McCall's 7015 Paisley Velvet Dress

I made this dress with paisley velvet.

Recently, I purchased the velvet. I had an image of a velvet dress in children's clothing, and I avoided making any of my clothes with any velvet. However, I found a nice stretch velvet fabric that is appropriate for a women's dress. I made McCall's 7015; view A and love this princess-seamed dress styled with a flouncy skirt.

I compared my measurements and the pattern. I thought the skirt length and sleeves were too short. I didn't want to wear a mini dress in winter, so I added to the length by 2 3/4 inches, also shortened the bodice by 3/4 inch. I only had 45" 3 3/8 yd of fabric, so I squeezed the pieces on the fabric. If you will make a knee length dress from this pattern (view A), I recommend that you prepare fabric that is over 45" 3 3/4yd. I guess most of models are over 5" 8' tall, but this model in the envelope photo is shorter, or she is wearing the dress whose sleeves and skirt length is longer than the pattern.

I almost didn't change the design. I attached the rhinestones around the neck line. I wanted to wear the dress in winter, but this pattern doesn't have a lining. If you would like to add a lining, I recommend that you use a stretch fabric, because this pattern has 8 bodice parts and a three dimensional design. This time, I sewed only three pieces lining (it's too much hassle to cut and sew 8 bodice pieces for lining!).

I made these earrings too. I used the left over fur fabric when I made the fur vest (here) before. They were very easy to make!

1. Cut and sew some fur fabric.
(Diameter about 1 3/8 in or 3.5 cm)

2. Pull the thread, so that it makes a pom-pom.

3. Pierce a hole into the pom-pom.

4. Through pin or wire.

5. Finish!

I usually wear this dress with a leather jacket or a fur vest, because I realized that a dress, it slightly reminds me of a... spotted SEAL! (especially from behind) I love seals, but I don't want to look like them.
I have to go on a diet...( ̄◇ ̄;)

Fabric: 45" 3 3/8 yd
Total time spent: 10 hours

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