[TOMORROW] Demonstration against the racist and homophobic legislations of Toroczkai, Ásotthalom

Dear everybody!

It's a really last minute call, but if somebody is near Szeged, please join this protest tomorrow!

Join the protest tomorrow organised by the LGBT Community Szeged to demonstrate against the latest legislative changes in Ásotthalom! Free bus is going from Budapest to Ásotthalom at 10 am, you can still register.

On the 23rd of November the municipality of Ásotthalom accepted a new legislation recommended by László Toroczkai that outlaws the practice of Islam in the public spaces of the village, including muezzins and wearing of veils and headscarves. A supplementary measure „similar to those legislations in the East and Russia” bans public actions that „propagates” homosexuality.
Toroczkai is also known about organizing migrant hunting actions on the Hungarian-Serbian border, about which he often posts pictures on his facebook page.

The measures prove how easily legislation can adapt to hatred against anybody who differs from the normative even a bit.

More info: https://www.rt.com/news/368202-burqas-mosques-gay-banned-hungarian/

Facebook event of the protest: https://www.facebook.com/events/1769658783288635/

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