Known for Love

Every year at Christmas time, I have to go through my address book and erase names.  It is, hands down, the most depressing part of Christmas.  This year I had to erase my grandma's best friend Shirley, who was like a grandma to my boys and myself.  She passed just days after Carly was born and never got to meet our sweet girl.

I also had to erase my Grandma Dorothy & Grandpa Bob, surrogate grandparents whom I'm not actually related to, but grew up with all the same.

My grandpa's brother also passed away this year...

As I slowly work through my Christmas card list, erasing as necessary, I can't help but think about the loved ones I've lost, and the thing I would like people to remember most about me when it's my name they're erasing.

I've considered many virtues, different things I'd like to be known for and decided to settle on the most boring, yet most meaningful one. Love. I just want to be known for love. I want to be known for loving my husband more than anyone on the planet.  I want to be known for loving my children and sacrificing everything for them.  I want to be known for loving my friends and my family and making them feel like the most important people in the world.


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