Monthly Report
Soil & Water Conservation District Executive Director Scott Torrey pre-filed his monthly report. Mr. Torrey wanted to add a couple of things to his report; one was a new robot milking barn that is in operation now. This is about a $550,000 project that is located in Burns. He is also wrapping up a manure storage project in West Almond that is valued at $65,000.
Mr. Torrey also stated they are wrapping up the Ag District for review; they are waiting for the Chairman of the Farmland and Protection Board to sign off on the plan. A little over two thousand acres will be added to the Ag District. Mr. Torrey said the Cuba Lake dredging project will probably not happen this year due to the weather not being conducive to what they need. All of the DEC permits are in place and the Army Corps permits will be in place by the middle of March. He also stated the permits will be active next year as well, and they received an extension on the funding until the end of 2018.
The Soil and Water Conservation District is requesting a resolution setting the date for a public hearing on the eight-year review of Agricultural District Number Four for 2 p.m. on March 27, 2017, in the Allegany County Legislative Board Chambers. The Agricultural District Number Four consists of land in the Towns of Alfred, Alma, Andover, Bolivar, Genesee, Independence, Ward, and Willing. This District was originally created as Agricultural District Number Six on August 7, 1977, and renamed Agricultural District Number Four on May 28, 2002, and modified and continued on February 25, 2008, by Resolution Number 36-2008.
A motion was made by Legislator Graves, seconded by Legislator O’Grady, and carried to approve the request for a resolution setting the date of the public. PREPARE RESOLUTION