Reminder: Vote For Nat Geo's People's Choice Adventurer of the Year

Just a quick reminder that time is running out to cast your ballot for the National Geographic Adventurer of the Year for 2017. As we told you a few weeks back, this year's class is filled with some very worthy recipients of the title, but one will still be crowned "People's Choice Adventurer of the Year," and you get to help decide who that person is. The only catch? You'll have to cast your vote before the end of the week.

Some of the honorees this year include mountaineer Colin Haley, who put up some of the most amazing climbs in Patagonia and elswhere; Polish cave diver Krzysztof Starnawski, who discovered the deepest cave in the world; and paraglider Antoine Girard, who flew his glider from the top of Broad Peak back in July. The rest of the list is equally interesting and deserving of recognition as well, and each is eligible to win the "People's Choice" category too.

To cast your vote, simply click here, scroll down the page, and select the person you want to vote for. Yo can vote once per day, so if you think more than one person deserves the honor, be sure to come back all week and vote again. The online poll will be open through Friday, December 16, after which it will be closed down for another year. The ultimate winner will be announced in January.

Good luck to all of the members of the 2016 class. It's tough choosing which one is most deserving of this honor.