PappaJ » January 19th, 2017
Walkingstick » January 19th, 2017
Walkingstick » January 19th, 2017
Walkingstick » January 19th, 2017
Change: frozen accounts which intend to open the Kurdistan for their employees to deposit their salaries which "fake"
BAGHDAD / .. revealed the mass change for the parliamentary frozen accounts which intend to open the Kurdistan Regional Government for its employees to deposit their salaries which "fake".
The bloc Prime Kaveh Mohammad's "approach" that the provincial government held a meeting with the Kurdish parties were held recently and told them of their inability to pay salaries due to the debt frequent on the region and the delayed delivery of Baghdad, the 17% of the budget, indicating that the government has called on the parties to the need to find a political consensus to solve economic crisis.
He added that the provincial government and directed to open bank accounts for employees to deposit their salaries where, but it was "fake" in addition to the deduction of taxes on electricity, water and other services, noting that the money deposited is not delivered to the intended recipients but remain only digital and are delivered each quarter salary employees every 50 days .
Mohammed described the policy as such as a "red herring.
Walkingstick » January 19th, 2017
BAGHDAD / .. revealed the mass change for the parliamentary frozen accounts which intend to open the Kurdistan Regional Government for its employees to deposit their salaries which "fake".
The bloc Prime Kaveh Mohammad's "approach" that the provincial government held a meeting with the Kurdish parties were held recently and told them of their inability to pay salaries due to the debt frequent on the region and the delayed delivery of Baghdad, the 17% of the budget, indicating that the government has called on the parties to the need to find a political consensus to solve economic crisis.
He added that the provincial government and directed to open bank accounts for employees to deposit their salaries where, but it was "fake" in addition to the deduction of taxes on electricity, water and other services, noting that the money deposited is not delivered to the intended recipients but remain only digital and are delivered each quarter salary employees every 50 days .
Mohammed described the policy as such as a "red herring.
Walkingstick » January 19th, 2017
Why Are So Many Banks Adopting Blockchain Technology? (IBM)
For a long while, there was plentiful talk about the possibility of major banks incorporating blockchain technology into their infrastructure and practices, but little action. The new year seems to have finally brought some indication, however, that at least some of the global leaders in finance will move toward the technology that has long been affiliated with the digital currency Bitcoin. What are some of the potential implications for those banks as tey look to make these moves, and what can outside investors expect?
DTCC Makes Announcement, Sparks Speculation
In the Wall Street world, the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) is a major player, but one that tends to participate behind the scenes. Nonetheless, when DTCC representatives announced last week that they would replace a central database with new technology modeled after Bitcoin, it was enough to shake the industry. The DTCC charts and reports most trades of stocks and bonds that occur in the U.S., and many derivatives trades as well. DTCC indicated that IBM (IBM) would head up the project; the computer company has recently been working hard to make strides into blockchain technology.
Move is Revealing About Wall Street Opinions
What the DTCC announcement reveals is less about Bitcoin itself and more about the technology that undergirds and supports it. Wall Street leaders have shown interest in Bitcoin since it first appeared on the scene, but less so for the currency itself and more because of the blockchain advances that allowed for newer and, potentially, better ways of completing and recording transactions across a broad array of financial areas. The key to blockchain technology is that it is able to complete these tasks without reporting to a central authority, instead utilizing a network of many thousands of computers scattered across the globe.
What are the implications of a shift toward blockchain for Wall Street? One of the major potential benefits of blockchain as a means of recording financial transactions is that it could be much faster than the current practice, which requires central authorities to validate and document each item in the ledger. At the same time, without a single central hub in control of the documentation and databases, hacking into the blockchain is much more difficult than the current practice.
Will banks suddenly be incorporating Bitcoin? Probably not. The new project by the DTCC is not using the same blockchain as Bitcoin, but rather building a similar tool for a number of different financial institutions with which it works. This ledger will not be publicly available, unlike the Bitcoin blockchain. For now, the DTCC will use this technology for the sole purpose of recording transactions. However, if it proves successful, the next step may include facilitating and executing transactions as well.
For a long while, there was plentiful talk about the possibility of major banks incorporating blockchain technology into their infrastructure and practices, but little action. The new year seems to have finally brought some indication, however, that at least some of the global leaders in finance will move toward the technology that has long been affiliated with the digital currency Bitcoin. What are some of the potential implications for those banks as tey look to make these moves, and what can outside investors expect?
DTCC Makes Announcement, Sparks Speculation
In the Wall Street world, the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) is a major player, but one that tends to participate behind the scenes. Nonetheless, when DTCC representatives announced last week that they would replace a central database with new technology modeled after Bitcoin, it was enough to shake the industry. The DTCC charts and reports most trades of stocks and bonds that occur in the U.S., and many derivatives trades as well. DTCC indicated that IBM (IBM) would head up the project; the computer company has recently been working hard to make strides into blockchain technology.
Move is Revealing About Wall Street Opinions
What the DTCC announcement reveals is less about Bitcoin itself and more about the technology that undergirds and supports it. Wall Street leaders have shown interest in Bitcoin since it first appeared on the scene, but less so for the currency itself and more because of the blockchain advances that allowed for newer and, potentially, better ways of completing and recording transactions across a broad array of financial areas. The key to blockchain technology is that it is able to complete these tasks without reporting to a central authority, instead utilizing a network of many thousands of computers scattered across the globe.
What are the implications of a shift toward blockchain for Wall Street? One of the major potential benefits of blockchain as a means of recording financial transactions is that it could be much faster than the current practice, which requires central authorities to validate and document each item in the ledger. At the same time, without a single central hub in control of the documentation and databases, hacking into the blockchain is much more difficult than the current practice.
Will banks suddenly be incorporating Bitcoin? Probably not. The new project by the DTCC is not using the same blockchain as Bitcoin, but rather building a similar tool for a number of different financial institutions with which it works. This ledger will not be publicly available, unlike the Bitcoin blockchain. For now, the DTCC will use this technology for the sole purpose of recording transactions. However, if it proves successful, the next step may include facilitating and executing transactions as well.
Walkingstick » January 19th, 2017
US Embassy announces the completion of the sovereign loan guarantee for Iraq's billion-dollar
Announced that the US embassy in Baghdad, on Thursday, for the entry of the governments in Baghdad and Washington, the loan guarantee agreement with the US into force and the special one billion dollars.
The US Embassy said in a statement received / balances News / copy of it, that "the Republic of Iraq can borrow at an interest rate close to that the interest rate paid by the United States, while in turn, borrow."
She added, that "this bond proceeds will enable the Government of Iraq of food, water, housing and medical care for Iraqis to provide indigent, and will enable the Iraqis to take advantage of government services such as education, which Sahaihm the future is bright and promising."
She continued, "This is the launch of the loan guarantee today an indication of Iraq's continued progress towards achieving its objectives for economic reform on behalf of the Iraqi people."
She noted that "exchange of diplomatic notes is considered the final step in guaranteeing the loan between Iraq and the United States for Iraq to have access to global capital markets," .anthy 29 / D 24
Announced that the US embassy in Baghdad, on Thursday, for the entry of the governments in Baghdad and Washington, the loan guarantee agreement with the US into force and the special one billion dollars.
The US Embassy said in a statement received / balances News / copy of it, that "the Republic of Iraq can borrow at an interest rate close to that the interest rate paid by the United States, while in turn, borrow."
She added, that "this bond proceeds will enable the Government of Iraq of food, water, housing and medical care for Iraqis to provide indigent, and will enable the Iraqis to take advantage of government services such as education, which Sahaihm the future is bright and promising."
She continued, "This is the launch of the loan guarantee today an indication of Iraq's continued progress towards achieving its objectives for economic reform on behalf of the Iraqi people."
She noted that "exchange of diplomatic notes is considered the final step in guaranteeing the loan between Iraq and the United States for Iraq to have access to global capital markets," .anthy 29 / D 24