Attorney General nominee defends anti-LGBTQ 'First Amendment Defense Act'

Top Headlines for Wednesday Jan 25, 2017

Top StoryAttorney General nominee defends anti-LGBTQ 'First Amendment Defense Act'
Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions was asked about FADA by Senator Al Franken, who also asked the nominee to defend his opposition to hate crime legislation.
Won’t someone please adopt Jodie, the intersex dog?
The shelter can't find anyone willing to adopt the dog, not just because of her age but because she's both male and female.

Students say their high school play was shut down because of a lesbian character
An administrator said, "If a parent takes their child to see the show, and the child's like 'Is that woman trying to kiss that woman?' what is the parent going to say?"

Kim Davis’ lawyer: Police traumatized by walking in blood from gay Pulse victims
Police, he said, were victims, too, because they had to “get tested for AIDS-related conditions" due to all the blood from gay victims.

Idaho man charged with federal hate crime in fatal beating of gay man
Prosecutors say he lured a gay man to a remote location and then beat him to death.

Trump appoints lawyer who defended discriminatory HB2 law to civil rights job
Gore will now be in charge of defending the very civil, voting, and non-discrimination acts and rights he appears not to believe in.

African nation accidently uses trans woman’s image for Marilyn Monroe stamp
Jimmy James is threatening to sue the Central African Republic if she is not compensated.

Ex-marine brutally attacks friend who dared suggest he might be gay
"I remember hitting the side and laying in that puddle [of blood]... and just knowing that I wasn't going to get out of there if I didn't get up and I didn't run."

Half of all American men are infected with the HPV virus
1 in 4 has a strain linked with several cancers.

Trump spokesperson: ‘I don’t know’ if LGBT executive order will stay
Donald Trump promised to overturn Barack Obama's executive orders, but the White House doesn't know if that includes anti-discrimination protections.

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