And in an attempt to stop the decline and revive the Islamic Ummah many movement arose to halt this decline and this was because these groups did not address the basis due to which the Islamic ummah was declining and how it could be revived.
The book Mafaheem Hizb Ut Tahrir by the eminent Jurist, Thinker and statesman, Sheikh Taqiuddin An Nabhani is a deep and unbiased research into the conceptual reasons of the failure of the Islamic movements that arose in the past 2 centuries. This book mainly was written with the objective to clarify the key thoughts and concepts which the Ummah was confused in and therefore had been unable to stop the decline in the Islamic Ummah.
Alhamdulillah the Translation of the Sharh (Explanation & Commentary) of this book by Shekh Hafez Saleh (one of the early pioneers of the Da'wa) is now available in print in English. You can check the book out on MaktabaIslamia.