Guest Posts Regarding the RV/GCR & More for Sat. Evening - 1.28.17

This is a compilation of all guest posts submitted as of Saturday Evening, January 28, 2017. All guest posts that are more than 5 paragraphs in length or deemed important or is a response to another post will be considered it's own post.

Note: This post will be continuously updated with more entries as they are submitted. ~ Dinar Chronicles


"A Spiritual Message to the Dark ones (Cabal)"

Entry Submitted by AIIr1 at 6:59 PM EST on January 28, 2017

A man should pause and reflect and be just: his Lord, out of measureless grace, has made him a human being and honored him with the words: “Verily, We created man in the goodliest of forms”—and caused His mercy which rises out of the dawn of oneness to shine down upon him, until he became the wellspring of the words of God and the place where the mysteries of heaven alighted, and on the morning of creation he was covered with the rays of the qualities of perfection and the graces of holiness. How can he stain this immaculate garment with the filth of selfish desires, or exchange this everlasting honor for infamy? “Dost thou think thyself only a puny form, when the universe is folded up within thee?”

(From the Baha'i Writings. Book: The Secret of Divine Civilization)



"Thank You"

Entry Submitted Anonymously at 9:59 PM EST on January 28, 2017

Thank you to both of you for doing this.

It is hugely helpful to many people. I will be emailing all my Giftees (over 50).

Website Update - Last Minute Q&A w/ Yosef Now Closed

Thanks again!

Be Blessed.


"I Just Scanned Part 1"

Entry Submitted Anonymously at 9:59 PM EST on January 28, 2017

Questions & Answers w/ Yosef - January 28, 2017 - Part 1

Wow. All I can say is Wow.

Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

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