See Correction of our errors! Break the Deportation DNA Chain: "Refugee Black Box – The irrepressible voice and power of the afflicted" - Beyond the Court rooms!

Break the Deportation DNA Chain: "Refugee Black Box – The irrepressible 
voice and power of the afflicted" - Beyond the Court rooms!

See Correction of our errors!!! "Refugee Black Box in Jena"

To those who have read the announcement of the Black Box event in Jena, 
we regret there were errors or mistakes realized and corrected, that the 
"Break Isolation Refugee Camp in Erfurt with the preparation of The 
Refugee Protest march from Würzburg to Berlin in 2012" and the Refugee 
International Tribunal in Berlin in 2013, which were organized "by The 
VOICE Refugee and The Caravan for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants."

The VOICE Refugee Forum did not organize the refugee protest march from 
Würzburg to Berlin in 2012 but Break Isolation Camp supported the 
preparation of the march. We are sorry for the errors. see correction 

Stay blessed, in solidarity


Official Announcement: Break the Deportation DNA Chain: "Refugee Black 
Box – The irrepressible voice and power of the afflicted" - Beyond the 
Court rooms!

27th to 29th January 2017 in Jena, Thuringen

"Our main focus of discussion will be breaking the deportation chain 
from within; with discussions on strategies of Break Deportation Acts: 
Our historical backgrounds and past political struggles against 
deportation and social exclusion will be the guide to our continued 
engagement for justice and human dignity."

The VOICE Refugee Forum, Activists of the Refugee-Migrant Community 
Network together with Anti deportation activists will be presenting and 
discussing the very first agenda and plan of the project event: " 
Refugee Black Box – The irrepressible voice and power of the afflicted" 
in Jena, over the weekend of the 27th to the 29th.

This is a Prepar-Tainment weekend meeting for the political project 
"Refugee Black Box – The irrepressible voice and power of the afflicted"

What do we want to talk about?

Our main focus of discussion will be breaking the deportation chain from 
within; with discussions on strategies of Break Deportation Acts: Our 
historical backgrounds and past political struggles against deportation 
and social exclusion will be the guide to our continued engagement for 
justice and human dignity.

We want to discuss how we, the refugee-migrant community activists in 
Germany overcome the different faces of injustice in Europe. We will 
speak about our experiences, the struggles and campaigns of the refugee 
community against the deportation cultures of the German and European 
racist nationalism, against social exclusion in Germany. About how we 
fight against the abuse and violation of our rights, the corruption of 
the deportation system, societal ignorance including German elites and 
politicians vis-à-vis human dignity and freedom of movement.

Prepar-Tainment Agenda

Friday and Saturday (27th and 28th):

There will be Workshops and Podium discussions. During discussions the 
Photo Exhibition of the Refugee Community Strike protest “We will Rise” 
by the Oplatz Refugee Movement will be part of our political arena with 
Street theatre, Rallies and Demonstration. In the evenings after 
discussions and workshops, there will be Solidarity Music and Concerts.

Saturday evening:

Cultural Contributions and Solidarity Live Concerts in Café Wagner, 
Jena. Also on the list are:

– Schwabinggrad Ballett together with the performance group Arrivati who 
call themselves „autonomous collective of refugees and People of 
Colour“, from Hamburg.

– System D „a crossing borders musical experience, challenging the 
oppression, political situation, borders control: Reggae is not dead.“ 

Sunday: Continuation of the discussions and perspectives on the way 

"Refugee Black Box – The irrepressible voice and power of the afflicted" 
is a political experiment and a process to re-create our alternative 
space and critical enlightenment, through the Refugee Political 
Solidarity X-Ray on the decades of refugee struggles against the 
centuries of colonial injustice of deportation.

The concept is a process of inspirations from struggles like: The 
Caravan Internation Refugee Congress Jena – “Unite against Deportation 
and Social Exclusion” – the beginning of the Residenzpflicht campaign in 
2000, Oury Jalloh’s death in Police Cell No 5 in Dessau and the ensuing 
court trial in 2008, the Caravan Festival on Colonial Injustice in Jena 
2010, Break Isolation Refugee Camp in Erfurt with the preparation of the 
Refugee Protest March from Würzburg to Berlin in 2012 and the Refugee 
International Tribunal in Berlin in 2013, which were organized by The 
VOICE Refugee Forum and The Caravan for the Rights of Refugees and 
Migrants. (See links below) It is in the spirit of continuity of The 
VOICE Refugee Forum struggles since 1994 from the Mühlhausen refugee 
Refugee Black Box actions are planned to expose the ignorance of the 
society on the abuses and crimes of deportation regimes and to make the 
colonial injustices of the system visible.

Like Marcus Garvey said, “Never forget that intelligence rules the world 
and ignorance carries the burden. Therefore, remove yourself as far as 
possible from ignorance and seek as far as possible to be intelligent”.

Like in a tribunal, it is about charging the system and giving a 
platform to the afflicted to bring their own charges to public 
awareness. In addition, it has elements of a festival with its cultural 
space. The idea parodies the black boxes of aircrafts. It contains 
sensitive information that are vital to its functionality. The afflicted 
can submit their charges and these would form the basis of the next 
protest actions against the pervasive colonial injustice.

Join us in the 2017 grassroots struggles of the refugees community 
movement, to make “Refugee Black Box – The irrepressible voice and power 
of the afflicted" a concrete and empowering political solidarity weapon.
"By coming together, we will continue to learn from each other, develop 
our strength by continued self-empowerment to break the deportation 
culture and to overcome the different faces of injustice in Europe. Most 
of us are victims of war. Some of us lost our families; many of us are 
separated from their children, wives and husbands, while countless 
number of us died on the journey to Europe under the watchful eyes of 
FRONTEX. As a result, many of us remain traumatised today. Yet, instead 
of being given the necessary therapeutic and other support, we are 
discriminated against, subjected to brutal and greedy exploitation and 
exclusion, various forms of psychological torture and expected to 
gratefully accept our unspoken label of subhuman or „Untermensch“ in the 
name of refugees because we don‘t have bombs raining on us." - Review on 
Break Deportation Culture – Deportation is criminal and we fight to stop 

Deportation and its corruption of legal systems and regimes are 
criminal. Stop the deportation system! Fight racist nationalism!

Lets shake things up! - Bring down the deportation regimes! Stop the 

Please make donations, engage and work with us for an independent 
refugee community and Join us for the 2017 grass root struggles of the 
refugees communities on our movement to make “The Refugee Black Box " a 
concrete political solidarity weapon.

The events will be financed by public donation and solidarity 
contribution only.

Förderverein The VOICE e.V., Sparkasse Göttingen,
IBAN: DE97 2605 0001 0000 1278 29 Code „Break Deportation“ | |

Corrected: Break Isolation Refugee Camp in Erfurt with the preparation 
of the Protest march from Würzburg to Berlin in 2012

Flüchtlingskongress vom 21. April bis 1. Mai 2000 in Jena
The Caravan Internation Refugee Congress Jena 2000 – “Unite against 
Deportation and Social Exclusion”

Refugee Struggle against Residenzpflicht 2000
Einblick in den Kampf gegen die Residenzpflicht

Oury Jalloh Campaign Revisited - Break the Silence Archives 2005 - 2009 
(English and German)

"Unite against colonial injustice in commemoration of the victims of 
Fortress Europe"

Break Isolation – Refugee Protest March from Würzburg to Berlin!

Refugee International Tribunal in Berlin in 2013,

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