Kate Ford on Tracy Barlow turning 40 this week

Tracy Lynette Langton was born on January 24 1977, the daughter of Deirdre and Ray Langton. And this week, Tracy celebrates her 40th birthday on Coronation Street.

Kate Ford is the latest in a long line of actresses who have played Tracy in Corrie. And she gives a good interview today to The Sun

Asked to pick her favourite Tracy moment from the 15 years she's played the character, Kate says: “One of my favourite scenes was when Tracy confessed to Deirdre that she’d killed Charlie Stubbs after he cheated on her. I worked so closely with Annie (Anne Kirkbride, who played Deirdre) on that scene. It was just the two of us. We rehearsed and we were given the time to do it."

I couldn't agree more, this two-hander episode is one of my favourite Coronation Street episodes, ever. It's one of only two two-hander episodes that Corrie has ever done, the other was Raquel and Curly's milennium special episode of the show.

But Kate was less than happy with the direction her character was going in last year. She says: “Tracy was harder to play for me last year, because she was becoming a bit one-dimensional, but this year she’s back on track. The stories are making her a bit more human again. And I like the fact that she doesn’t have a female arch-enemy at the moment. For a while the scriptwriters would have Tracy fight with someone, then they’d leave, and they’d give her another arch-enemy. It got a bit old."

And as for the future of Tracy, Kate says: "I can imagine Tracy turning out quite like her grandmother Blanche, getting drunk, insulting everyone and causing trouble.Will Tracy still be here at 80? You’ll have to wait and see. But I don’t think she’s run her course yet.”

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