Books (authors: A.Yablokov, S.Ostroumov) were bought by top world university libraries. Conservation of living nature and resources : problems, trends, and prospects. S A Ostroumov; A. V.Yablokov (A.V. Jablokov). M.I.T., Harvard University, Yale University, Princeton University, Library of Congress, Stanford University, UC Berkeley Libraries ,

Books (authors: A.Yablokov,  S.Ostroumov) were bought by top world libraries, top world  universities.

Conservation of living nature and resources : problems, trends, and prospects. 

S A Ostroumov; A. V.Yablokov (A.V. Jablokov).
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 Stanford UniversityUC Berkeley Libraries ,  Bibliothèque nationale de France , et al.


Conservation of living nature and resources : problems, trends, and prospects

Author:S A OstroumovAleksej Vladimiroviď Jablokov
Publisher:Berlin : Springer-Verlag, cop. 1991
Edition/Format:  Print book : EnglishView all editions and formats
Examines the problems arising from the deterioration of the environment and covers the issues of conservation at the molecular-genetic, the ontogenetic, the species-population and the ecosystem  Read more...
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Document Type:Book
All Authors / Contributors:S A OstroumovAleksej Vladimiroviď Jablokov
ISBN:0387520961 9780387520964 3540520961 9783540520962
OCLC Number:475819638
Description:xi, 271 s. : ill. ; 24 cm
Contents:I.- 1 The Dangerous Extent of Human Impact on the Biosphere.- 1.1 Use and Transformation of Land Surface.- 1.2 Exploitation of Natural Resources and Pollution of the Biosphere.- 2 Molecular-Genetic Level.- 2.1 Effects on Structural and Functional Systems of the Cell.- 2.2 Biotransformation and Biodegradation of Pollutants.- 3 Problems at the Ontogenetic Level.- 3.1 Changes in Embryogenesis.- 3.2 Disturbance of Growth.- 3.3 Disturbance of Reproduction.- 3.4 Metabolic Disturbances, Poisoning and Diseases.- 3.5 Conclusions.- 4 Problems at the Species-Population Level.- 4.1 General Characteristics of Species Disappearance.- 4.2 Causes of Species Disappearance.- 4.3 Importance of the Minimal Number of the Population.- 4.4 Conclusions.- 5 Problems at the Ecosystem Level.- 5.1 Changes in Ecosystem Structure.- 5.2 Disturbance of Interspecies Interactions.- 5.3 Breakage of Information Flows in Ecosystems.- 5.4 Destruction of Vegetation Cover in Toto.- 5.5 Transfer of Toxic Substances by Migrating Animals.- 5.6 Bioaccumulation of Pollutants and Their Transfer Through Trophic Chains.- 5.7 Acid Precipitations.- 5.8 Changes in Primary Productivity.- 5.9 Conservation Problems in Some Important Ecosystems.- 5.10 Conclusions.- 6 Economic Problems in the Protection of Living Nature.- 7 Organizational and Legal Problems of the Protection of Living Nature.- 7.1 Problems to Be Treated on an International Level.- 7.2 Problems to Be Treated on a National Level.- 8 Problems of Prognostication.- 8.1 Molecular Level.- 8.2 Onthogenetic Level.- 8.3 Populations and Species Level.- 8.4 Ecosystem and Biosphere Levels.- 8.5 Forecasts of the Ecological Consequences of a Nuclear War.- II Prospects for the Protection of Living Nature.- 9 Protection of Living Nature and its Connection with Other Global Problems.- 9.1 "Nuclear Winter" and Disarmament.- 9.2 Demographic Problem and Need for Stabilization.- 9.3 Reduction of the Biosphere Pollution Rate.- 10 Need for Ecologization of Society's Activities.- 10.1 Need for Ecologization of Agriculture.- 10.2 Need for Ecologization of the Economic Forms of Biosphere Utilization.- 10.3 Need for Ecologization of Industry and Transport.- 10.4 Need for Ecologization of the Economy.- 10.5 Need for Ecologization of the Urban Environment.- 10.6 Need for Ecologization of Medicine.- 10.7 Need for Ecologization of Politics and Law.- 11 Ways of Preserving Living Nature.- 11.1 Protection in Natural Habitats.- 11.2 Captive Breeding.- 11.3 Domestication and Cultivation.- 11.4 Ecological Engineering.- 11.5 Genetic Banks.- 11.6 Regulated Evolution.- 12 Scientific Foundations and Theory of Living Nature Protection Within the System of Biological Science.- 12.1 Biological Sciences and the Scientific Foundations of Living Nature Protection.- 12.2 Axiomatization of the Theoretical Foundations of Living Nature Protection.- 12.3 Conclusion.- Index of Authors.
Responsibility:A.V. Yablokov, S.A. Ostroumov
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Unique innovative monograph

by Dean2014 (WorldCat user published 2014-09-14) Excellent Permalink
Excellent book. The first monograph that created a new scientific discipline. The fundamentals of the scientific basis for nature conservation and biodiversity protection were created in this book. Excellent new system of organization of a huge range of facts. This book is one of the most important...
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Biological effects of surfactants

Author:Sergeĭ Andreevich Ostroumov
Publisher:Boca Raton : CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2006.
Edition/Format:  eBook : Document : EnglishView all editions and formats
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The British Library, On Demand
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Agrandir/réduire la section Informations Details

Genre/Form:Electronic books
Additional Physical Format:Print version:
Ostroumov, Sergeĭ Andreevich.
Biological effects of surfactants.
Boca Raton : CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2006
(DLC) 2005053818
Material Type:Document, Internet resource
Document Type:Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors:Sergeĭ Andreevich Ostroumov
ISBN:142002129X 9781420021295 9780849325267 0849325269
OCLC Number:78059359
Description:1 online resource (279 pages) : illustrations
Contents:Computer generated contents: Chapt. 1. Anthropogenic impacts and synthetic surfactants as pollutants of aquatic ecosystems --
chapt. 2. Organisms and methods --
chapt. 3. Biological activity of waters containing anionic surfactants --
chapt. 4. Biological activity of waters containing nonionogenic surfactants --
chapt. 5. Biological activity of waters containing cationic surfactants --
chapt. 6. Biological effects of surfactant-containing mixtures and other preparations --
chapt. 7. Biological effects of synthetic surfactants and participation of hydrobionts in water purification.
Responsibility:S.A. Ostroumov.

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