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The week’s Corrie started with a dream sequence, which split fans up and down the land. Some of us hated it, some of us loved it. It’s a thing, it happened, and like the incidental music that’s been creeping in of late, it perhaps signals a new direction for the show. What will it be next, I wonder?
The dream sequence was Andy’s, in which he was running down the cobbles away from the murdering hands of Pat Phelan. In Andy’s dream he made his escape but in real life, Phelan caught him and bashed him to death with Kev’s laptop.
Kev’s laptop contains evidence, recorded on CCTV, of Phelan talking to Todd about conning the cobbles residents over his fraudulent flats. Phelan forces Andy to burn down Kev’s garage to get rid of the laptop. Well, the garage goes up in flames but Andy saves the laptop and hides it in the flat. Alas, it’s his undoing when Phelan finds it and whacks him with it after Luke reveals, unwittingly, that Andy and Steph are about to do a runner to Portugal. Poor Steph, meanwhile, was waiting at the airport for Andy to turn up. Phelan sends Steph a text from Andy’s phone, telling her to go without him, which she does. After murdering (and burying?) Andy, Phelan rushes to the register office to marry Eileen. There’s dirt on his shoes and a splash of blood on his cuff, but Eileen notices neither as she kisses her groom.
At Kev’s garage, he’s arrested by the cops on suspicion of arson and even Tyrone thinks Kev set the place ablaze for the insurance cash.
Elsewhere this week, Sally puts Tim on a sex ban until they have an improving conversation, so Tim goes on a talking ban. They soon make up when Tim buys a tandem and calls Sally out of work to see his new purchase. “I’m in the middle of a gusset!” she yells at him from the factory door. But soon, their marital harmony comes full cycle.
Over at the Rovers, Michelle’s heart continues to break as she tries to deal with her grief. Liz is furious with her daughter in law when she discovers Michelle planning Ruari’s funeral with Billy the vicar and the two women have words. But Liz softens, of course, and they share a tender moment about when Liz lost her own baby, Katy, many years ago.
At Roy’s Rolls, new girl Shona starts work. She’s a rough diamond, the same girl who stole David’s Wallet, and the storyline is a little too much like when Becky and Roy were put together, for my liking. My jury is out until I see where this is going but it feels heavy-handed to me.
In the kebab shop, Daniel gives Sinead a gift of a venus fly trap plant as he goes all out to woo her. Sinead starts having doubts about her relationship with Chesney and tells him she thinks they should split.
Nathan continues to groom Bethany as she takes up his offer to start her vlogging from inside his tanning salon. She’s doing hair-dos online for those that like this sort of thing, while Nathan pretends he’s, er, helping.
And finally this week, both Tile Street and Crimea Street were given a mention, no doubt in preparation for the extension of the Coronation Street set when we go to six episodes a week later this year.
And that’s just about that for this week.
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This week’s writers Julie Jones (Monday double); Mark Wadlow (Wednesday); Simon Crowther (Friday double). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team
Glenda Young
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