This Is Not A Rally, It's A Burial Service

Self-burial for a denialistic old age home. I have to admit, I like their plan...

Hedge Funds are ALL IN to stave off redemption. China is imploding on a nightly basis. Gamblers are clueless. And it all hinges on OPEC...

The sheer fantasy that insolvent Saudia Implodia, having 10% of global daily market share could single-handedly control the oil market is a first order fantasy for a first order Idiocracy...

"First we maximize production, then we freeze. They're proven serial idiots, they won't notice."

Speaking of proven serial idiots...Stock market gamblers are even more clueless than oil market gamblers, if that's even possible...

Here are Energy stocks (red) with oil prices (black). 

"We really need more leverage this time..."

"Ok, the last two year-ends were just trial runs. This year we'll get buried. For good."

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