Whose publications in Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, Moscow State University (MSU, МГУ) were read most often in 2017? Top positions in RG rating of researchers of these universities, data from ResearchGate, second week of 2017; (week ending January 15, 2017)

Whose publications in Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, Moscow State University (MSU,  МГУ) were read most often in 2017?
Top positions in RG rating of researchers of these universities,
data from ResearchGate, second week of 2017;
  (week ending January 15, 2017)

 Harvard University, U.S.:
Calvin K. Lai 

Oxford University, U.K.:
 David Macdonald;

Cambridge University, U.K.:
 Simon Baron-Cohen;

Moscow State University (MSU,  МГУ), Russian Federation:
 Sergei A. Ostroumov;

Whose publications in Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, Moscow State University (MSU,  МГУ) were read most often in 2017?
Top positions in rating of researchers of these universities,
data from ResearchGate, first week of 2017;
  (week ending January 8, 2017)


another format of this post:

Most popular authors of scientific publications, according to the number of  views/reads of their publications onlines, ResearchGate:

Harvard University, U.S.:
 Neil Roach;

Oxford University, U.K.:
 David Macdonald;

Cambridge University, U.K.:
 Simon Baron-Cohen;

Moscow State University (MSU,  МГУ), Russian Federation:
 Sergei A. Ostroumov;

More info:

Harvard University:
Calvin K. Lai 
Post-doc (visit calvinklai.weebly.com for recent updates)

University of Oxford:
 "David Macdonald";
 University of Oxford, Oxford · Department of Zoology;

University of Cambridge:
"Simon Baron-Cohen";
 Phd MPhil;
 University of Cambridge, Cambridge · Autism Research Centre (ARC);

Lomonosov Moscow State University:
 'Sergei A. Ostroumov';
Ph.D., Dr. Sci. (Biological Sciences);
 Leading Research Scientist;
 Lomonosov Moscow State University,  (MSU)  Moscow · Faculty of Biology;
 [Sergei's publications were most often viewed - among all publications of the other researchers from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) - in 2015, 2016, 2017].

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