Entry Submitted by LJ at 2:08 AM EST on February 1, 2017
Most Beloved DC Family:
Can you feel it? Can you feel the abundance that is in the air? Laced throughout
various intel posts from Yosef, Bruce, KFTA, AdminBill, Tank, Gary and guests, and
others; sharings of Cowboy Down Under, Heisenberg, Cee the Light, One Who Knows,
Pine Cone, BG, Island, Angel Gee, Daughter of Terra, One who Serves, Harmony
and all those who remain unnamed; and all the many others who post (and those
who watch from the wings) is an abundance of love and light. It emboldens us in
our times of strength, and lifts and holds us in our times of weakness. It opens us
to mercy, forgiveness and understanding. We Surrender. We begin to awaken from
the Grand Illusion of lack and separation from God and All That Is. All valuable
lessons for our works of Service to God and Humanity. My heart overflows with gratitude
for each of you.
Whether through geopolitical analysis/provision of intel (particularly as I have no
personal sources), humor, sharing personal stories and challenges, you have
enriched and touched my life, and I love you. We are already dissolving the illusory
veil and creating this new world. I look forward to creating it with you.
I have noticed some concern about the effects of monies from NESARA/GESARA
for humanity. As a humanitarian, anything which brings abundance to all of
humanity can only serve to benefit us all. The thought that everyone would have
plenty brings me nothing but joy. People will pursue their passions -- and the NPTB/
the company of heaven have considered the possibilities. The solutions are there
for us as we recognize the illusion we have all created.
In my dream world, jobs are a thing of the past and we spend our lives doing that
which brings us greatest joy, whether building, growing, healing, teaching, raising
children, working to heal the planet and her many inhabitants, or traveling to the far
reaches of the universe/multiverse and all its dimensions. We desire to serve
humanity through a variety of means. Do others not have the same right to do so?
Why do we presume to judge the worthiness of others to receive (or "handle") the funds?
(Judge not that ye be not judged...) We desire others to trust us to appropriately use
and distribute such tremendous wealth. Time to offer that trust to others and, in doing so,
heal the perpetual sense of lack/need freeing them to love, bliss and freedom.
In the event that NESARA/GESARA occur simultaneously with the GCR... The vast
financial blessing will still have its use -- it is twofold (while our communal illusion
persists). First, the enormity of our task in bringing basic needs, infrastructure and healing
to Terra and her inhabitants will require immense resources and planning. There will still
be much for us to do and we will have to dream even bigger than before. Second, the
whole purpose is to release us from the illusion of fear of lack/not having enough. I foresee
that magnificent day when money is obsolete and all live abundant, healthy, love-filled lives.
We will have awoken from the Grand Illusion.
Remember, the greatest gift we give in this is LOVE. The money may heal the material
needs/wants, but it won't heal the broken hearts and weary souls. This is the greatest
role we may hope to fulfill as we wake to the awareness that we've been living an illusion.
We've always been abundant and We never left God (and, obviously, God never left us).
WE ARE LOVE ETERNAL! Onward to the Grand Awakening!!
God Loves You & I Love You! May You be Blessed and be a Blessing to Others!
LJ (Lore)
P.S. Yosef -- thank you for the "Global Chrystal Reset/Reversal". Time for the veil to fall
and illusion to pass away. The multi-act play is ending with the final curtain call and all
actors taking their last bow. We Awaken to Truth and Reality!
P.P.S. Patrick -- thank you so much for hosting this site and for all your hard work! Much
Love to You and your Family!
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