TO: Zimjim, Aromachologist, Zim Gates, ActualFactual
You are Forgiven without reservation. These are new times in our World, and it is all about Forgiving, forgetting, loving and including. You as a Beloved Human Being are not rejected, only your divisive hateful messages are. Clearly, with your post today, those days are behind you. Right? I felt a HUGE difference that I LOVED!!!! Your revealing message that you posted today, took so much courage and heart, and indicates so much promise that I had to respond with love and appreciation. For those who missed that great message, here is the link:
"Confession" by Aromachologist - 1.20.17
Here on Dinar Chronicles, we don't know everything, and frankly we hardly know anything because it is all being kept secret for safety reasons, but we are doing our best to sort it out and bring about a unified World of Love Peace and Prosperity. It would please me to no end if you would join us and contribute when you can. Be positive and help the cause.
The Intel Gurus we have, are all we've got. They do their best to inform us and yes they have been wrong many times especially on dates. BUT, where they have been right, about the ZIM as a bond, exchange centers, procedures etc, their intel is priceless. The last thing we want to do, is insult the only people who are going out of their way to help us, when all others want to hurt us.
Personal Advice
I must say, that my Favorite name you have used was Zim Gates, not that I am a fan of Bill Gates, he will have to account for his actions, But, that is a fun name. Also, for your information. Those of us who have been around for a long time know EXACTLY who the GOAT really is, and that includes CLARK as well. Just ask TNT, or any long timer and you will find out. Referring to their intel gets you no credibility or points among those who know. But don’t worry, all those who have a dark heart and dark intentions will be dealt with when the clean up begins. That is why I said no matter if you are on a "Mountain" they will find you. Also, as I understand it, those who don't have a high (enough) vibration of love and caring for others, will wake up on a different planet one day, and it will be 75,000 years before they get another chance to get to the next level of life at 5d. Help build us up, and don’t seek to tear us down. Come with us to 5d and experience the life of your dreams!!!!
Signed: One Who Knows