repost: 39 Nobel Prize winners among the persons on top-940 list of intellectuals of all times, all nations; Albert Einstein France Anatol, Niels Bohr, Max Born, Iosif Brodsky, Piotr L. Kapitsa, Francis Crick, Lev Landau, Konrad Lorenz, I. Mechnikov, et al.

repost: 39 Nobel Prize winners among the persons  on top-940 list of intellectuals of all times, all nations; Albert Einstein France Anatol, Niels Bohr, Max Born,  Iosif Brodsky, Piotr L. Kapitsa, Francis Crick, Lev Landau, Konrad Lorenz, I. Mechnikov, et al.

39 Nobel Award winners:
Image result for Albert Einstein
  1. Albert Einstein
  2. France Anatol, 
  3. Niels Bohr, 
  4. Max Born, 
  5. Karl Ferdinand Braun, 
  6. Iosif Brodsky (Josef Brodsky; Иосиф Бродский), 
  7. Ivan Bunin, 
  8. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, 
  9. Werner Heisenberg, 
  10. Albert Gore, 
  11. Jean Joliot-Curie, 
  12. Piotr L. Kapitsa, 
  13. Francis Crick, 
  14. Lev Landau, 
  15. Konrad Lorenz, 
  16. I. Mechnikov, 
  17. Francois Mauriac, 
  18. Wilhelm Ostwald, 
  19. Ivan P. Pavlov, 
  20. Boris Pasternak, 
  21. Wolfgang Pauli, 
  22. Max Planck, 
  23. Ilya Prigogin, 
  24. Bertran Russell, 
  25. Romain Rolland, 
  26. Theodore Roosevelt, 
  27. Jean-Paul Sartre, 
  28. Robert Solow, 
  29. Armand Prudhomme (Rene Francois), 
  30. James Tobin, 
  31. Alexander Todd, 
  32. Georg Wald, 
  33. Milton Friedman, 
  34. Friedrich von Hayek, 
  35. Winston Churchill, 
  36. Albert Schweitzer, 
  37. George Bernard Shaw, 
  38. Erwin Schrödinger, 
  39. Manfred Eigen,
More information see:
names that are on 940-top list, intellectuals, all times, all nations;
scientists (including ecologists, environmentalists, biologists), thinkers, creative persons, inventors,  prize winners (including Nobel Prize winners, selected):
this list include some contemporary Russian scientists

Image result for Erwin Schrodinger,
Erwin Schrödinger,

Image result for Francis Crick,
Francis Crick

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