Mediterranean Musical Traditions
The series of events celebrates the musical traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean and its neighbouring countries, as well as their impact on contemporary music. Shared musical experiences connect people from across cultures, mentalities and beyond language. They become the way to truly link continents and bridge cultures as the motto of Pafos2017 suggests.
Mediterranean Musical Traditions is a three-day event comprising of five concerts by musicians from Greece, Northern Italy, Israel and Spain. Curated by: Kyriakos Kalaitzides.
Kato Vrisi, Geroskipou
26-28 May
2000 to 2300
See separate entries for:
Cypriot Kaleidoscope
Fawaz Baker Ensemble
La Cor De La Plana
Flamenco Roots
See separate entries for:
Cypriot Kaleidoscope
Fawaz Baker Ensemble
La Cor De La Plana
Flamenco Roots