U.S. must end weapons sales to Saudi Arabia!

U.S. must end weapons sales to Saudi Arabia!
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Dear friends,
It was going to be a beautiful day. In a village near the Red Sea, a newly-married couple were holding their wedding reception. Festival tents were set up, food was prepared, and guests had arrived. And then everything changed. Two missiles struck the tents, tearing through the wedding party. More than 130 people died.
That attack was an airstrike conducted by Saudi Arabia and its military coalition as part of an "intervention" in the Yemeni civil war. That attack occurred in September 2015. Since then, more than 10,000 other civilians have died, most as a direct result of Saudi bombings.
But the United States continues to back the Saudi Arabian coalition. Even now, the U.S. government is supplying the Saudis with weaponry, advisors, vehicles, and even fuel for planes. Last month we asked you to urge the U.K. to stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia. Now we must demand the same from the U.S. Government.
The United Nations and human rights organizations have accused the U.S.-backed Saudi coalition of committing war crimes and atrocities in Yemen. But the United States continues to conduct arms deals with the Saudi regime, which means it is not only enabling gross human rights abuses, but even profiting from them. While the White House has recently taken steps to limit arms sales, that is not nearly enough.
Thank you for all that you do,
 Miranda B.
The Care2 Petitions Team

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