Tour de Curitiba

Mondays are generally a good time to get out and about in the city. There is so much to see and do here! So far, our adventures have been AWESOME!!

Barigui Park is just five bus stops down the road. It is the most frequented park in the city - by joggers, bikers, strollers, soccer players, you name it. It also has a beautiful lake in the center of it. 

(The little brown fellow is called a capybara. He is truly a ROUS - rodent of unusual size.)

The Jardim Botânico (Botanical Garden) has French style paths leading up to a glass greenhouse that looks like it came right out of the 19th century. 

The Oscar Niemeyer Museum is one of the largest in Latin America. Its structural shape looks like a giant eye observing the city.

After the visit of Pope John Paul II to Curitiba, a Polish Memorial was built in his honor. Many Polish immigrants settled in the state of Paraná. These little log houses are nestled among the pines and reminded us a lot of our Mormon pioneers.
(Kay and me at the little church. Don conversing with President Oliveira)

Up next - the beautiful Wire Opera House (or as they say in Brazil, Ópera de Arame)
And yes, this tube-like structure looks like it was
 made out of wire. Many great concerts have been performed here. Don, Sister Oliveira, Kay, President Oliveira, and Sister Medeiros are just waiting for the next one to begin!!

Fifty-plus years ago (when Don and Larry were missionaries here) this was the mission home/office. They hardly recognized the area - things have changed so much. Anyway, this was a high priority on their "must see list".

No tour would be complete without including a great place to eat. This little hole-in-the-wall serves up delicious pastels (they taste kind of like a deep-fried empanada filled with everything from cheese to meat to fruit)  and coxinhas (little ranidrops of fried goodness usually filled with chicken and a very creamy cheese called "catupiry') all washed down with a bottle of Guaraná. (I prefer water!)
I have included the street sign just in case you ever get down here a would like to partake of its deliciousness.

Well, there you have 7 spots to include in your "Tour de Curitiba". There will surely be more to come! 

And just in case you missed them the first time, one last look at the darling ROUSs.....

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