KTFA CC Notes by Aggiedad77 for Wednesday 1-18-17


Aggiedad77 » January 19th, 2017

Here are the notes for the Wednesday Night CC enjoy Aloha Randy

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

CC Notes for Wednesday 01-18-2017

Frank26: Welcome Family let’s move into the discussion of our investment the Iraqi dinar….now I’m telling you on Monday when we were together Praise God it was a wonderful CC….on Tuesday I saw our notes everywhere….no I don’t go to other sites, this information is sent to me….and no I’m not sitting here complaining….here is what I am making a point of….

I would say that about 80-85% of the gurus that are out there on the internet are in cahoots with us….wouldn’t you agree….we are all saying the same thing aren’t we.

Monday I preached to you Security and Stability Mosul….Security and Stability give me Mosul….give me Mosul and what are you going to get….the Monetary Reform….Security and Stability….when we get al-Baghdadi do we need Mosul for the Monetary Reform, no….what do we need Mosul for to get al-Baghdadi to bring Security and Stability for the Monetary Reform….ok….well guess what they are all saying that.

Today on Wednesday Abadi decided to go in front of everyone on Iraqia television….and by the way you should watch….now I know you don’t speak Arabic but go and Google Free World Channel television and you would be able to see Abadi talking like crazy yesterday and today….

I don’t understand the language I do understand a few words thanks to our brother DELTA…but when DELTA and I were talking yesterday and we were on the phone for quite a long time….we found that Abadi was busting at the seams….not so much yesterday or today but many weeks ago.

Tonight what I want to do with you is take you back to when we said goodnight to you on Monday’s CC….on the following day someone said Frank what are you doing up so early you went to sleep around 2:30 what is going on….and I didn’t say much of anything did I….the same thing happened today….now I believe we should pick up where we left off on Monday….and these notes are scattered all about….so bear with me if I sound fragmented….at the end of it all you are going to really enjoy what you hear tonight.

Ring….ring….ring….DELTA….Frankie Frankie…how are you doing brother….I’m doing good I want to ask you something….did you see what the Gazette did today….and by the way we are going back about 36 hours….yeah I saw that the Gazette is saying they have the budget….did you go see the budget….yeah I did Frankie….did you read it yet…no…is it because it is 61 pages long….no…why haven’t you read it yet….

I would like for you to read and interpret it….something is wrong….excuse me….something is wrong Frankie….ok, the last thing I need is to be worrying about something….what do you mean something is wrong….Frankie….it makes no sense….what do you mean in Arabic or English….it just makes no sense….you see Masum signed it….you remember when don’t you….yeah we even told the Family…it was signed on the 18th of December 2016…yeah but I’m pretty sure they all forgot….

I’m pretty sure too DELTA….but it’s not really that important is it…the budget is in the Gazette right….I don’t know something isn’t right…..there you go again…what is wrong….well I believe on the 18th when it was signed by the President…and in the early part of December it went through all of the channels it had to go through, the reading and the voting and all of that stuff….

But on the 18th when they did sign it….it was put away in a drawer….and when you look at the Gazette the date on the Gazette it says they released this to the Gazette on January 9th….I said so….well did you also see the article that is out with it….well it is saying that Masum signed it on the 10th….oh….wait a minute that makes no sense….no it doesn’t Frankie something is wrong…the whole process makes no sense….

I mean yeah sometimes you can have up to 10 days after it is signed…..even if it is not signed you only have 15 days….but even after it is signed they can have up to 10 days….you know before it is released publicly….do you think that the GOI had it for those 10 days…but it is more than 10 days….I don’t know….the President signed it on the 18th of December…but the printing…..now they are saying the President signed it on the 10th of January….but the Gazette has it out on the 9th….

How is that possible…the printing was done and it was put in the Gazette even before it was signed….I said I understand now a little better your confusion…why you are saying you are confused….now Family I need for those of you who take notes…I need for you to do a little sidebar note……do you remember last week, not this past Monday but last week I said to you a certain sentence…and I said it this way and is what I want you to write in your notes because later on in our CC you are going to come back to that.

SIDEBAR NOTE: If I don’t want you to find me…if I don’t want you to know where I am at….if I don’t want you to know in which direction I am going I am going to walk backwards with my heels first…I want you to stop and think about that….walk backwards with my heels first….for those of you who are hunters or trackers….what have I just done.

So I am here to tell you this made no sense when DELTA and I were talking about it yesterday for many hours….how could the Gazette bring something like this in 2017 when in all honesty it was ready in 2016 on December 18th…..everyone heard us you all know it was signed on that date…and now they are telling us he signed it on the 10th but they are printing it on the 9th……

I don’t know….it has never happened this way before….but we’ve never had a budget in the history…..we know….but Frank the Gazette is not that fast…you know what I mean….something is just not making any sense…..the Gazette cannot print without the signature….toward the end of the month at the end of last year Frankie we wanted to see the budget didn’t we….yeah….there was an administrative order that went to the Gazette do you remember….yeah I remember….

But there was no article about it….no there wasn’t….because we didn’t talk about it to the Family….no we didn’t…but Frank the Gazette printed the budget allegedly one day before Masum signed it….they are lying…because he also signed it on the 18th of December….DELTA I want you to relax now with me….answer this question…what do you think this means….they put it away Frank until conditions were right for it to come out….it was signed, sealed, delivered, and ready to go.

DELTA do you think they put some amendments in the budget….NO….they didn’t put any amendments in the budget….by law you would have to know about those amendments….oh ok….do you think they were waiting for the price of oil to increase like we told everyone it would in the last two weeks of December….

NO…that has nothing to do with it….do you think they made a duplicate copy of the budget….you know the original was with the President for a while but then a copy was sent to the Gazette….NO….Frankie none of that…..ok well do you think the Gazette has a time machine or something….NO….do you think they have been listening to us…..I don’t know.

Abadi said they do have their budget…said that to the citizens…broadcast across many forms of media today and yesterday.

But between us Family….you and me…it should not be that confusing….should not be that big of a deal…it is in the Gazette…that is where it belongs….what is the rate….the program rate…well wait that is not good….you said yourself Frank that is not good….why haven’t they removed the program rate….because they haven’t changed their rate yet….they haven’t lifted the 000’s….what are they waiting for…what were you doing last Monday….I heard you Security and Stability right…yeah.

So it turns out Family that Mosul in the last 36 hours has been treated as the budget was treated….given to you…Mosul…at the appropriate time…at the perfect time…at the calculated time…in their timeframe.

So Abadi not only tells the citizens yesterday that….Frank was interrupted by chat…..Abadi went on Iraqia television and told them everything about the budget…and today he went on and he did the same thing….but this time he talked about Mosul…now once again you and I feel that we don’t have Mosul yet….didn’t I tell you we are beyond the center of Mosul…yeah that is right…..but how do you define “beyond the center of Mosul”

Frank….did you see the map….yeah the map with all the colors on it…that is right….do you see the river on it…the Tigris River…yeah…did you see from the east to the west….from the west to the east….yes I did…they talked about that….what does that mean….it means they are beyond the center of Mosul….the east is done Family….the west is done…..where Abadi says we are on the west coast…from the east to the west or the west to the east…it doesn’t matter it is all wiped out…clean…

It will never be completely disinfected…but we are now in a position where I can tell you that Abadi has announced to the citizens….to the World…the international world…..we have liberated the last stronghold…there are no ISIS escaping…they are simply dead…and I pray you never see the pictures Family…and I pray you never see the river with many bodies.

This whole conference call is in my opinion…and everything that I say except things that are backed up by articles I read is all in my opinion, solely.

The bridges have been disabled haven’t they and we told you they are cornered….didn’t we say that…the Peshmerga Army I have told you what they are doing…they are on the right and left side….think about that….I have told you we call them side snipers….left and right.

ISIS was surprised in the last 36 hours…and it is not something that we talk about…the maneuvers, the logistics, the statistics…we do not talk about the exercises of our troops….in fact yesterday when DELTA and I were talking….he said….let’s give it 24 hours….something is about to explode…something is just not correct…..something is up with this budget…they hid it not from us…but for us….and they now introduce it and compliment it with Security and Stability….we didn’t even have to wait 24 hours.

We actually think there may be another announcement coming about Chapter VII from the UN over the weekend IOO.

There is more to come out not only with the budget, not only with Mosul, but with the Monetary Reform IMO.

Also on Friday it is the inauguration of the new President of the United States of America….Mr. President…yes…on the week that you get sworn in…..yes….we have a surprise for you….yes.

Family once Chapter VII is treated the way the budget and Mosul is being treated right now…in the public’s eye…then IOO they have 72 hours to show a new true rate installed for the public….they can hold that rate for three days….but this timing depends on the Stability and Security of what we are about to hear in the coming days…and God willing…an official announcement of Chapter VII lifted.

We also study something called Article IV…but I am not going to get into that just yet….it deals with entrances.

We also study Article VIII with you…so this timeline it is not solid ok….but it is not quicksand either….it will not discolor your study…it is just simply not exactly known.

Article VIII and Article IV what they deal with is not to liberate Mosul but to liberate the exchange rate.

DELTA and I talked yesterday twice…but the second time we talked in the evening we said you know what…they are holding it…they released the budget in a quirky kind of weird looking way…but they haven’t released the other things we are talking about…maybe they are holding it for a military site that contains many things of Stability and Security…and you and I know that the apex of this site is the capture or killing of al-Baghdadi…which will bring us the Stability and Security.

Stability and Security is by deduction….which is what they have given you in the last two days.

So how did the Gazette make this mistake….how did the Gazette get caught with their pants down….because the budget was signed IOO on the 18th of December…and they didn’t give a squat how they gave it out to you they just held it and released it when they were told to….you may not find any interest in what I am saying right now…but I think after you think about it and pray about it that light bulbs will come on in your head and you will realize that…wow…this is a chain of events of things that are coming together….Family this is almost a dream come true….the surrealism is becoming real….the nightmare is in the daylight.

DELTA and I and all of our TEAMS want to tell you it was like perfect timing…..a calculation….and it had the effect they wanted…and you know what that effect was…..to confuse you…to create a diversion….we called it China Syndrome…

It is like throwing a grenade in the direction you actually want to go in…and by the way….in case you are interested….I talked to my TEAMS on Friday about the ministers…the Finance Minister….they said well we have a Finance Minister….I said we do….yeah….I said ok, what about the Interior Minister…..remember on Monday I said I would really like to see those remaining ministers filled in….it’s coming…..do you think that Barzani is going to be made the Minister of Finance…..no Frank and you shouldn’t have even suggested that….

Why….he’s in Davos….Switzerland….no kidding….who is Barzani there with….the Finance Minister…ok if Barzani isn’t it….I get it…..but as we suggested the last time we were together on Monday….

Abadi may show up “after” the inauguration…remember that I said that….yeah…why did I say that….because he and Trump have talked at least twice…and the last time they talked IMO even though there is are articles on it Trump said look Abadi why don’t you come and see me after the inauguration…after the 20th…..hmmm…17th, 18th, tomorrow the 19th….do you think we are going to see Abadi in Davos…what do your notes say….after the 20th….do you think we are going to see Abadi in Washington, DC on Friday at the inauguration on the 20th…..after the 20th….hmmmm…ok.

Now when he does come over…..shouldn’t Abadi be in Iraq if they have any interest in raising the value of their currency….shouldn’t the leader of a country be there and not have his technocrats or someone else represent him….I mean it is about credit isn’t it….Abadi is going to get credit for all of this right….who else should get credit….IMO the United States of America and all of its agencies….that have really camped in Iraq for the last year and half.

So after the 20th….you see Abadi was so busy with giving you Mosul and Security and Stability, with giving you a budget that can be retroactive at any time….doing the things he needs to do for the international world to understand….check me out….come in….Trump do you like the things you are seeing in Iraq….IMO Trump says yeah….of course I do.

Frank showed an image on his phone and it says…..Obama warns of sudden unilateral moves in the Middle East….and to that I say….Obama what do you care…..you are leaving in two days…and I can imagine Obama saying to me….well I’m trying to get credit….oh there is that word again….for what….well for the things that happened in Iraq under my regime….really Obama it is that important to you….did you miss Abadi saying that Mosul was liberated….so why are you causing trouble and telling the world be careful that unilateral moves in the ME could cause trouble….I’m warning you….Obama….shut up….I am so sick and tired of your hypocrisy…and by the way Obama the US is a Christian nation.

So Abadi….after the 20th will show up in the US, somewhere in Washington, DC….what’s up Trump….now where would Abadi stay…I bet if he stayed at a Holiday Inn he could be pretty smart the next day…..no…I believe IMO he will stay at the Iraqi embassy…a good place to stay…more security….oh by the way…..may I ask you a question….what is the Iraqi embassy…it is Iraq….it is Iraqi sovereign ground….where should the Prime Minister be when he makes the announcement that they have changed the value of their currency….on Iraqi soil….on Iraqi ground….Family the Iraqi embassy in America is Iraq.

By the way…IMO….Donald Trump and Abadi have had many conversations….I suggested at least two…but since I’ve been with you on Monday may I change and say that he’s had a heck of a lot of conversations with Abadi….because this is well calculated…well planned….and you didn’t see the importance of the budget in the Gazette and how it was presented to the world….it is the same way everything else is being presented to you….by walking backwards with their heels first….it is almost as if they are in coordination with something….wouldn’t you agree or wouldn’t you suggest that as an opinion.

I told you it was all airborne…we bombed the living daylights out ISIS/DAASH and they are no more.

Frank26: Remember when I used to show you the newspapers…I would hold them up…there was a good reason for that and I stopped….trying to make our CC’s too long…but if I had held up newspapers this past weekend into Monday…do you know what I would have shown you…..

Donald Trump saying….we are not aggressive enough…we are not intense enough in Mosul….we have not been strong enough…..really Trump that is what you think….yes that is what I think….did you make any phone calls to Abadi over the weekend…..because the guy you are taking over for….you know….little o….he has totally ignored the ME and Mosul and Iraq.

So Family we might find out tomorrow that Abadi is making arrangements to come to the US for the inauguration on Friday….no….sometime after that….maybe.

I told you the last time we were together that our timeframe is anytime after the 20th….and I am going to tell you that anytime after the 20th inside the first quarter…inside the Mookla of 2017.

Remember when we showed you where the oil prices in the last weeks of December should be….and then three days after we gave you that number for the barrel of oil….there it was….we told you we had formulas where we calculated the oil price and we hit it spot on and we shared it with you…that type of calculation is what we are seeing with so many different things in Iraq right now.

It was maybe three Mondays ago that I told you IMO the UN is soon to close up….probably not this year but maybe next year…and I told you there was corruption in the UN….once again I tell you we are looking for things out of there….but I tell you they are floating with troubles….the UN no longer serves any purpose to the US….

And if we were to say goodbye to the UN….the $10 billion USD that are contributed yearly to the UN will be gone….why do you tell me this Frank….because IMO Iraq is more complicated than the UN….IMO the US and the UK and the ME are neck deep into Iraq….they are tied together…the BIS, the US Treasury, the Central Bank of England….all of these are tied in together….so once again…Iraq is more complicated than the UN….we have more to gain by helping Iraq Family than by giving the UN our money.

So Fallujah was important right…sure was…and we said you would have the Economic Reforms right….right…let me ask you something….when we had Fallujah given to us last summer did we have the Economic Reforms given to us right away….no…but we started to see contracts…you told us about a rate…there was also an in-country rate that would help the citizens….you know with a little purchase power….

I think it was something around June or July wasn’t it….yeah….from July-January six months…that is a good point…and for those of you who didn’t catch that point…when they gave us Fallujah did we see the Economic Reform that we said would happen very quickly….at the blink of an eye….no.

Now we have Mosul….yeah….we have Security and Stability….well I think so that is all that he has been bragging about…that is all we keep seeing on the articles….Stability and Security….we suggested after you have that you would have what….the Monetary Reform like we had the Economic Reforms with Fallujah….very good.

Now let’s talk about Mosul and the Stability and Security that was for the Monetary Reform….Abadi comes out and he says we have a final….oh my goodness….what do we call our articles…..Abadi says we have a final liberation in Mosul that had approached…..good…and I can imagine Abadi picking up the phone and saying….hey Trump how you like me now….are you going to come over on the 20th….no I’m busy I will see you after the 20th…alright….but no seriously….how you like me now….you are cool….you are good….you guys were too slow….I know but there was a reason why we were slow Mr. Trump….I know.

“Liberation Final and the Total Victims in Mosul”……BINGO….Abadi told us in 2015 they were going to open Iraq to the international world….guess what he told them on Iraqia television yesterday…the same thing…Family Abadi is trying to tell you something….Abadi is trying to tell you that Mosul is done….and they are now telling you that Mosul is done…and IMO this news is very old….oh snap…just like the budget…the date was wrong…this is old.

The US Secretary of State Kerry comes out and says…you know in all honesty it was Maliki, he was the cause of the fall of Mosul…John Kerry who is asking you….why do you point fingers when we have it liberated….and I can just imagine in his mind his thinking….well I got to do something to get Obama off the hook….everyone knows he didn’t sign the SOFA agreement….everyone knows Maliki went crazy….everyone knows he took over all of Iraq….everyone knows they delayed the revaluation of their currency….everyone knows that Obama’s library will have one book in it and it will be a comic book.

“The United States pays tribute to the achievements of troops in Mosul”….well that is much better….we all know that Maliki was the cause of all of this….we all know of the relationship between him and Obama….we don’t have to talk about old news….but it interesting that you now give us information that our TEAMS study and feel is now many weeks old….we told you we are beyond the center of Mosul….look at the map….I told you the topography….I told you the landscape as all changed….we are beyond the center of Mosul….I don’t talk about our operations….I don’t talk about our troops I let you figure it our yourself.

“Military Intelligence found Treasures Containing Serious Information on the Element of DAASH in Mosul”…..oh my goodness I cannot believe my KTFA Family walked right over this….this is a lot of closets that will have a lot of skeletons pouring out pretty soon….is there any chance there was yellow cake….any chance it was al-Baghdadi…..was it information/intel that we need….but since you walked right over that so will I….but I am bringing it out to you.

“The Amount of the Restoration of the Entire Left Side of Mosul has been Accomplished”….oh my goodness Family….is it the right side…the left side….hey…..it is from coast to coast he says…from the east to the west….Family Mosul and Trump are not connected to try and purposefully embarrass Obama….no….it is just turning out that way…..eight years were wasted…and it is amazing how at the Mookla…at the beginning of 2017 so much as happened….at the speed of light.

By the way the program rate that we told you is missing from three spots on the Arabic side of the CBI website….they are still empty…Family it has been 18 days without a rate….I saw someone post saying….oh Frank doesn’t know….I just went to the CBI website on their front page look right there is says 1184 and 1182 on January 4th the rate is there….you didn’t listen did you….

I told you there were three spots and I defined those three spots for you….look in your notes….if you don’t want to study that is your problem….I know it is on the first page and do you know what that is….that is something that was put up a long time ago….it is the Indicative Rate compared to the other countries currency and it has been empty since the beginning of this year….what you are talking about you that criticized me…that was on the 4th of January….those numbers were put up there and they stay up there but they don’t mean jack….we look on the spreadsheet of the auction prices, and we look at the indicative rates and we look at the financial sheets.

“Anti-terrorism Device Control on the Left Side in Mosul”….”We Killed 3,300 Terrorists”….what did we say to you on Monday….I said they have about 4,500 left and we have now about 1,000 to go.

What are the articles telling you in the last 36 to 48 hours….that people are moving back….you saw all of those beautiful pictures….all those beautiful homes, the shopping malls, the places…the service areas that are being cleaned up….people are moving back to their normal lives in Iraq….the Markets are opening up for the citizens…ISIS cannot fight….the Security and Stability was well protected….just like the budget was.

Abadi’s statements to his citizens….to his people are very bold concerning Mosul….and they are trying to accomplish Mosul with big progress…and they have been doing this for a good 90 days….and IMO we were past the center and ready to announce it weeks ago….its strictly IMO….there is no ISIS….there is no leadership…there is no place left to run is what they are telling us in the articles….they are surrendering…interesting all of this moments away from the inauguration of the President of the US.

And by the way some of you are confused….well Frank is it the left side or the right side….is it the west side or the east side…..let me try to help you….in fact you should draw this out…..Put N on top and S on bottom….if you were from the Kurdistan region coming down into Mosul the liberated area would be on the left side….if you are coming up from the South into Mosul the liberated area will be on the right side….I hope that helps you….they are liberated Abadi said from coast to coast…..I told you the landscape changed.

Someone called or texted asking Frank which is the bigger side the east side or the west side…..well the east side is the biggest….it is bigger than the west side….and the reason why I think they got it is because beside the fact that it was strategically important…it was actually easiest because of the bridges and the river between them….

We are way ahead of what Abadi is actually telling you IMO….the maps they are showing you with the colors…we are way ahead of those too IMO….the liberation is one thing but the cleanup is another…the editing…and that is why I am asking you to be fair how long once you had Fallujah did it take for you to see the Economic Reforms…how long will it take you to see the Monetary Reform now that we have Mosul.

We have universities….we have shopping malls….we have homes….we have mosques….we have banks.

By the way we have really gone past the sidebar….I’m sure you are aware of that.

I think that it is good for you to put in your notes and remember that this coming September is elections in Iraq…actually the elections in the provinces of Iraq….that deals with like our Senate and Congress….but these are calculated moves I think.

Abadi did not go to Davos…so will he come on the 20th to Trump’s party….I believe after the 20th….so in the next few days we should find an answer to that question…notice that I keep bringing it back up….but notice that I am not tying Obama and Trump and the RV together….I am simply explaining to you the way things have been calculated and the way they are right now….yes I think it is nice that Abadi will come to the US after Trump is sworn in…..it would be nice if he showed up on Friday but I think he is a little busy right now.

Let me give you an example of what he is busy with…he needs his ministers and I believe that is what he is working on right now…and as you know Abadi is looking for a Finance Minister that is really important….I had suggested it might be Barzani but I made a horrible mistake and I correct that with you tonight….

The proxy Finance Minister is the guy who went to Davos….he was actually the Educational Minister but Abadi changed him over to be the Finance Minister…he’s just a proxy…what is going to happen is that the Kurds will eventually tell Abadi ok this is the guy we want to be the Finance Minister…and whoever this person will be will then step in and replace the proxy….why…..because many things are well calculated…..a long time ago….and given to you at the pace they want to give to you….and what is that pace….it is the pace of the ME.

Oh by the way….US do you mind guaranteeing the bonds for Iraq….not until they lift the value of their currency….oh ok.

They have been hiding the budget from us….nope….they hid it for us…for a long time…this was something you needed to understand and I keep repeating them to you over and over….but I don’t believe there is going to be much hidden anymore….I told you with Mosul things will pick up with the speed of light….but be fair about it…..no more needs….and I believe it is due to the ability of Mosul being born now hatched out of an egg….just within the last few hours and given to the international world….this information was actually released by the US Embassy.

Let me ask you something….they are telling us that Mosul is liberated is that correct….the same way I start this CC is the same way I end my CC’s….have you ever noticed that….the thought at the beginning is always brought back to you at the end….and that is the way a good writer writes.

Why is there no sign of al-Baghdadi…how can the snake be dead and the head still be alive….how can you give me a budget the day before it was signed….fascinating isn’t it…if I don’t want you to know anything Family I am going to walk backwards with my heels first….try that in the sand…and it will look like you were walking in the opposite direction….well done….when we look back at this years later we are going to say they did things really well….think about what I just asked you….how is that possible…the same way we started….something is wrong Frankie Frankie…..Family you have Mosul but you don’t have al-Baghdadi….something is wrong….isn’t it.

We do not need Mosul for the Monetary Reform…we need al-Baghdadi for the Security and Stability that will bring us the Monetary Reform….do you remember those words.

And remember these words again…they hide things from us….no…they hide things for us….this intel that they tell you today IMO is all well calculated….this is their plan of operations Family….to walk backwards with their heels first…to guide you in a completely different direction while they calculate their next steps….they are releasing the information backwards….do you remember that I told you that on Monday….Family…they are giving you things backwards…hello….I just saw thousands of lights pop on all of a sudden…you remember that don’t you….I told you my words are calculated for you too….I told you that a long time ago.

They are releasing the information backwards to confuse you….why….because this is the Middle Eastern culture….this news on Mosul is new to you but not to me and my study….Family to understand something you have to understand what it is not….and I am not double talking here…..let me give you an example….if you want to lecture on the word inspire….I would not start my teaching about the etymology of the word, what it means….you know what I would do….I would first teach the opposite of that word….that being expire….I would start here with expire for you to even begin to understand inspire….they are doing things backwards and we told you this three weeks ago.

“Abadi Confirms that the Continuation of Battles of the Last Two are entering the Editing From Coast to Coast Declaring Liberation”…that is wonderful…but I think it is a little bit old.

Oh did you know that today the 18th is Obama’s farewell speech…is that why this announcement of Mosul that has been protected from us for us since November 2016 is now released to the world…you might as well put that golf ball on that tee because that was a perfect shot.

“Iraq’s Prime Minister Abadi Wants a Full Disclosure of the 2003 US Led Invasion”….I had a phone call asking me to please talk about that tonight…you know why they want accountability of the bill that is about to be paid for the whole war…..Iraq will be compensated for the tragedies and catastrophes that they have endured….what…you don’t think the US and the coalition forces won’t be paid either…..of course you want an accountability of it all.

So Abadi asks Obama how you like me now.

“The Central Bank of Iraq Seeks to Control the Sale of the Dollar and Rely on Another Beneficiary to Get it”…..what does that mean….here is what that means…because we don’t want confusion that this is something negative or that they are not going to lift the value against the dollar or whatever….any bank around the world that sends money into Iraq and for that matter any bank inside of Iraq that sends money outside of Iraq needs the proper information….

They need the name of the customer…the location, the address, they need everything…..actually now the CBI will call the receiver of the money or the loan or whatever the transaction was to verify…they will not use documentation anymore….know your customer….remember those words that we taught you…..and that is what this really is….the control of corruption and the control of money laundering and that is why this is so important to the IMF….and this is so important for Article VIII.

“Oil Minister Announces the Completion of a Legal Draft”….of what…the Oil and Gas….the Oil and Gas what….the Law….yeah….it has been sent to the COM….are you serious….very serious….the new Oil Minister Family got two drafts and he sent them to the COM….the Council of Ministers to look at it…and then it was sent to Parliament…etc…etc…and the Kurds used to be a problem about this issue….the HCL…the Oil and Gas Law…but they are not anymore….

They are using the old census….they may be using math that we don’t know about to give the citizens what belongs to them…to give the citizens purchasing power…oh year that does make sense….the new Oil Minister just recently went to the Kurdistan…I wonder what for….what I just told you….oh….shut the front door.

These two things…that I just brought to you as the cherry on top of our CC…these two reasons of improvements is what allowed Iraq to go from the grey list to the white list.

This information that I was just given is vital and important within the next few days and we will talk about it on TEAM Chat on Friday at 9:00 pm EST.

Dismissed with a prayer.

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