 
share freely!,7215


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