"Take More Response" by SPA - 1.23.17

Entry Submitted by SPA at 9:20 PM EST on January 23, 2017

Yesterday I spoke about leadership and personal responsibility. I was inspired to write in response to what can only be described as an up-turn in frustrated posts on this site. Whilst I understand the stress caused by rv inaction and dud Intel, I don't understand the choice to follow, then blame another. To make someone other than oneself responsible for one's experience and therefore feelings. I don't get the victimhood displayed by grown folk.

Today I awoke to the usual whining and grumbling that off-late seems to pepper this site. I......(throat clear). Everyone has by now, I am sure, vented about their frustrations. Some, in my opinion, sensibly did it in private. Some wrote it out, read it, and thought the better of it. Others', when common sense should have prevailed, unwisely, again IMO, pressed the send button. Perhaps it would have been better to just chalk it all up to a cathartic experience and let it alone. I guess some felt their rants would offer up some benefit to others. Well I will be honest, some have been quite entertaining, .........amusing even. Given me a little chuckle at times. I am trying to think of an appropriate joke to tell tight now, but it escapes me. This is a serious post after-all, so I'll just skip it.

Now back to my point! .....how is everyone feeling? Those who lashed out, do you feel all the better for it?......I'm sure you do. And the repeat offenders? You know who you are. The one's addicted to reading certain posts. I can almost see you salivating and rubbing your finger's together in glee whilst you anticipate the next offering. Yes, the one from said author you claim to dispise, but somehow can't seem to stay away from. Oh! The joys of addiction. Bet you can't sleep at night, awaiting the next post. Going through them with a fine-toothed comb, screaming aloud at every tidbit of information you read. I really can't offer you anything more than what I have already laid at your feet. Only you can save yourself.

I'm not saying people can't comment. The sharings are great. Love them! But you have to admit, some of the rants are wild and something I will perhaps avoid now that Patrick has made it easier to do so. Lol!

I will be starting my 'It Works' programme in the morning with the intent to materialize this rv for me, so will be more discriminating about what I let into my thoughts for a while. Not that any of it really bothers me. It all just seems to go over the top of my head. But the one's that come back again with the same ol' same ol'? .....it just cracks me up!! I think to myself, "Are you serious?"

Honestly, this past weekend was like complaining had become the new fashion. I don't think it's healthy to give so much of one's power over to another. To allow another to affect one's emotions so strongly. If another chooses to disgrace themselves in print, that's on them. You don't have to re-act. And just because something may be true, one can still choose to leave behind the cheap potshots and remain classy. Read by all means if you so desire. Just recognize it is your choice to do so. I am really just trying to offer a solution to the frustrations I see displayed on a daily basis, by some. The solution is (drum roll please......,) Claim Back Your Power.

I feel it is a pointless and futile endeavor, for anyone to keep behaving in this manner. Still,.........it is said you can lead a cow to the water, but you can't make it drink. Lol! Opps!.... Or is that a horse? It escapes me right now.

Moving on......!

I just happen to think creating for oneself anger, frustration and despair, (which I believe is exactly what one is doing whilst engaging in things that push your buttons) is unproductive. Frustrations could more aptly be used as an opportunity to neutralize certain reactionary tendencies within oneself.

Perhaps it would be more effective to just practice rising above it or just avoid it like the plague. In this way one develops an unshakable demeanor. One becomes a Master of the self, No?.....no?....

......Well I spoke up. I did my best. I guess a person either gets it or they don't. Or won't. Never mind!

Going forward, why don't we all try to do better individually and collectively today, tomorrow and Always. Take more RESPONSE - ability for oneself and lighten-up a little. After all, no one but you are responsible for the way you feel.

Love ya!!!


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